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编号:_本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载铁矿石外贸合同中英对照 甲 方:_乙 方:_日 期:_说明:本合同资料适用于约定双方经过谈判、协商而共同承认、共同遵守的责任与义务,同时阐述确定的时间内达成约定的承诺结果。文档可直接下载或修改,使用时请详细阅读内容。SELLERBUYER签订日期:年月日SELLE卖方:COMPAN公司名:NAME AND TITLED字人姓名和职务:ADDRES地 址:CITY AND STAT就市:COUNTRY 家:DIRECT PHONE NUMBERSEMAIL ADDRES电子邮件:BUYER 方:COMPANY司 名:NAME AND TITLED字人姓名和职务:ADDRES地 址:CITY AND STAT就市:COUNTRY 家:DIRECT PHONE NUMB电话:EMAIL ADDRES电子邮件:Whereas Seller agrees to sell to Buyer and Buyer agrees to buy from Seller IronOre un der the follow ing terms and con diti ons. The Seller and the Buyer areindividually referred to as“party ” and collectively referred to as theparties .有鉴于根据以下条款和条件,卖方同意向买方出售及买方同意向卖方购买铁矿石。卖方和买方都是单独称为“一方“,合称为“双方“。Whereas, the Buyer hereby makes and con firms that they are ready , willi ng and able to purchase iron ore un der the terms and con diti ons outl ined here in subject to the executi on of the con tract for the purchase of the iron ore uponconsiderationof the mutual agreement whereas, the Seller with full corporateauthority and resp on sibility hereby certifies, represe nts and warra nts thatit can fulfill the requirements of the Agreement and provide the product.反之,买方在此明确地表明,他们已经准备好,愿意和有能力向卖方购买如下面概述的条款及条件下的铁矿石。并接受本合同对于铁矿石购买而立下的所有条款,特此声明履行对该合同权力和责任.卖方在此声明并保证它能够履行本合同的所有条款并提供本合 同项下规定的产品给买方。Both parties hereby agree and cove nant to be bound by the terms and con diti onsof this Agreeme nt. And per the terms of the In ter nati onal Chamber of Commerce(ICC) rules for intern ati onal trade.双方在此同意并承诺要遵守本合同的条款及条件以及国际商会(ICC )的国际贸易规则的条款。ARTICLE 1: PRODUCT NAME AND SPECIFICATION品 及规格PRODUCTIron Ore Lumps. 块矿。SPECIFICATIONS (Fe GRADE 62.5.0%).品位:62.5%。CHEMICAL COMPOSITION GUARANTEED (ON DRY BASIERCENTAGE BY WEIG 以干吨计算)Fe铁62.5% basisRejection 60%SiO2 硅4.5% max5.00% maxAl 2O氧化铝1.20% max3.00% maxP磷0.07% max0.10% maxS硫0.07% max0.10% maxMr锰0.06% max0.15% maxMoisture 水分8.0% max. freemoisture loss at 105 degreesPhysical Size 粒度Above 50 mm: 5 % maximum, 10mm - 50mm 90 % maximumLess 10 mm : 5 % maximumThe commodity shall correspond to the certificate issuedby Society General deSurveillanee“ SGS laboratory or a comparable world class inspectionorganization such as GTM at the port of loading confirming that the commoditymeets the specificati ons as described and detailed above un der SPECIFICATIONS(FE GRADE 62.50%) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION GUARANTEED (ON DRY BASSRCENTAGE BY WEIGHT).对应的商品应受世界公认的“ SGS “实验室或类似的世界级化验单位如GTI在装货时确认该商品符合上文所述及规格(品位为62.5 %)并出具规范的口岸检验机构的证书做为品质的保证(单位计算以干基计,重量以百分比计)。ARTICLE 2: ORIGIN AND PORT OF LOADINGAND DISCHARGE P装卸港的起源和港口2.1. The origi n of the iron ore is Mexico and the Port of Loadi ng is LazaroCardenas or Manzanillo, Mexico 产地和上货港:2.2. Discharge port卸货港:ARTICLE 3: PACKING AND MARKINGS装Loose Bulk in vessel.散装。ARTICLE 4: TOTAL QUANTITIES PORT OF DESTINATION AND BASIS OF DELIVERY数 量,上货及卸货港口The total qua ntity of this con tract is 70000+140000x12 (mon th) is 1, 750, 000dry metric tons (+/- 5%). This con tract is ren ewable for an additi on al (12)twelve mon ths upon prior writte n agreeme nt before the end of the tenth monthby both parties with the first shipme nt to comme nee with thirty (30) days fromthe date of an operative letter of credit acceptable to the Seller. The monthly shipme nts for the first twelve mon ths are as follows:该合同总数量为70000+140, 000x12month (+/5 %)是1 , 750, 000干吨,合同满期后可顺延12个月,如果需要顺延合同,要求顺延合同方必须要在合同的第 10个月内的第一批 交货期前双方以书面同意与买方在 30天内以附上可接受的信用证方式通知买方。第一年每月出货量如下:MONTHLYSHIPMENTNUMBERAPPROX. SAILING DATI(Mo nthly)METRIC TONS of IRONSHIPPED ON A MONTHLYBASISDESTINATION45 days after 5% payme nt deposit70,000Try orderFOB11st Mon th140, 000FOB22ndMonth140, 000FOB33rd mon th140, 000FOB44th mon th140, 000FOB55th mon th140, 000FOB66th mon th140, 000FOB77th mon th140, 000FOB88th mon th140, 000FOB99th mon th140, 000FOB1010th mon th140, 000FOB1111th mon th140, 000FOB1212th mon th140, 000FOBTOTALSHIPMENTS 12FOBTOTAL1,750,000 MTThe shipp ing amounts and schedules are subject to +/-5% variati ons.交货金额及时间安排如多或少装+/-5 %是可接受的。The first shipme nt 70000MT is con sidered as a trial. The seller will issue a supply schedule for this shipme nt of loadi ng to buyer on the con tract.
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