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英语高考中的一题多解、多题一解和一题多变,句型1:众所周知,It is well known that.,It is known to all that,As is known to all,What is known to all is that.,It is a well-known fact that.,As is known to all,It is a well-known fact that.,What is known to all is that.,造句:1. 众所周知,科学技术在社会发展中起很重要的作用。(代换主语 万能句型 ),It is known to all of us that science and technology plays an important role in the development of society.,2.大家都知道,英语在现今的高考中是 必考的。,It is a well- known fact that English is a must in todays college entrance examination.,As is known to all, English is a must in.,What is known to all is that English is a must in.,(1)_, the Huangshan Mountain is famous for its beauty. (2)_ the Huangshan Mountain is famous for its beauty. A. It is known to all B. As is known to all C. It is known to all that D. As we all know that,单选:,B,C,书面表达中也值得注意,句型2. notbut 不是而是(并列连词),例句展示 1.Mypurposeisnottodoitforyoubutto teachyoutodoitbyyourself. 2. He failed not because he isnt clever but because he didnt work hard.,授予渔,单选:,What surprised me was not what he said but _he said it. A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which,A,What matters is not what you have said but what you have done.,学生自命题 design by yourself,What,but,完形:(广东省),Mr.Doddsdoesnotseehissister,orherfamily,fromoneyeartothenext_hesendsthemChristmascards. A.however B.otherwise C.but D.therefore,C,设计一个单选,阅读理解:长难句理解,To prepare children for successful careers in first grade and beyond ,Japanese schools do not teach reading, writing and mathematics, but rather skills such as determination , concentration and the ability to function as a member of a group.,but,not,(陕西省质量检测。渭南高中),改错:,Our duty is not to destroy wildlife but protect it.,造句:(2010上海卷句子翻译系列试题精选),The people whom he admires are not singers or actors but the scientists who are devoted to science.,(but后加 to),*他所钦佩的人不是歌手或演员,而是献 身于科学的科学家。(notbut),*姐种的不是菜,是寂寞!,What your sister plants is not vegetables but loneliness.,句型3. there be 句型,(1)主谓一致:,第一排有3个男生和1个女生,而 第二排有1个男生和3个女生。,There are three boys and a girl in the first row while there is a boy and three girls in the second row.,.,(2) there be 句型在句中的形式表现:,there is/ are/ was/ were / There will be. / There has been,情态动词线:,there used to be./,时态线:,there may be/,there must be/,there cant be./,there should be./,there ought to be /,特殊用法线:,非谓语动词线:,there to be/.there being./,变形用法线:,there live/ exist /lie / stand /,there seem to be./,there happen to be./,3.He didnt know about there being a meeting this morning.,4.People dont want there to be another war.,5. There being no time, we had to do it in a hurry.,There is a girl waiting for you outside.,6. 有个女孩在外面等你。(造句!),2. There must be something wrong.,1.There happened to be a man walking by.,(3)例句:,单选:,1.Lets get through the work quickly. _ seems to be little time left now. A. It B. That C. There D. we,2. _ no coffee left, they had to make do with tea. It being B.There being C.It was D. There was,C,B,3. There is a little hope of _ a settlement of the argument. A .to be B. there to be C .there being D. being,C,改错:(英语周报40期 改错专项),1.However, there were some classmates were glad to offer help, so I often copy their work.,2.According to the reports, there were millions of students had given up their opportunity to go to college. (作文:其实不想走,其实我想留。),3.There is no person realize the importance of the culture.(二模作文:化县皮影,华阴老腔) There is no person want to learn the culture.,(were 前面加who),(had前加who或者had given变为giving),realize,want,句型4.强调句型 the pattern for emphasis,强调句型 是英语中常见句子结构,又是考试中的常见考点, 这种结构在中学英语课本中频频出现,引起高考命题者的格外关注。高考三大必考句型,It was at 07:49 that the terrible earthquake broke out. It was 07:49 when the terrible earthquake broke out.,It was at midnight that I got back home yesterday. It was midnight when I got here yesterday.,It was two years ago that I joined the army. (强调句型) It is two years since I joined the army. (状语从句),(1) 强调句型与时间状语从句的辨析 (命题点1),(2) 强调句型与定语从句的混用命题点2,1.It was in the factory _ produced TV sets _ he was murdered.,2.It was just in the room _ he was born _ he died,3.It was the boy _ had been in prison _ stole the money.,that/which,that,where,that,who,that,(3) 强调句型的疑问句形式及在宾语从句 中的应用 (命题点3),3.I really dont know where it was that I had my money stolen.,1.Was it in the street that you met him yesterday?,2.When was it that he made up his mind to study English?,(4) 强调句型中 not.until的强调(命题点4),It was not until she got home _Jennifer realized she had lost her keys.(06全国卷II ),仿写,当他爬到80层时,他才意识到把钥匙忘在20层的包里了。,It was not until he reached the 80th floor that he realized he had left the key in the bag on the 20th floor.,(eightieth. twentieth) !,1.It was in Indonesia, the UN officials believe, _the tsunami caused the greatest damage. A. where B. which C. when D. that 2.I cant quite remember _ he began teaching in our school. A. that it was when B. when it was that C. when was it that D. that was it when 3.It is _he often fails in exams _ makes
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