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中文摘要摘要:本文基于国内房地产企业品牌发展现状和趋势,对比国内外对品牌研究的现状,针对当前房地产发展状况和存在的问题,提出了论文的研究背景,并从中引申出论文的选题。 加入WTO后,我国房地产市场己从价格竞争、质量竞争逐步走向品牌竞争。相比国外而言,国内房地产开发企业的品牌发展滞后,还未建立起有效的品牌管理架构及体制。大多数房地产商只注重具体项目的宣传,难以维持长期的品牌效应和领先地为此,国内的房地产开发企业迫切需要对房地产品牌营销进行深入的研究。本文从品牌的基本理论和方法入手,结合国内房地产行业具有代表性的典型案例,运用实证的方法进行论证,希望能够为房地产开发企业系统地塑造房地产品牌及实施品牌战略提供一些思路、方法和建议。本文利用品牌系列理论,从策略与营销的角度提出我国房地产企业应通过准确的市场定位,发挥自身的资源优势,打造房地产品牌,实施品牌战略,以在未来激烈的市场竞争中获胜。 本人用市场营销学中的品牌理论来指导房地产品牌的经营策略,具体从强化品牌意识、差异化塑造品牌个性、创新提升企业核心、人才战略、专业化五个方面进行了论证。同时提出了房地产品牌的创建和维护,从品牌形象的塑造、品牌定位、品牌传播、品牌延伸与维护等方面进行了论述。以期能给现在的房地产发展提供参考。关键词:品牌定位;品牌传播;品牌维护分类号:请输入分类号(1-2 ),以分号分隔。ABSTRACTABSTRACT: Based on the national real estate brand development status and trendcomparative study of the status of the brand at home and abroad, real estatdevelopment for the current situation and existing problems, the research papepresented the background from which raises Dissertations. Join the WTO; Chinas real estate market has been from price competitionquality competition gradually brand competition. Compared to foreign countries, thdomestic real estate enterprise development lags behind_the brand,_the brand has not yeset up an effective management structure and system. Most real estate companies focuonly on specific projects, publicity, difficult to maintain long-term brand and leading tcthis end, the domestic real estate development enterprises urgent need for real estatemarketing in-depth study. In this paper the basic theories and methods of the brancstartimgiwvvith domestic real estate industry representative of the typical cases, usingempirical methods to conduct feasibility studies for the real estate developmencompany hopes to shape the real estate system De implementation of brand strategybrand and provide some ideas, methods and recommendations. In this paper, brancseries theory, strategy and marketing from the angle of the real estate business, througlaccurate market positioning to play their owns resources to create real estate brandbrand strategy, to fierce market competition, in the future to win. I used the brand in marketing theory to guide the real estate brand managemenstrategy, specific from strengthening brand awareness, create brand personalitydifferentiation, innovation to improve their core, human resource strategy, the fivcaspects of the specialization argument. Also proposed the creation and maintenance o:real estate brand, from brand names, brand positioning, brand communication, brancextension and maintenance etc were discussed. To give the current real estatcdevelopment references.KEYWORDS: Brand positioning: Brand Communications: brand maintenanceCLASSNO:【请输入分类号,以分号分隔。 序 【鼠标左键单击选择该段落,输入替换之。内容为小四号宋体。l学位论文的字或前言,一般是作者或他人对本篇论文基本特征的简介,如说明研究工作缘起、肾景、主旨、目的、意义、编写体例,以及资助、支持、协作经过等;也可以评丛和对相关问题发表意见。这些内容也可以在正文引言中说明。 目录中文摘要.:.111ABSTRACT.:. iv序.v1引言.:. l 1.1研究背景.1 1.2研究目的和意义.二.“.:.,. . 2 1.3国内外在该方面的研究现状. 4 1.4思路和框架.。.72房地产品牌理论基础.:.:.:.,. . .:. . .:. 9 2.1房地产品牌的概念.:. 9 2.2房地产品牌内涵. 9 2:3房地产品牌的特点.10 2.4塑造房地产品牌的意义.113房地产企业品牌营销现状和存在的问题.:.14 3.1房地产企业品牌营销的现状.14 3.2房地产品牌塑造的问题与不足.164房地产品牌营销发展趋势.:.19 4.1品牌市场发展趋势.19 4.2房地产市场发展趋势.205房地产品牌经营策略.:.:.:. 23 5:1强化品牌意识.:. 23 5.2从差异化出发,塑造个性化品牌.
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