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Unit 4 Lesson 24 The Diffos,The Diffos are different. What is their favourite colour? Blue. 迪福一家与众不同。他们最喜欢的颜色是什么?蓝色。,Thats not blue. Thats green. 那不是蓝色的。那是绿色的。,I know. The dog has my blue sock. 我知道。这条狗嘴里叼着我的蓝色的袜子。,story time,Mr.Diffo wears caps on his fingers,but Debbie Diffo wears caps on her nose. 迪福先生把帽子戴在他的手指上,但黛比.迪福把帽子戴在她的鼻子上。,I like to wear caps on my head. 我喜欢把帽子戴在头上。,Thats different! 那很不一样!,They like hot dogs for breakfast. Their dog likes hot dogs, too. 他们早餐喜欢吃热狗。他们的狗也喜欢吃热狗。,Diffo Dog, wheres my hot dog? 迪福狗,我的热狗在哪里?,The Diffos love fish with ice cream. 迪福一家喜欢吃带冰淇淋的鱼。,This is our favourite dinner. We love fish with ice cream. Would you like some? 这是我们最喜欢的晚餐。我们喜欢吃带冰淇淋的鱼。你想要一些吗?,What do they like to do? David Diffo likes to play with his dog. 他们喜欢做什么?戴维.迪福喜欢和他的狗玩。,Good boy, Diffo Dog! 真棒,迪福狗!,Debbie Diffo likes to fly kites. But she likes to fly them in the house. 黛比.迪福喜欢放风筝。但是她喜欢在房子里放风筝。,This is our favourite song: Blue, blue, yahoo. 这是我们最喜欢的歌:蓝色,蓝色,啊哈!,We like to sing. They like to read. 我们喜欢唱歌。他们喜欢读书。,David and Debbie Diffo go to school.They like to sing songs in the library. 戴维.迪福和黛比.迪福去上学。他们喜欢在图书馆里唱歌。,People always get angry at the Diffos. 人们总是生迪福一家的气。,SHHHHH! 嘘!,Read books in the library? Thats different. 在图书馆读书?那很不一样!,SHHHHH! 嘘!,Read and answer: 1. Mr.Diffowearscaponhis _. 2. DebbieDiffowearscaponher_. 3. DavidDiffo wearscap onhis_. 4. TheDiffoslike_forbreakfast. 5. TheDiffoslike fish withicecreamfor_. 6. DebbieDiffolikestoflykites_the house. 7.David and Debbie Diffoliketosingsongsin the_.,fingers,nose,head,hot dogs,dinner,in,library,Read and check: 1. ( ) The Diffos are different. 2. ( ) Their favourite colour is green. 3. ( ) They like hot dogs for dinner. 4. ( ) David and Debbie Diffo like to sing songs in the library.,Thanks!,
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