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个 人 简 历基本情况:姓名:刘。 性别: 女年龄: 24 学历: 本 科 语言能力: CET4 工作经验:二年 联系方式: 电子邮箱: 申请职位职位名称:软件测试工程师、软件质量工程师职位性质:全职职位所在地:北京工作经验1、湖南省软件测评中心工作经历:2007-6至2009-6岗位:软件测试工程师所做典型项目:湖南省评标专家库管理信息系统、T0407软件效率测试能力验证计划样品效率测试等等。工作业绩:湖南省评标专家库管理信息系统测试出Bug43个。所做工作得到了领导 和委托方的好评,修改后使软件质量上了一个新台阶,并成功发布。很好的完成了T0407软件效率测试能力验证计划样品的效率测试,所得结论通过科室主任的审核验证后被采纳写入最终测试报告。项目经验项目一 湖南省评标专家库管理信息系统软件环境:服务器:Windows2000 Server+SP4, .NET Framework 1.1, IIS 5.0, sql2000数据库客户端:Windwos 98 /2000 /XP+SP4, IE6.0, MS Office硬件环境:HP服务器:Pentium IV1.4G双CPU、RAM1G、HD160GSCSI以上配置开发工具:Visual Studio.Net 2005项目描述:该系统运用现代信息网络技术,整合各行业专家资源,对评标专家实施统一管理、资源共享、动态维护及抽取应用而建立的大型数据库应用管理信息系统。该系统可实现评标专家在线申报、数据维护;行业主管部门在线审核、在线监督;招标人或抽取终端独立抽取、语音通知,实时记录等功能,为各招投标项目提供全面、专业、守责的高素质专家。责任描述:对该系统进行系统测试,包括:功能性、易用性、安全性、效率、响应时间、虚拟并发数等。本人负责编写测试计划,设计测试用例和测试脚本,提交缺陷报告,进行回归测试,总结测试报告。测试过程中采用常用黑盒测试方法等价类、边界值、因果图、错误推测等。项目心得:在整个测试过程中,测试计划起着重要的作用,它指导着整个测试过程井然有序的进行。我也深刻体会到高效的测试用例对整个测试过程的帮助,而要编写出高效的测试用例,需要在工作过程中积累经验。项目二项目名称:T0407软件效率测试能力验证计划样品项目的组织机构:中国合格评定国家认可委员会项目的实施机构:国家应用软件产品质量监督检验中心项目描述:本样品软件是一个网站稿件管理发布系统,只有2个相对独立的功能,即稿件管理和文档上传下载。稿件管理模块可以对稿件进行管理,内容包括增加、查询、删除、修改、显示和批准稿件的操作,批准后的稿件即可在网站上发布。文档上传下载功能模块可以将稿件直接以Word文档的格式进行上传下载,并具备对文件夹和文档执行增加、删除等操作的功能。测试工具:LoadRunnr8.0项目经历:这是我单位参加效率测试能力验证评比的一个项目,我只负责了小部分模块的效率测试,测试报告提交后,经由我科室主任审核、验证才通过使用的。 项目心得:我主要负责用户登录以及稿件增加、删除、查询的效率测试。分别加载10/20/40/50个用户,逐步记录其加入集合点与不加入集合点的CPU使用率、内存利用率、事物响应时间等等一些参数。其中,用户并发无条件查询稿件,当数据量很大时大于6000条数据则系统不管是单用户还是多用户查询稿件时,响应时间均超过10S,存在性能瓶颈。专业技能:1、熟悉软件测试理论与软件测试过程,能够将软件测试的相关理论运用到软件测试工作中。2、能够根据测试需求与测试方法设计测试用例。3、熟练掌握TD、bugzilla、QTP、Loadrunner等测试工具;4、熟练掌握SQL Server数据库、了解Mysql数据库;5、了解C#语言以及了解.NET平台,有较强的程序阅读能力;6、熟悉Windows、Linux操作系统。7、熟悉配置管理工具,并能够进行相关的配置管理工作。8、熟悉软件工程、对CMMI2有一定了解,在测试过程中能够根据公司测试状况进行改进。9、有较强的测试文档的编写能力。教育背景:专业:计算机科学与技术自我评价:热爱软件测试。具有很强的责任感,工作态度认真,有比较强的学习能力,能吃苦耐劳,为人诚实,积极进取,爱好体育充满活力。有较强的沟通和表达能力。目标:追求测试的完美、追求测试的极限。1. Tell me about yourself51Testing软件测试网sLP&m:x1t%H51Testing软件测试网s Zz&D w7C!?Cover four areas in your life: your early years, education, work experience, and your current situation. Keep your complete answer to about 2 minutes; dont ramble or elaborate. This is your 2-minute self-introduction and you will be very accomplished at giving it by the time you are in job interviews. Because this question usually comes early in the interview, you will gain confidence by knowing you can answer it well.(Sq-Zdw8O8051Testing软件测试网#|z a m.z2ztY3d)X2u$NdO02. What can you offer us that other candidates cant?51Testing软件测试网Def?x,nf9x0Ga3m dX,u ty-K0If this question is asked early in the interview, you might respond by discussing generally how your skills and experience would benefit the company. To get more specific, you will need to know something about the job situation they have in mind and that subject is not usually discussed until the end of the interview. Resist the temptation to frame an answer based on your assumptions about the position. If the question is asked after the interviewer has described the position, only then can you relate any of your accomplishments to the problems of your prospective employer. This is an opportune time to discuss your problem-solving abilities.51Testing软件测试网E0xdV51Testing软件测试网F,|#N2Y+NU,Ar P KK4e Qh3hR5gv03. What are your strengths?51Testing软件测试网 i1d N8k| an!QV51Testing软件测试网6b*Vpa0P zI)B/_You should be able to list 3 or 4 of your key strengths that are relevant to their needs, based on the research and other data you have gathered about their company.(T$jN,y2U2La(P051Testing软件测试网7l#NvPT#?51Testing软件测试网IK rTdNR7AmF1Fj)D4. How successful have you been so far?q7l/V.ah;r051Testing软件测试网G iJowtBe prepared to define success for yourself and then respond. Try to choose accomplishments that relate to the companys needs and values.V6Y2KvI051Testing软件测试网.n#U eWFD51Testing软件测试网9vh?.K-KMF5. What are your limitations?51Testing软件测试网NsB$jA?+cQ(f;h5Hw)J:d!g0Respond with a strength which, if overdone, can be a detriment and become a weakness. For example, you might. say, My desire to get the job done sometimes causes me to be overzealous and demanding of my organization. But I am aware of this problem and believe that I have it under control. Or deal with your need for further training in some aspect of your profession. Do not claim to be faultless, but limit your answer to one specific issue.51Testing软件测试网3$s2A6L51Testing软件测试网 Tk$T8d5f;Q!q51Testing软件测试网2pvKtu)BX)6. How much are you worth?%E/U)IU.I051Testing软件测试网+Ac4m,sO +Z/E1tcTry to delay answering this until you have learned more about the job and can estimate, based on previous research, the salary range this company endorses for similar positions. If you feel obliged to answer, you might reply in this way. You are aware of what I have been earning at Aj
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