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Part B Letsay & Lets do,By Shining Zou,This is my family.,My family is going for a trip.,My sister wants to draw a tree.,CDE, draw a tree.,Im tired and hungry.,I want to have a seat and eat a hamburger.,EFG, have a seat.,hamburger,I like hamburgers.,But my mom and dad like hot dogs.,hot dog,hot dog,hamburger,h,hamburger,hot dog,注:请点击(1),注:请点击(2),bread,chicken,bread,hamburger,请点击,dog,bread,bread,hot dog,ham,ham,hamburger,Hot, hot, hot dog.,I have a in my hand.,I have a for my .,Lets chant!,Oh! Where is my sister now?,Let me look and see!,ABC, look and see.,Look! She is flying a kite!,I want to fly a kite, too.,GHI, fly a kite.,We are thirsty.,We want to have an ice-cream.,ice-cream,ice-cream,ice,Can you read it?,Please read after me.,ABCDE, read after me.,ice-cream,ice,i,We are very happy today.,But, its time to sayGoodbye to the lovely place!,EFGHI, say Goodbye.,A,B,A,B,A,B,A,B,_ ce-cream,i,_ amburger,h,_ ce,i,_ ot dog,h,_ Bb Cc,Aa,C_ E,D,g_ i,h,Ee Ff_,Gg,
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