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,Unit 8,Wed like to check in.,Look at the picture and discuss:,1. Where are they? 2. What are they doing?,Youll be able to:,1. get or offer services in hotels; 2. talk about hotel services.,Warming up,听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。,Listen and match.,meeting room,guest room,gift shop,front desk,gym,bar,Key sentences:,Warming up,front desk,前台,服务台,Warming up,gym,健身房,体育馆,Warming up,gift shop,礼品店,Warming up,guest room,客房,Warming up,meeting room,会议室,Warming up,bar,酒吧,2. The gym is free of charge.,The front desk is just over there.,前台就在那边。,健身房是免费的。,Look and match.,看图,将下列词语与图片匹配。,double room,suite,single room,twin room,Warming up,suite,Warming up,套房,single room,Warming up,单人间,double room,Warming up,(有一张双人床的)双人房间,twin room,Warming up,(有两张单人床的)双人房间,Listening and Speaking,听录音,了解酒店的一些工作岗位。,Listen and learn.,bellboy,desk clerk,cleaner,waiter,n. 行李员,前台服务员,n. 清洁工人,n. 男服务员,Listen and practice.,听录音,练习预订房间。,Clerk: Hello, Grand Hotel. May I help you? Mr. Smith: Hello, Id like to book a room. Clerk: What kind of room would you like? Mr. Smith: A suite, please. Clerk: May I have your name, sir? Mr. Smith: John Smith.,参考译文,Listening and Speaking,服务员:您好,格兰德饭店。我可以帮您吗? 史密斯先生:您好,我想预订一个房间。 服务员:请问您想要什么样的房间? 史密斯先生:请给我订个套间。 服务员:能告诉我您的姓名吗,先生? 史密斯先生:约翰史密斯。,Listening and Speaking,Listen again and act.,再听录音,根据提示为下列,S1: Hello, Grand Hotel. May I help you? S2: Hello, wed like to book a room. S1: What kind of room would you like? S2: A twin room, please. S1: May I have your names, please? S2: Sue Smith and Mary Brown.,two girls/twin room,顾客推荐房间。,double room和twin room都是双人间,但两者还是有区别的。前者是指有一张双人床的双人间,后者是指有两张单人床的双人间。,Listening and Speaking,S1: Hello, Grand Hotel. May I help you? S2: Hello, Id like to book a room. S1: What kind of room would you like? S2: A single room, please. S1: May I have your name, sir? S2: Jack Brown.,a salesman/single room,Listen again and act.,再听录音,根据提示为下列,顾客推荐房间。,Listen and practice.,听录音,练习办理入住手续。,Clerk: Hello, may I help you? Mr. Smith: Yes. Id like to check in, please. My name is John Smith. Clerk: Just a moment. Yes, Mr. Smith, youve booked a suite. Mr. Smith: Thats right. Clerk: Heres your key card. Enjoy your stay. Mr. Smith: Thank you.,Listening and Speaking,参考译文,礼貌用语很重要,注意学习使用下列礼貌用语:,May I help you? Enjoy your stay.,该句是现在完成时态,用于表述发生在过去,到现在为止已经完成或仍在持续的动作或状态。 例如:We have finished the homework.,服务员:您好,我可以帮助您吗? 史密斯先生:是的,我想办理入住手续。我叫约翰史密 斯。 服务员:请稍等。好的,史密斯先生,您预订了一个 套间。 史密斯先生:是的。 服务员:这是您的钥匙卡,祝您在这儿过得愉快! 史密斯先生:谢谢。,Listen again and act.,再听录音,根据下列场景表演对话。,Listening and Speaking,S1: Hello, may I help you? S2: Yes. Wed like to check in, please. My name is Peter Brown. S1: Just a moment. Yes, Mr. Brown, youve booked a double room. S2: Thats right. S1: Heres your key card. Enjoy your stay. S2: Thank you.,a couple/double room,Listen again and act.,再听录音,根据下列场景表演对话。,Listening and Speaking,S1: Hello, may I help you? S2: Yes. Wed like to check in, please. My name is David White. S1: Just a moment. Yes, Mr. White, youve booked a suite. S2: Thats right. S1: Heres your key card. Enjoy your stay. S2: Thank you.,a family/suite,将下列词语与图片匹配。,Read and match.,Reading and Writing,1.,3.,2.,4.,6.,5.,restaurant,garden,swimming pool,gym,playroom,sauna,restaurant,饭馆,Reading and Writing,garden,花园,Reading and Writing,swimming pool,游泳池,Reading and Writing,gym,健身房,体育馆,Reading and Writing,playroom,游戏房,Reading and Writing,sauna,桑拿室,Reading and Writing,Reading and Writing,Read and underline.,读下文,在文中标出这家,Dear guests, Welcome to our hotel. You can enjoy many services here. On the first floor, we have a gym, a swimming pool and a sauna. We also have a playroom for kids here. The restaurant is on the second floor, and the bar is there, too. Outside, we have a tennis court and a garden with lovely flowers and trees. Please enjoy your stay here!,参考译文,Welcome to Grand Hotel,酒店的服务设施。,欢迎来到格兰德饭店 尊敬的顾客, 欢迎光临本饭店。您在这里能够享受到多种服务。 在一层,我们配备有健身房,游泳馆和桑拿室,还为孩子们准备了游戏房。餐厅位于饭店的二层,酒吧也在那里。 饭店外面是网球场和花园,花园里种着各种鲜花和树木。 敬请您享受在这里的快乐时光。,Read again and discuss.,再读前文,讨论,Reading and Writing,下列人员各自喜欢的设施。,Mr. Smith/exercising,gym,Read again and discuss.,再读前文,讨论,Reading and Writing,下列人员各自喜欢的设施。,Mrs. Smith/flowers,garden,Read again and discuss.,再读前文,讨论,Reading and Writing,下列人员各自喜欢的设施。,Leo/swimming,swimming pool,Read again and discuss.,再读前文,讨论,Reading and Writing,下列人员各自喜欢的设施。,Lily/toys,playroom,3,Reading and Writing,Read and act.,读下列对话,猜一猜对话发生的地点,, May I help you? Yes. Id like a cup of coffee. One moment, please.,2, May I help you? Yes. I want to have a swim. OK. This way, please.,1, What can I do for you, sir? I need my shirt washed. OK. Fill in the laundry list, please.,1,2,3,并表演对话。,Reading and Writing, May I help you? Yes. Id like a cup of coffee. One moment, please.,我可以帮您吗? 是的,我想要一杯咖啡。 请稍等。,Read and act.,读下列对话,猜一猜对话发生的地点,,并表演对话。,Reading and Writing, May I help you? Yes. I want to have a swim. OK. This way, please.,我可以帮您吗? 是的,我想游泳。 好,这边请。,Read and act.,读下列对话,猜一猜对话发生的地点,,并表演对话。,Reading
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