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课堂8Unit2 English around the world(Grammar)1.简要了解祈使句。2.掌握祈使句直接引语变间接引语的转换。教材展示 知识梳理 知识点1:祈使句定义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句最常用于表达命令,因此在学校文法中也常称为命令句。祈使句因对象(即主语)是第二人称,所以通常都省略。祈使句的动词都为一般现在时,句末则使用句号来表示结束。Go and wash your hands.(去洗手。命令)Watch your steps.(走路小心。警告)No parking.(禁止停车。禁止)Be quiet, please.(Please be quiet)(请保持安静。请求)Look out! Danger!(小心!危险!强烈警告)No eating or drinking.(禁止吃喝。禁止)Be kind to our sister.(对姊妹要和善。劝告)Keep off the grass.(勿践草坪。禁止)No littering.(禁止乱扔垃圾。禁止)知识点2:直接引语和间接引语祈使句【自主领悟】观察下面句子,体会祈使句转换规则。1. “Look at this example,” the teacher said to us.The teacher told us to look at that example.2. “Would you like to see my flat?” she asked.She asked me to see her flat.3. “Dont look out of the window, boys,” said the teacher.The teacher told the boys not to look out of the window.4. He said, “How clever the child is!”He said how clever the child was.【祈使句的转换规则】祈使句的直接引语变间接引语,祈使句的间接引语形式多采用“动词宾语动词不定式”结构。常见的引述动词有ask,tell,beg,warn,remind,advise,order等。1.引述表示命令的祈使句,变间接引语时常采用ask/tell/order sb.(not) to do sth.的形式。“Finish the task in ten minutes,” the manager said to the clerk.The manager told the clerk to finish the task in ten minutes.“Keep silent!” the chairman said to the students. The chairman ordered the students to keep silent.2.当直接引语为表示建议、提议、请求、劝告的祈使句(或表示请求、提议、劝告、建议的疑问句)时,多用suggestdoing/that从句(如suggest后接that从句时,从句使用虚拟语气should动词原形,should也可省略),及ask/advise/want/beg sb.to do等结构。Mary said, “Lets go to the art exhibition this afternoon.”Mary suggested going to the art exhibition that afternoon.Mary suggested that we(should) go to the art exhibition that afternoon.“Please have a rest,” she said to us.She asked us to have a rest.【句型转换】直接引语转间接引语1. The headmaster said to us, “Spend more time on your study.”2. The woman said to her son, “Dont touch my computer.”3. “Can I use your dictionary?” Tony said.【答案】1. The headmaster told us to spend more time on our study.2. The woman told her son not to touch her computer.3. Tony asked me to use my dictionary.即学即练 一、将下列直接引语变为间接引语1. Mary asked me, “Did you take part in Annes party last night?”2. Miss Smith said to us, “Correct the mistakes yourselves.”3. He asked me, “Can you invite your friend to the party?”4. He said, “Most of the students show great interest in the painting.”5. Mother said to Tom, “What are you doing in the room?”6. The policeman asked me, “Where was it that you lost your key to the classroom?”7. I said to Mum, “I have already learned about 2000 English words.”8. The girl asked Tom, “Do you think a diary can become your friend?”9. My brother said, “There is going to be an English film tomorrow evening.”10. My father said to me, “Dont forget to buy that book in the shop.”二、七选五Every student prefers to get high scores in their exams. But how can you effectively improve your memory and perform well in your exam? Try the following methods.Try the Memory Palace.For example, if you want to memorize some English words, you might store “furniture, television” in your living room and “fridge, cooker.” in the kitchen. 1 Through this way, you can memorize these words easily.Create your own songs.This method has been proven in several studies as a way of sending information to memory. You can use your favorite songs to recreate new songs with information you need to remember. 2 Take some deep breaths. 3 If you are stressed you will have a more difficult time recalling information during an exam. You should put some energy into de-stressing but turning of stress is easier said than done. Thats why scientists recommend practice tests to you. Practice tests are not only a scientifically supported means of improving memory recall but they stand up to stressfu1 situations. 4 If you are feeling distracted, do some exercise. Studies show that those who have exercised for 15 minutes and then complete a memory task, complete tasks faster than those who havent exercised. Even a simple walk can make a difference.There are so many suggested methods for you. 5 If you know that studying alone works best for you, go to self-study room often when you finish your classes at school.A. Reread your notes.B. Try a mini workout.C. We know exams are stressful.D. Skip out all the practice tests on purpose.E. You need to think about the way that suits you best.F. The more interesting you make them, the better the result will be.G. Then you can mentally travel through your house to recall each word.知识拓展 知识点:祈使句直接引语变间接引语注意事项1.引述表示警告或提醒的祈使句用remind,warn等词转述。“Take an umbrella in case of rain,” his mother said to him.His mother reminded him to take an umbrella in case of rain.The leader said to the workers, “Dont speak while working.”The leader warned the workers not to speak while working.【温馨提醒】(1)无论是否定祈使句,还是表示委婉语气的否定
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