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6A Unit 7 At Christmas(the first period) 昆山市巴城中心校 王建琴 教材简介:本单元的主要话题是“谈论物品的归属”。本课时主要通过学习学生在日常生活中常的几种物品的名称,引导学生在谈论物品为不同类型的人选择礼物的活动中引出主要的学习内容,即名词性物主代词。通过本单元的学习,要求学生能在一定情景下正确使用名词性物主代词。教学内容:Part B、C教学对象:六年级学生教学目标:知识目标:1学生能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:watch, teapot, wallet, hairdryer, calculator, skateboard, mine, yours, his, hers, theirs.2.学生能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:Who is it from? Who are they from?Whose is it? Whose are they?及其回答。3.初步了解形容词性物主代词及名词性物主代词的区别及用法。能力目标:1.能正确理解掌握单词及句型,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2.在具体的语境中运用本单元所学语言知识。教学重点:B部分单词和句型:Who is it from? Who are they from?Whose is it? Whose are they?及其回答。教学难点:形容词性物主代词及名词性物主代词的区别及用法。课前准备:多媒体课件,单词及句型卡片。教学过程:Step 1:Greetings (会话导入)1.T: My name is Angel, whats your name? S: My name is T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too.T: What day is it today? S: ItsT: What date is it today? S: ItsT:Whens your birthday? S:My birthday isT:Whens Teachers Day/ Childrens Day? S: Its on the 10th of september / the first of June.【这一步骤主要是通过询问学生姓名、生日,相互问好来拉近老师和学生的距离,让他们做好上英语课的准备,调动学生说英语的积极性。同时也通过when的句型,为接下去的教学作好伏笔。】Step 2:Learn the words of Christmas1.T: Do you know Christmas? Ss: Yes. Learn: Christmas ( Ss read )2.Today, we will learn Unit 7 At Christmas (Read the title)3.T: Do you know anything about Christmas? (Show Christmas Tree)At Christmas, there are many Christmas trees.Learn: Christmas Tree ( Ss read )4.Show Father Christmas:T: On Christmas Day, we can get some presents from “ Father Christmas”Learn: Father Christmas ( read )5.Introduce Christmas and ask three questions: Whens Christmas? What do people usually do on the 24th of December? What do people give to each other? Ss answer the questions acoording to the passage.【根据小学生的学习特点,让学生在特定的情境中展开对话,更有益于学生对所学知识的掌握。我采用圣诞节这一情境带出圣诞老人、圣诞树。并通过对圣诞节的介绍,让学生对圣诞节有所了解,同时感受外国人过圣诞的氛围。其中所设计的第三个问题也是为下面用圣诞礼物引出新单词作铺垫。】Step 3: Learn the words in Part B1.T: Last Christmas, I got many presents. What are they? Do you want to know?Ss:Yes.a.T: OK, please look at the picture(Draw a watch on the blackboard). This is my first present. What is it? S1,2,3: A watch.T: Look at the sentences, whats the Chinese meaning of “watch”? This is my fathers watch. My father is watching TV now.b.(Draw a comb on the blackboard) Learn: comb Ss read the word and know the Chinese meanings in the sentence:I comb my hair with the comb.c. (Draw a mirror on the blackboard)Learn: mirrorSs read the word and the sentence:Mirror, mirror, show my face.d.(Draw a calculater on the blackboard)Learn: calculator Ss read the word and the sentence: Calculater, calculater,do some exercises.e. (Draw a wallet on the blackboard) Learn: wallet (Ss read the word) T:Whats this? S1: A purse. Who uses watch and who uses purse? Ss answer.f. (Draw a teapot, skateboard, hairdryer on the blackboard)Learn: teapot, skateboard, hairdryer (Ss read the words) T:Teapot, skateboard, hairdryer we called compound,look at the words, can you make words? Ss make words and read together.【传统的出示图片然后新授单词对学生们来说已经没有了新鲜感,因此在这一步骤中我采用了简笔画将这些东西画在黑板上然后再学习。因为 watch这个单词学生是学过的,学生比较容易掌握,因此我就让学生自己说出这张图片代表的单词,并通过句型让学生理解watch的两种词性:动词和名词。在新授的这8个单词的过程中,我又把它们分成四类:第一类:watch和comb都可作动词或名词,并通过例句让学生掌握;第二类:calculator和mirror要求学生发音正确。第三类:wallet,让学生与purse区分开来。第四类:teapot,skateboard, hairdryer都为复合词,并通过对以前所学过的复习词进行一个make words,这样更有助于学生的掌握。】2.Show eight words in Part B:Ss read after the tape read together read and remember the words by yourself.3.Lets chant: Calculator, calculator ,do some exercises;Teapot , teapot , drink some tea ;Hairdryer , hairdryer ,dry my hair ;Skateboard ,skateboard ,skate ,skate , skate ;Watch , watch , tell us the time ;Comb , comb , comb my hair ;Mirror , mirror , show my face ;Wallet , wallet , a lot of money .4.T:Look, there are some riddles.What are they? Please discuss the answers with your partner. Ss discuss and answer. 【在巩固单词的环节,考虑到学生对Whats missing? Magic eyes/mouth等这类游戏已失去新鲜感,因为这些游戏都是我们老师在平时常用的。所以我采用了有节奏的Chant,让学生边说边做动作, 然后通过猜谜,复习新授的单词。】Step 4: Learn the sentences1.T:The things are beautiful. Id like a new skateboard at Christmas. What would you like as a Christmas present?Ss answer the questions. ( 5 or 6 Ss )2.T: Youd like a . This watch is my Christmas present.(出示实物) Its from my friend, Wang Ying. Who is it from?Read: Who is it from?Ss answer: Its from Wang Ying. ( Read : Its from )Show some things and some people(课件中一个一个出现)Look at the teapot, Who is it from ? Who are they from? (Read) They are from (Read)3.T: Oh, they are from David and Liu Tao. Please look at the things. Who are they from? Listen to their conversation and write the names of Jims friends next to the correct presents. Please take out the paper. Do exercise 1. Listen carefully.Ss listen to the tape and do the exercise Check up the answers. 【这个句型对学生来说比较简单,因此我也没有进行过多的操练,同时课件中出现的人的图片非常短暂,
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