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消防应急演练方案为了确保生产安全和施工人员人身安全,有效预防施工现场发生类似火灾事件,特组织此次建筑工地消防演习。一、演习目的: 施工现场存在火灾隐患的设备主要有电焊机、木工锯及配电箱等,可能出现火灾的情况有以下几种: 1、现场易燃品较多(模板、木屑、木工棚、草帘、等);2、作业现场用电负荷大,易发生用电火险;3、部分工人消防意识不强,消防技能差。 Emergency Fire Drill ProgramThis construction site drill aims to ensure the safety of production and the workers, to effectively prevent the occurrence of the similar fire on job site.I. Purposes:The main equipments potential to cause fire on the site are electric welders, carpenter saw and distribution box, etc. Following are the fire possibilities:1. There are lots of inflammable cargos( formwork,sawdust, woodworker shed, straw curtain, etc);2. The electric fire is potential for the heavy electrical load in the operating site.3. Some of our workers are lack of fire safety awareness and firemanship.因此本次消防演练的目的在于普及消防知识及灭火设备的操作技能,提高现场操作人员救火救灾、自防自救能力,促进我项目部消防安全管理水平,有效遏制重大火灾事故发生。二、消防演习应注意的工作:1、消防演练时应态度严肃认真,确保演习的真实感。2、参演消防人员注意灭火器的使用方法及喷射方向。3、听从指挥,注意人身安全,避免发生安全事故。4、发生火灾后,由保安安排人员疏散。Therefore, this drill aims to popularize the knowledge of fire control and the skills in using fire extinguisher, to improve the workers skills in fire fighting and self rescue, to develop the our projects management in fire precaution, to effectively avoid serious fire accident.IIPoints for attention:1. Ensure the realness of the drill with the attitude of being serious and conscientious.2. Attention must be paid to the proper application of fire extinguisher and its right extinguish direction.3. Obey the directions of the supervisor to avoid relevant dangers and person injures.4. Follow the evacuation instructions of the security when fire breaks out.三、参加演习的单位:恒天然 、仲量联行 、唐山理工 、南通二建。四、演习地点:见附件(1)五、演习部位使用着火源:木柴加少量汽油燃烧作为着火源六、演习动用的消防设备及材料:1、干粉灭火器4个、铁锨4把、绝缘钳一把。2、木材,放燃烧物的铁桶一个。III Companies participated in the drill: Fonterra, JLL, Tangshan Ligong, NT2J.IVSite of the drill: see appendix(1)VSource of ignition in site: woods with a little gasoline.VIFire-equipment and stuffs needed in drill: 1. 4 dry powder extinguishers, 4 spades, a handful insulated pliers. 2. some wood, a pail for inflamer. 七、演习组织机构及任务:总指挥组长陈卫兵火灾发生时,要沉着冷静,迅速组织灭火组、疏散抢救组、保卫警戒组。按预案所分配职责和任务迅速报告火情,开展灭火,疏散被火围困人员,抢救伤员和财物等救援工作,妥善处置火灾现场易燃易爆的危险物品,落实好安全警戒工作,保护好火灾事故现场。扑灭火灾后,组织调查火灾原因,查处火灾事故责任,全面落实防火措施,消除火灾隐患,积极恢复施工生产。副组长汪东成员陈茂王秋月孙汉臣潘世林VII. Drill organizations and tasks:Commander in chiefGroup leaderChen weibingKeep calm and rapidly organize a group for fire fighting, a group for evacuation and rescue, a group for security and guard. Report and extinguish fire, evacuate personnel trapped in fire, rescue the injured, save the property, perfectly handle the inflammable and the explosive at the scene of the fire, make sure the safety in the fire site are guaranteed and protect the scene of fire according to the duties assigned by the program. As fire extinguished, a research on the cause and responsibility of fire should be done, in-the-round fireproofing measures should be carried out, remove any hidden fire danger and positively return to production. Vice-group leaderWang dongmembersChen maoWang qiuyueSun hanchengPan shilin消防灭火组长王世华发生火灾是要听从指挥,注意个人安全,及时切断火灾现场电源,迅速利用灭火器材、消防器材,集中力量控制火势,迅速灭火,保障疏散抢救工作顺利进行副组长杨耀强成 员雷勇杨飞印卫明秦海勇况军周强Fire extinguishGroup leaderWang shihuaWhen fire breaks out, everyone must obey the commanders instructions, cut off the electricity in fire site, control and extinguish the fire corporately with the fire-fighting equipment and fire extinguisher to ensure the successful evacuation and rescue.Vice-group leaderYang yaoqiangmembersLei yongYang feiYin weimingQin haiyongKuang junZhou qiang保卫警戒组长果成伶有序的疏散人群,认真做好巡逻检查工作,严禁无关人员进入危险区域,保护好火灾事故现场副组长杨东明成 员刘厚伟郝庆宇郝立仲赵国才Safety guardGroup leaderGuo chenglingEvacuate the workers orderly, check the fire site carefully, prohibit any irrelevant persons from entering the danger zone and protect the scene of fire.Vice-group leaderYang dongmingmembersLiu houwei Hao qingyuHao lizhongZhao guocai八、演习火场假设:施工现场材料堆放场模板燃烧引起火灾位于施工现场西侧的堆场突然冒起浓烟并有火光,门卫值班人员发现后,急忙打电话向管理人员报告,管理人员立即启动施工现场火灾事故应急救援预案,吹响哨声,召集现场人员组织灭火,火情迅速得到控制,大火扑灭。VIII Fire assumption: fire breaks out among the piled up formwork on the construction site.Firelight and smother accidently rising from the storage area in the west of the construction site is spotted by the doorkeeper and reported to the managers on phone. The managers immediately startup Construction Site Fire Accident Emergency Rescue Plan and whistle to gather the personnel at the scene to extinguish fire. Fire is controlled extinguished in minutes.6
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