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养育孩子是一个过程 (PARENTING IS A PROCESS),红枫妇女心理咨询服务中心 讲座 北师大珠海分校教育学院生活科学系 吴波博士 2013年8月1日,WHAT IS A PARENT? 父母是什么?,We define parent as an individual who fosters all facets of a child growthwho nourishes, protects, and guides new life through the course of its development. 父母是一个支持孩子全面发展的个体,包括滋养,保护和指导新生命的全程。,adoption (领养) “袁厉害” gestational mother(代孕母亲) Artificial insemination (人工授精 ) 试管婴儿,又称体外受精-胚胎移植技术(IVF-ET: In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer); 可简单理解为由实验室的试管代替了输卵管的功能,THE REASONS PEOPLE WANT TO BE PARENTS 人们想成为父母的原因,1. Love and satisfying relationship with others 爱与满意的关系 2. Stimulation and excitement at watching the child grow 观察孩子成长令人兴奋 3. A means of self-development-becoming more responsible, more sensitive, more skilled in relationships 自我发展的方式-更负责任,敏感,在人际关系上更有技巧 4. A way of achieving adult statusparenthood is proof of maturity 获得成年人的地位 5. A sense of creativity and achievement in helping the child grow帮助孩子成长的过程中可以获得创造力与成就感 6. An expression of moral and religious belief 道德与宗教信念 7. Utilitythe belief that child will care for parents when parents are older or ill 实用-孩子在父母年老或生病时可提供帮助 Women and men rate them in similar order (but African American and rural residents rate highly on utility; people with more education less likely see it as a reason of having children) (Hoffman time; workload) 受限制(自由,时间,工作量) Negative feelings in relation to children 与孩子相处的负面情感 Concerns about the child being poorly cared for 担心无法很好的照顾孩子 (Gerald Y. Michaels, 1988),BELSKYS MODEL 贝尔凯斯模型,child 孩子,parents 父母,Social context 社会环境,Parenting,BELSKYS MODEL (贝尔凯斯模型),The role of child 孩子的角色 Childs needs(孩子的需求), interaction with caregiver (孩子与抚养人的关系), and their characteristics and individuality (性格) The role of parents 父母的角色 Parents personal history(父母个人成长史), psychological characteristics (心理特质), and resources (资源) The role of society 社会的角色 The social contextthe expectations that society has for parents (社会对父母的期待), the amount of supports the parent gets from others (父母可以从他人获得的支持), and the added stresses society brings to bear on the parent(社会给父母的压力),THE ROLE OF CHILD (孩子的角色),孩子的物质需求(衣食住行)容易满足,但是,满足孩子的心理与社会需求,要复杂的多。 Bronfenbrenner 符号互动主义symbolic interactionism) 孩子本人的性别,气质,身体健康,影响着父母的行为,并由此影响孩子。 父母-孩子的匹配,THE IMPORTANCE OF CHILD TO PARENTS AND SOCIETY孩子对父母和家庭的重要性,Parents 父母 亲密关系,成就感,创造力,生命成熟,个体发展;更好控制自己的情感 Society 社会 孩子让社会延续下去 传承文化,风俗观念,社会价值观 社会的经济生产者;抚养老人与下一代,THE ROLE OF PARENTS 父母的角色,Major caregiver;to nurture (抚养) 赚钱与养育 母亲:contribute to economical well-being of families and to nurture children, provide them with experiences necessary for achievement and success. 养育与赚钱 Without training or support, parents feel frustrated when meeting these expectations. 父母需要培训或支持,STRESSORS SOCIETY PRESENTS TO PARENTS IN THE U.S. 美国社会给予父母的压力,For women 女性 Career 守规矩;互相关心与照顾,SOCIETY 社会,社会氛围?哲学家Jacob Needleham提出的美国灵魂 American Soul 向外:鼓励自由,平等,社区,鼓励创造 向内:个人内在的成长;生命的意义,STRESSORS 流动儿童 Supports from individuals 来自个体的支持(亲戚,朋友) From Belsky, social support is very important in two situations: 社会支持在两种情况下很重要 having a difficult child; 有一个困难的孩子 2. having a parent without personal resourcesdepression, or no positive role models. 父母缺乏 个人资源帮助孩子,如父母有抑郁症,或吸毒,服刑等.,UNPREDICTABLE STRESSORS FOR PARENTS对父母来说,不好预测的压力源,Fear for less common threats, terrorism 害怕一些比较少发生的威胁,如恐怖事件 Fear for common threatsmiss out something they should do or damage children 害怕一些常见的威胁, 如错过一些他们应该做的,或者害怕自己伤害到孩子 Fear of community influence, violence, etc. 害怕一些社区的影响,如暴力事件对孩子的影响 Mass media: materialism 害怕媒体: 宣传消费主义,拜金主义对孩子的影响 Culture is a changing, dynamic force that can be redirected. Put contemporary culture in perspective and to suggest changes that can be made. 记得:一个社会的文化是在不断的变化的。把当前的文化潮流,放在一个大的视野下来考虑对未来的建议。,WHERE DO PARENTS GET SUPPORTS?,Marital relationship Friends, neighbors, and relatives Community 红枫等 具特殊才能的孩子,需要不同的资源来协助他们发展,如绘画,音乐,体育等才能 Indispensible caring figure in childrens lives 父母是孩子生活中不可替代的角色,养育孩子如何改变了父母?,Katherine Ellisons book: They Mommy Brain: How motherhood makes us smarter? Results: perception(看法);efficiency(效率); resiliency(抗逆力);motivation(动机) ;social skills(社交技巧). 母亲分娩时的荷尔蒙改变,及母亲行为和情感的改变 对环境关心;改掉个人的坏习惯 理解自己童年时的一些情形 更有知识更有创造力(在帮助孩子们学习的过程中) 孩子们对世界的好奇让父母们对世界保持敬畏,我推荐的阅读:,书: 为人父母美简B.布鲁克斯 上海人民出版社 (2009) 申宜真幼儿心理百科韩申宜真 世界图书出版公司(2009) 亲子教育新浪微博: 王人平 人淡如菊-心的菩提 mandarinpassion,
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