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working the land,language points,disturbing adj. 令人不安的,令人烦恼的 Then came the disturbing news. It is very disturbing that there has been an increase in crime in the last six months.,disturb v. 打扰,扰乱 Dont disturb me while Im reading. (2) disturbed adj.心里不安的 She was disturbed about her mothers sudden illness.,2. expand vt. Vi. (使)变大,(使)膨胀 The number of students is expanding rapidly. Metals expand when they are heated. The company_ (已经扩大了20%)since it was set up in 1995. 答案:has expanded by 20%,4.equip vt. Vi. 配备, 装备 Your training will equip you for your future job. Well have to equip our office with a computer, wont we? He is equipped with much experience in teaching.,总结: equip with 用装备 equipfor 给配备, 使有能力做 3) be fully/pooly epuipped 装备齐全/简陋 _ (装备优良), the office building seems to be more modern.,Well equipped,5. ridof 摆脱,除去 (get rid of) You should rid yourself of that bad habit. One day we will manage to rid the world of this terrible disease. I have tried many kinds of ways _ (去掉我上衣的污垢),but in vain.,to rid my coat of dirt,Search for 寻找 1)search sb . 搜身 The police searched him but found nothing on him. 2) Search sp for 为找某物搜寻某地 They searched the woods for the missing boy. 3) in search of 寻找,追寻 They went to the USA in search of a better life.,7. make it possible to do 使成为可能 好天气使我们下周的出游成为可能。 The fine weather makes it possible to go outing next week. Planes make it possible to travel around the world very easily.,8.倍数表达法 (1)、A is+倍数+the size/length/height+of +B eg. Our classroom is three times the size of theirs. (2)、A is+倍数+as+adj.+as + B eg. This desk is twice as long as that one,(3)、A is+倍数+adj比较级+than +B eg. The population of China is three times larger than that of America This room is twice bigger than that one.,(4) 倍数+that of The output of TV sets in our factory is 15 times that of 1984. (5) 倍数+what it was The output of TV sets in our factory is 15 times what it was in 1984.,牛刀小试: 1、我的年纪是他的两倍。(as) I am twice as old as he. 2、他比过去多赚三倍的钱。(much) He earns three times more than he used to.,3、线条A是线条B的四倍长。(of) Line A is four times the length of line B. 4. The factorys output of cars this year is_ (大约是去年的三倍) (as, great) 答案:about three times as great as that of last year,5. The newly-broadened company is _ (三倍多) the previous. (size) 答案:three times the size of 6. It is reported that the United States uses _(两倍的能源) as the whole of Europe. (much) 答案:twice as much energy,9. if so 为省略句式,意为“如果是 这样的话” He may not be at home then. If so (he is not at home), leave him a note. You may have some difficulty at first. If so, ring us. Get up early tomorrow, if not, you will miss the early train.,10.for引导的分句通常对前一个分句所说的话加以解释,提供判断的理由。一般和前面的分句用逗号隔开。 The day breaks, for the birds are singing. 天亮了,因为鸟在歌唱。 It must be snowing, for it is so bright outside. 外面这样亮,一定在下雪。,11. confuse vt. 使迷惑;是混淆 They asked so many questions that they confused me. 他们问了许许多多的问题,把我弄糊涂了。 Her unexpected arrival confused all our plans. People were confused by a lot of information.,12. regret regret doing (having done)后悔做了某事 regret to do (常和tell, say, inform 等连用)对将要做某事表示遗憾 I regretted missing the good film. They regretted not having taken his advice.,I regret to say that I cannot help you. I regret to tell you that you have failed again in the examination. It is to be regretted that he cant come to the party. 真可惜他不能来参加这个聚会了。,13.reduce vt. 减少,缩减 reduce to 减少到 He persuaded then to reduce the price to $1,000. 他设法射使他们的价格降到1000美元。 reduce by 减少了 He reduced her weight by 5 kilos. 他的体重减轻了5 公斤。,reduce sb to doing sth. 使某人沦陷境地 Hunger recuced him to stealing. 饥饿迫使他沦为盗窃。,14.Comment n. 评论,议论 He made a comment about the bad road. 他对这条槽糕的路发表评论。 His behaviour caused a great deal of comment. 他的行为引起了好多议论。,v. 评论, 发表意见 He commented that it was a better play than usual, and I agreed. 琼评论说,这场比赛比以往打得好,我赞同。 He commented that she was not fit for the job.他评论说她不称职。,15. build up 逐渐增强;建立;开发 Try and build up his confidence a bit. 试试让他增加对自己的信心。 Youll need to build up your strength slowly after the operation. 手术后你要慢慢恢复体力。,We are trying to build up overseas markets for our cars. 我们正设法为我们的汽车开拓海外市场。 You need lots of fresh fruit to build up your body. 你需要吃许多新鲜水果来增强你的体质。,16. lead to 导致;通向 (=result in) There is no doubt that stress can lead to physical illness. 毫无疑问,心理压力会导致生理疾病。 Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness. All roads lead to Rome.,17. focus on 集中(注意力,精力) All eyes were focused on the speaker. All their attention was focused on finding a solution to the problem. focus /fix/ concentrate ones attention on sth.,keepfree from /of 使免受(影响;伤害) Balancd diet and good exercise keep you free from disease. We must make some practical measures to keep students free from too much homework.,(2)使不含(有害物) Nowadays many farmers try to keep vegetables free from chemicals. free from/ of 无的,免除的,不受约束的 We want to give all the children a world free from violence.,19. have been doing 一直做 John has been painting the ceiling. No wonder you are so tired. You have been work
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