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世界十大产品召回案(双语) 摘自: http:/www.kekenet.com/read/201007/107881.shtmlToyota has said it will recall more than 9 million cars to fix faulty gas pedals and floor mats that can cause unintended acceleration. TIME recaps 10 of the largest and most disquieting recalls to date丰田宣布将会召回至少900万辆车,对车辆出现问题的油门踏板和可能会无意识导致加速的地毯进行修理。时代总结了迄今为止十项最大规模也是最让人懊恼的召回。Toyotas Faulty PedalsToyota is having problems. On Jan. 21 the worlds largest automaker issued a recall its second in three months on 4.1 million vehicles sold in the U.S. and Europe to fix faulty gas pedals that have a tendency to get stuck, causing unintended acceleration. This is on top of a November recall of 5.3 million cars (and counting) believed to have ill-fitting floor mats that have a tendency to trap pedals. In total, more than 9 million Toyota cars worldwide have been pulled back for pedal-related flaws. Thats a lot of cars. In fact, its nearly the same amount as the total number vehicles all carmakers sold in the U.S. in 2009. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced plans to investigate the recall, and whether the Japanese-based automaker needlessly put the public at risk.Honda drivers have no room to gloat: 646,000 Honda Fits, Jazzes and Cities (including 140,000 cars sold in the U.S.) have been recalled to fix a faulty window switch known to accidentally catch fire.丰田宣布将会召回至少900万辆车,对车辆出现问题的油门踏板和可能会无意识导致加速的地毯进行修理。时代总结了迄今为止十项最大规模也是最让人懊恼的召回。Cribs Recalled After Infant DeathMore than 400,000 drop-side cribs made by Simplicity were recalled July 2 after an 8-month-old child in Houston suffocated. The Chinese-made cribs had a detachable side that easily broke, creating a gap between the side of the crib and the mattress where a child could potentially become trapped and suffocate. It wasnt Simplicitys first snafu with the cribs. In September 2008, the company recalled 600,000 cribs of the same type; in 2007 a million older-model cribs were recalled after two children became trapped and suffocated. In an interview on The Early Show, Consumer Product Safety Commission chairman Inez Tenenbaum said, We have recalled 2 million of these in the past few years because the company would change the hardware, but it never worked.婴儿床在出现幼儿死亡之后被召回超过40万张由Simplicity公司生产的下拉式围栏婴儿床在6月2号一位在休斯顿的幼儿窒息而死后被召回。这种中国制造的婴儿床有一可拆开的边非常容易损坏,会在车的边缘和床垫之间产生缝隙,而这缝隙可能卡住孩子并有窒息的危险。这并不是Simplicity第一次因为婴儿床而被推上风口浪尖了。早在2008年的9月公司召回了60万张同款婴儿床;而2007年有100张老款婴儿床因为两个儿童被卡住并窒息而宣布召回。在访谈节目The Early Show中,消费者产品安全委员会主席Inez Tenenbaum说道:“我们在过去的几年因为公司希望会对床的硬件进行更换已经召回了200万张婴儿床,但却从没起到什么作用。”Chinas Product-Safety RecallsIn 2008, Chinas largest provider of milk powder recalled 700 tons of baby formula after one child died and more than 50 others developed kidney problems. Melamine, a chemical used in the making of plastic, was found in the baby formula; it later emerged that unscrupulous manufacturers had been adding it to food products to cheaply boost protein values. Two men were eventually sentenced to death for their role in the scam. The revelations only further damaged Chinas reputation in production. Melamine had been a problem a year earlier, in March 2007, when the FDA recalled more than 60 million cans of cat and dog food after the death of 14 pets. In addition to spoiling food, Chinese-made toys were recalled later in 2007; Mattel took several of its Barbie and Polly Pocket products off the shelves because of concerns over toxic lead paint and hazardous magnet parts.中国食品安全召回事件2008年,中国最大的奶粉生产商在一名儿童死亡并且发现超过50个儿童发展成肾结石后宣布召回700吨儿童配方奶粉。三聚氰胺,一种用于制造塑料的化学添加剂,在这种儿童配方奶粉中被发现了。调查发现无良的制造商为了能廉价达到蛋白含量标准而将三聚氰胺添加到奶粉中。最终二人因为他们欺诈行为而被判死刑。这件事情的曝光影响了中国未来在制造业的声誉。三聚氰胺曾经在2007年3月因为14只宠物的死亡而被美国食品药物监督局召回了600万罐。除了中国的问题食品,中国制造的玩具也曾在2007年后半年被召回。美国玩具制造商Mattel因为人们对有毒铅涂料和含有危险磁部件有所担忧而让部分芭比娃娃和波利口袋下架。One Bad Bump .The Ford Pinto was a famously bad automobile, but worse still might be Fords handling of the safety concerns surrounding the 70s-era subcompact. Before the car ever reached the market, concerns emerged that a rear-end collision might cause the Pinto to blow up the positioning of the fuel tank sparked fears it could be punctured in a crash and cause a fire or an explosion. But instead of fixing the Pintos design, Ford, in a bit of morbid calculus, determined it would be cheaper to settle any lawsuits resulting from the Pintos flaws. After several lawsuits and criminal charges (Ford was eventually found not guilty), the automaker recalled 1.5 million Pintos in 1978, retrofitting the fuel-tank assembly with additional protections to prevent the Pinto from going up in flames. Too bad the same couldnt be done for the cars reputation. In 1981 the Pinto was retired for good.油箱的悲剧福特Pinto车是一款臭名昭著的车型,但比这更惹非议的是福特公司对人们对70年代小型汽车的安全的担忧的处理方式上。在这款汽车上市之前就有对追尾可能导致Pinto起火的质疑油箱布置在汽车尾部的做法可能会在追尾时刺穿油箱导致起火甚至爆炸。但是,福特并没有更改Pinto的设计,而是侥幸的认为,跟个别受害者打官司要比召回Pinto更省钱。在几次遭到起诉和刑事指控后(福特最终并没有被判有罪),福特在1978年召回了150万辆Pinto,并对油箱添加了额外的结构以保
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