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摘 要2010 年关于加快发展公共租赁住房的指导意见,正式提出了发展公共租住房,解决中低收入住房困难家庭、新就业大学生及流动人口住房问题,标志着我国住房保障制度改革的新起点。公共租赁住房正式进入人们的视野,并在全国范围内掀起了建设公共租赁住房的热潮。公共租赁住作为廉租房和经济适用房的补充,适应范围广,解决了我国“夹心层”家庭的住房困难,并且在引导我国住房租赁市场正确发展上起到了关键作用。但是,经过两年多的发展,公共租赁住房在实施过程中仍然暴露出不少问题,如定价机制不合理、准入机制不健全等问题,其中公共租赁住房的定价标准模糊、定价普遍认为过高导致北京、深圳等城市公共租赁住房推出时遭到弃租。公共租赁住房定价的高低是住房保障性的直接体现,是保障性资源能够切实满足中低收入住房困难家庭的关键因素。针对公共租赁住房租金定价对公共租赁住房政策的重大影响,文章分析了公共租赁住房定价的影响因素并构建了一种定价机制。文章以国内外住房定价的相关理论研究成果为基础,通过借鉴国外发达城市保障性住房定价的模式,分析对比我国典型城市公共租赁住房的定价现状以及目前常用的住房定价方法,试图建立一种结合公共租赁住房建设成本和中低收入家庭可支配收入的综合定价模型。通过对公共租赁住房建设成本、资金成本、管理成本等费用的计算,结合剩余收入法理论测算家庭住房可支付能力,根据不同户型、不同收入家庭对公共租赁住房租金进行由低收入到高收入家庭等比例递增的一种梯度差别定价方法,通过较高收入家庭补贴较低收入家庭,既能收回公共租赁住房成本又不超出居民住房支付能力。并通过保障性检验调整,保证各个级别公共租赁住房租金始终低于市场价格且在各承租家庭住房可支付能力范围之内。文章以重庆市“康庄美地”公共租赁住房项目为例,通过统计分析“康庄美地”项目申请人收入、户型等数据,计算得出“康庄美地”不同户型、不同收入群体的定价标准,验证了文中构建的定价模型的合理性和可行性。关键词:公共租赁住房,住房可支付能力,租金定价,成本测算IIABSTRACTIn 2010,Guidance on accelerating the development of public rental housingformally proposed developing public rental housing ,in order to solve the housingproblems of the low-and middle-income housing for needy families and newlyemployed college students and floating population, is the stand of a new starting ofChinas housing security system reform. Then, public rental housing officially enteredpeoples vision, and set off a boom in china. As the supplement of low-rent housing andaffordability housing, the public rental housing is more adaptable, is the key to solve the“sandwich class” families housing difficulties and to guide the reasonable developmentdirection of the housing rental market. But two years ago, there are so many problemsexposed, such as:pricing mechanism unreasonable、access mechanism unavailable andso on. These problems always make many people did not want to supply the publicrental housing in Shenzhen and Beijing. The price reflect the implementation effect ofthe public rental housing. The price is the key factors to make sure the welfare resoursemeet the need of housing difficuties of low-income family. In response to public rentalhousings influence, this paper analyzed the impact factors of the price of public rentalhousing and build a pricing mechanism.This paper based on the housing pricing theory research, it learnt from the housingpricing mechanism abroad, and analyzed the present situation of the public rentalhousing pricing in the typical cities of our country, and compared the common pricingmethod, trying to build a pricing method which integrates the cost of public rentalhousing and the disposable income of low-income family. The paper calculated thebuilding cost, capital cost, management cost and other expenses of the public rentalhousing, used residual income theory to making out the family housing affordability andbuilding a differential pricing method for different unit sorts and families. This methodcan both recover the cost and not beyond the residents housing affordability, throughhigher-income subsiding for lower-income. And then using the indicators ofindemnification, make sure the rent of the public rental housing is not beyond thehousing market rent and the family housing affordability.This paper takes the Chongqing Kang Zhuang Mei Di public rental housingIIIproject as an example, through the statistical analysis of the applicant income, andapartment layout data of Kang Zhuang Mei Di, and then calculate the rent standard, ittests the feasibility and rationality of this differential pricing method.Keywords: Public rental housing, Housing affordability, Rent, Cost estimationIV目 录中文摘要.英文摘要.1 绪 论.11.1 研究背景、目的和意义. 11.1.1 研究背景 . 11.1.2 研究目的 . 21.1.3 研究意义 . 21.2 国内外研究综述. 31.2.1 国外研究综述 . 31.2.2 国内研究综述 . 41.2.
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