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Module 4 The natural elementsUnit 4 A visit to the Space Museum教学过程重点词汇Mercury 水星 Venus 金星 Earth 地球Mars 火星 Jupiter 木星 Saturn 土星Uranus 天王星 Neptune 海王星 Pluto 冥王星solar 太阳系 approximate 大约的,大概的diameter直径 spine 旋冲 crew 工作人员engine发动机,引擎 author作者 recommend建议1. distance 距离The distance between my house and the shop is 3 miles.distant 遥远的The stars are distant from the earth.2. close V. 关上,合上Close the door.adj 近的Shenyang is close to Anshan. 3. take care of = look afterPlease take care of my daughter when I am away.You should take care of your sister.4. choose (chose,chosen)I chose to have a walk with you.Have you chosen this book?5. Britain BritishItaly - ItalianChina - ChineseMexico - MexicanAmerica AmericanRussia RussianJapan JapaneseIndia IndianKorea Korean6. the smallestthe biggestthe closestthe furthestthe hottestthe coldestthe longest- 2 -用心 爱心 专心
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