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九年级英语Unit15 课本基础知识过关考核1 We should try our best to save _(濒于灭绝的) species.2. I like this animal because its strong and i_(聪明的).3. There is no _(原因,理由) to believe that hes dishonest.4. Its harmful for the villagers to eat or drink the p_ food or water.5. Elephants are strong, but they arent a_ at all. They are usually very friendly.6. Im writing to say Im a_ building a new zoo in our town.7. Zoos are terrible places _ animals to live in.8. Would you like _ some milk?No, thanks. A. drinks B. drinking C. to drink D. a drink9. Could you tell us _ the manatees, please? Certainly. Were trying _ them. A. /; to save B. for; savedC. about; to save D. on; saving10. Im also interested in this topic very much. _. A. So do I B. So am I C. So have I D. So I am11. Have you had your lunch?No, I dont like _ anything. A. eat B. eats C. to eat D. eating12. _of the animals on land is the second strongest? Ive no idea. A. Which B. What C. When D. Why13. Dont forget to turn off the lights._. A. I wont B. I cant C. I dont D. I didnt14. I think we should protect animals. Yes, _ them is getting smaller. A. many of B. most of C. the number of D. a number of15. A key is m_of metal.16. Manatees are about 10 f_long and w_ about 1,000 pounds.17. I visited the zoo and couldnt b_what I saw.18. The radio is too n_. Could you please turn it down?19. A dog is a kind of u_animal.20. Why are English words w _on these things?21. Its very important to prevent the pollution of the e_ .22. He was surprised_ (find) the dog that he had lost.23._(Recycle) some waste things is very useful.24. Dont plan on_(drive) a car in Singapore.25. Dont worry. Your radio_(repair) very soon.26. The workers_(make) _(work)12 hours a day last year.27. This kind of skirts_(sell) very well.28. I saw a wallet_(lie) on the ground. 29. Tom_(go) out an hour ago. He_ (be) back in an hour.易混词语练中辨。1. stop doing; stop to doIm really very tired. Lets stop _(have) a rest.They stopped _(talk) when the teacher came into the classroom.Grandpa stopped _(listen) butthere was no sound.Do you know when it has stopped _(rain)?2. hear of; hear fromShe said she had never _ such afunny story before.The old man _ his son who worked in the USA yesterday.Have you _ the accident that happened in the park?My mother often _ her classmates.3. be made of; be made from; be made by; be made inThe table _ wood and metal, isnt it?I think most of paper we use _ grass.This kind of CD player _ Japan. Jims birthday cake _ Mrs Black last night. 4. used to; be used to; be used to doingHe used _(go) to work by bike, but hewent to work on foot today. Im used _(get) up early now. Bamboos can be used _(carry) water. Her father used _(be) a famous basketball player.30. As a teacher, I am against _(teach) students lessons on weekends.31. I dont think its a good way for animals _(live) in the zoos.32. The song helps to educate the students about _(get) up early in the morning.33. I urge all the drivers _(drive) more carefully.34. In order to help save the planet, you should stop _(ride) cars and start riding bikes.35. Theyre talking about _(visit) the Great Wall during the summer vocations.36. There _(过去有) a lot of manatees in the water under the trees in mangrove swamps.书面表达。 中学生A不同意建动物园,而B则认为动物园对于动物好处很多。你同意谁的观点呢?你认为动物是居住在动物园里还是生活在大自然里好呢?请参考使用下列所给短语以及句型表述你的观点。(要求80词左右)提示:I think that ., I believe that ., I feel that ., I agree with ., I disagree with .提示:sleep all day, take care of, go hungry, become lazy, live much longer, keep animals in the cages, run freely, be happy_考后反思:(单词、句子、语法点等还有哪些欠缺?)2
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