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2012高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题5 书面表达 6(每篇20分钟)(A)2011年高考在即,高三学生目前正处在紧张复习迎考的氛围中。假如你叫李想,南京市一高中高三学生,寒假之际,想和父母说说知心话,请你用英文在你的博客上给你父母写一封信。具体内容如下:参考词汇:高考 college entrance examination,写作时注意格式,词数150。开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mom and Dad,Traditional Chinese Spring Festival is around the comer. On this special occasion, how I wish I could have a heart-to-heart talk with you.I am quite confident of my future life and I do wish you good health and a happy new year.Yours sincerely,Li XiangDear Mom and Dad,Traditional Chinese Spring Festival is around the comer. On this special occasion, how I wish I could have a heart-to-heart talk with you.Through those years of my growing up, I always feel grateful to you for your unselfish help, care and love for me. Thanks to your constant encouragement, I have been making tremendous progress in my studies. It will be less than four months before I take the College Entrance Examination, which makes me under great pressure and need frequent support. You know, good studying conditions and timely help will do me a lot of good.Mom and Dad, my dream is the very one you always have. I am fully aware of the responsibilities I am bearing. I plan to make a detailed study schedule for this coming winter vacation so that I can review lessons and practice solving problems of different subjects. It is also necessary that I do some physical training once in a while so that I can keep fit. If possible, as a family member, I will also help do some housework to make you relax a little bit.I am quite confident of my future life and I do wish you good health and a happy new year.Yours sincerely,Li Xiang(B)请你根据对下面这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文。你的短文应该包括以下内容:1. 这幅漫画描述了什么?2. 这幅漫画想要告诉我们什么?3. 发表你个人的看法。注意:1. 可参照图示作必要的发挥想象。2. 词数150左右。3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。参考词汇:温室greenhouse_As is shown in the first drawing, it is windy and rainy outside, and yet the flower in the greenhouse is at its best.In the second drawing, however, things are quite different. When exposed to the outside, the flower appears weak and fails to stand against the bad weather.Based on the above drawings, we can see that one can hardly challenge possible difficulties if he stays in a comfortable surrounding too long a time. Similarly, with living standards improving, people tend to provide their children with material comfort and as a result, children are often spoiled. They may possibly succeed with the protection of the comfort. But what if they leave the socalled comfort? Theyll probably be destroyed by the tough reality as what happens to the flower.It is obvious that the education of the young is vital to the nation. Dont let them grow up in the greenhouse all the time. If exposed to the outside surroundings, theyll be stronger and better prepared for their futur4
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