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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。机电英文简历模板范文pe: guangzhouPersonal experience: the name of the company: guangzhou some electronic co., LTD., start-stop years: 2020-06 to 2020-06The company properties: the private sector by sector: electric appliances, electronics, communications equipmentPositions: independent operatorsJob description: the company product sales business, customer, follow up, follow up payment and a series of work.Leaving reason:Company name: a motor starting and ending years (Hong Kong) co., LTD. : the 2020-10-2020-04Properties: sino-foreign joint venture company by sector: electric appliances, electronics, communications equipmentPositions: buyerJob description: according to production planning department needs to finish the purchase order, order, follow up orders to confirm the date of delivery, the arrival of the goods.Leaving reason:Company name: guangzhou co., LTD., start-stop years: 1999-11-2020-09Properties: sino-foreign joint venture company by sector: electric appliances, electronics, communications equipmentPositions: production planner/cost administrator/purchasing assistantJob description: 1. According to the sales department of the business needs to finish production plan, to follow up production progress and arrange production in the library.Leaving reason:Education backgroundGraduate school: qingyuan city vocational schoolHighest degree: technical secondary school graduation - 2000-07-01A: professional electromechanical integration specialty 2: JapaneseBeginning by education and training experience: monthly ending years school (institution) professional certification certificate numberThe 1998-092000-07 qingyuan city vocational school diploma in mechanical and electrical2020-022020-01 Japanese college of south China normal universityLanguage abilityLanguage: Japanese generalGood mandarin level: level: good cantoneseAbility to work and other specialtyI assist communication process between the relevant departments to work have a certain understanding, familiar with the production plan is made, the arrangement of the production materials, production schedule follow up and production is more familiar with the reasonable arrangement of goods in the library management.Detailed personal autobiographyHope to working areas: guangzhou机电行业中英文简历模板个人信息目前所在地:广州民族:壮族户口所在地:清远身材:156 cm47 kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:26 岁求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:工业/工厂类:采购员、采购助理工作年限:8职称:无职称求职类型:全职可到职-随时月薪要求:2000-3500希望工作地区:广州个人工作经历:公司名称:广州市某电子有限公司起止年月:2020-06 2020-06公司性质:私营企业所属行业:电器,电子,通信设备担任职务:自主经营者工作描述:公司产品营业销售、客户跟进、货款结算等一系列工作跟进。离职原因:公司名称:某电机(香港)有限公司起止年月:2020-10 2020-04公司性质:中外合资所属行业:电器,电子,通信设备担任职务:采购员工作描述:依据生产计划部门的生产需求作成采购订单、下达订单、跟进订单交货期、到货确认.离职原因:公司名称:广州有限公司起止年月:1999-11 2020-09公司性质:中外合资所属行业:电器,电子,通信设备担任职务:生产计划员/成本管理员/采购助理工作描述:1.依据营业部的营业需求作成生产计划,对生产进度进行跟进及合理安排生产在库品.离职原因:教育背景毕业院校:清远市技工学校最高学历:中专毕业-2000-07-01所学专业一:机电一体化所学专业二:日语受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专业获得证书证书编号1998-092000-07清远市技工学校机电一体化毕业证2020-022020-01华南师范大学日语大专语言能力外语:日语一般国语水平:良好粤语水平:良好工作能力及其他专长本人对相关部门间的协助沟通流程运作有一定的了解,熟悉生产计划的作成、生产物料的安排、生产进度的跟进及生产在库品的合理安排管理较熟悉。详细个人自传希望工作地区:广州市
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