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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。电子研发工程师英文简历表格一份好的简历不仅有主题突出的经历,而且有特点的包装和格式是吸引注用人单位人事经理的主要方面之一。如果使用各种字体格式,如斜体、大写、下划线、首字突出、首行缩进或尖头等等方式,有重点有节奏地表达思想。有些求职者以为另类的简历会让人耳目一新,所以往往追求新、奇的特色。除非是你寻求的职位有些别样,最好是在简洁、醒目上下功夫,不要过于花哨,否则适得其反。下面是小编和大家分享的电子研发工程师英文简历表格,更多内容请关注(www.XXX.com)。Name:XXXHukou:ShanghaiResidency:ShanghaiWork Experience:Current Salary:Tel:E-mail:www.XXX.comCareer ObjectiveDesired Industry:Electronics/Semiconductor/IC ,Science/Research ,Government ,Others ,Testing, CertificationDesired Position:Senior Hardware Engineer ,Semiconductor Technology, Branch Office Manager ,Chief Representative ,Research Specialist StaffDesired address:Shanghai ,Hongkong ,Beijing ,Taiwan ,MacaoDesired Salary:NegotiableWork Experience2020/06;Present*CompanyIndustry: Electronics/Semiconductor/ICIntel Flash Engineering Department Individual Contributor Responsibilities:I have been working in Intel Flash Assembly & Test EngineeringDepartment as an Individual Contributor since June of 2020.Being Leader of ATE Yield team, I have been working with the team members to improve the products yield. Our efforts are paid off:The yield of year 2020has been dramatically increased than that of year 2020.The yield of all products, consecutively meets the goal.The total amount of cost saving due to yield improvement is more than $1 million compared with year 2020. Being the Leader of Board Repair Team in ATE, I worked with my team members, setup a set of new procedure to replace the current one, I defined the schedule, divided the roles & responsibilities among team members, follow up the progress. Finally, the team has made a great cost saving of $2.5M in 2020.Report Directly to: Department ManagerNumber of Subordinate: 14Reference: Bao PowelAchievements: Being Leader of ATE Yield team, I have been working with the team members to improve the products yield.Our efforts are paid off:The yield of year 2020has been dramatically increased than that of year 2020.The yield of all products, consecutively meets the goal.The total amount of cost saving due to yield improvement is more than $1 million compared with year 2020. Being the Leader of Board Repair Team in ATE, I worked with my team members, setup a set of new procedure to replace the current one, I defined the schedule, divided the roles & responsibilities among team members, follow up the progress. Finally, the team has made a great cost saving of $2.5M in 2020.2020/01;2020/05Intel(Shanghai) Technology Development Ltd. CompanyIndustry: Electronics/Semiconductor/ICIntel STTD-China Department Electronics Development Engineer Responsibilities:I had been working in STTD-China since Jan 2020to May 2020as a senior module engineer.At that time, as a main contributor of this project, we succeeded in developing a set of MASSIVELY PARALLEL CLASS TEST equipment, which is able to test more than 6700 units in one time.Report Directly to: Hopman MarkNumber of Subordinate: 14Reference: Bao PowelReason for Leaving: I was transferred to Intel(Shanghai)Products Ltd. Company due to the internal re-organization in June of 2020.Achievements: As a main contributor of STTD-China department, I co-work with my colleagues to succeed in developing a set of MASSIVELY PARALLEL CLASS TEST equipment, which is able to test more than 6700 units in one cycle.2020/05;2020/01Nanyang University of Science & TechnologyIndustry: Electronics/Semiconductor/ICElectronics & Electrical Engineering Department Research Fellow Responsibilities:I work in Electronics & Electrical Engineering Department of Nanyang University of Science & Technology as a Research Fellow.I majored at Gate Oxide Reliability Research in the duration.Report Directly to: Professor Pey Kin LeohSubordinate: 3Reference: Patrick LowReason for Leaving: I completed the project which I undertook by myself, and want to do more challenging job.Achievements: In less than one year, I made a lot of experiments and acquired the wonderful data for the project by myself.Project Experience2020/01;PresentAssembly NPI (New Product Introduction)Project Description: To introduce more products into Intel Flash Assembly factory, I join Assembly NPI team and work as the team leader. I coordinate with IE, Planner, Marketing guy and Engineer to select new product items, do demo in factory, and then qualify it.Responsibility: I am working as NPI Team leader and coordinate all team members, define the NPI candidate, make Assembly build plan, follow up the progress.2020/01;2020/12Marginal Electrical Boards RescueProject Description: To rescue some electrical boards of testing equipment, a Task Force team was built up and led by me. We categorized each kind of board, made historical failure analysis on each kind of board and around &2.5 million dollars was saved finally.Responsibility: Being the team leader, I took the job of data analysis, define each members role, make program plan, coordinate each team member and follow up the progres
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