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Unit7 I want to be a doctor,Lets learn,director(导演),shop assistant,an actor,an actress,waiter,reporter,policeman,policewoman,policemen,policewomen,driver,nurse,student,teacher,What do you do?,I am an actor .,What does he do ?,He is a reporter .,She is a nurse .,What does she do ?,What do you want to be?,I want to be a reporter. I think its very interesting.,Lets talk,What do you want to be ?,I want to be a teacher .,What does he want to be ?,He wants to be a police.,What does he want to be ?,He wants to be a waiter .,1. Please describe one job you know.,2.Please imagine(想象) what you want to do and where you like to work in the future(将来).,Homework,Goodbye!,
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