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2013年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块三 Unit 1 The world of our senses(与译林牛津新版教材配套,教师版)一、词义配对A1. confuse A. not far from one side to the other2. forecast B. foretell about sth that will happen in the future3. relief C. stop for a moment before sb. does or says sth. because of not being sure4. hesitate D. thankful5. glance E. a feeling of being freed from worry 6. pavement F. help, assist7. sight G. the ability to see8. grateful H. to disturb in mind9. aid I. look quickly at sb. or sth.10. narrow J. a road for people to walk on11.observe K. look at sb. or sth. for a long time12.approach L. watch sb. or sth. carefully, see sb. or sth.13.grasp M. come near or nearer to sb. or sth.14.stare N. hold sth. Tightly1. H 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. I 6J 7. G 8. D9. F 10. A11.L12.M13.N14.KB1. ignore A. full of hope2. wave B. speak softly over ones ear3. whisper C. to know again4. hopeful D. make sth become less or smaller5. attach E. over ones head 6. overhead F. neglect 7. recognize G. fasten or join sth to sth8. reduce H. being unable to use a part of ones body well9.distance I. huge movements of sea water caused by hurricane or tsunami10.disability J. how far it is from one place to another place1. F 2. I 3. B 4. A 5. G 6. E 7. C 8. D9. J 10. HC1. calm A. feeling of great fear 2. contrary B. different from3. panic C. opposite4 .loose D. make sb. or sth. Come nearer; make sb. like sb. else or sth.5. employ E. make sb. at ease, set sb. free6. likely F. take on7. attract G. quiet, and not excited or afraid 8. unlike H. possible, probable1. G 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. F6. H 7. D8. B 二、根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.There are s_ that the economy all over the world is improving.2. It is freezing cold today! Will it get better soon as the weather f_ says?3. Mary g_ shyly at the young fellow behind her newspaper and then walked away.4. The accident occurred at a c_ in the rush hour. Fortunately, no one got injured.5. The boy g_ the hands of his teacher firmly to show his gratitude for his care and help.6. Students homework must be greatly r_ to make sure they have time to take part in sports activities.7. They chatted over coffee about their experiences as v_ during the competition.8. You need to sit down and a_ why you feel so upset.9. She phoned the doctor in a p , crying that shed lost the baby.10. Her long hair was l_ and hung on her shoulders like waterfalls.11. I still feel c_. Could you explain the answer to me once more?12. The old street is so n_ that it can only allow one car to go through. 13. They came up with three a_ to the problem, but none was adopted.14. An old friend at university was a_ to see me as soon as he saw my picture online.15. To write his report, Mr. Lee spends most of his time o_ birds behavior in the woods16. You dont have to w_ to me; no one can hear us.17. We hadnt seen each other for ten years, but I immediately r_ him in the crowd.18. I said Hello to her with a smile, but she went by and i_ me.19. The green coat looks very wonderful but it doesnt really s_ you.20. What a_ me most in this company was the chance to go abroad.三、译出下列词组(英译汉)英语汉语英语汉语wish for盼望,期盼get close to 靠近glance at 瞥了一眼all of a sudden突然set off towards 朝着出发be frozen by fear由于害怕而呆住了reach out伸出手去make good progress 取得很大的进步stare up at盯着看work out a plan制定出一个计划watch out for当心come across偶然遇到come to ones aid来帮某人contrary to 与相反in relief放松地mistake A for B把A误当成Bmake no difference没有区别,没有意义attach to 把附属于,依附于in sight 看得到,在视力范围内roll up卷起来四、从上述表格中选择恰当的词组填空1.We should seize every opportunity to the masses.2.The public have been wanted by the weatherman over radio to_ the coming storm. 3.You must be _ me_ my younger sister.4.Seeing the students doing the cleaning in the classroom, the class teacher _ his sleeves and joined them in the work.5.That will to him, whatever you may decide.6.They are ready to and help those who are in trouble.7.It is essential that we to cope with the crisis.8.Over her shoulder she the man following behind and she thought a way out to throw him off.9.The aircraft c
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