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If you were allowed to bring a laptop to class, would you prefer to take notes by typing or with a pen and paper? Most people would probably prefer a laptop. And the reason is obvious: you can write much more quickly using a keyboard and therefore take down more information. But the truth is that faster isnt always better. A new study, done by Princeton University and University of California, found that students who took handwritten notes actually learned more than those who used laptops, reported The Atlantic. In the study, 65 college students watch a video of a lecture and take notes either with pens or laptops. Students were then asked to complete different tests based on how well they remembered and understood the lecture. Results shows that pen users performed better than those who took notes with their laptops. Curious about the results, they compared the notes of the two groups and immediately saw the difference pen users notes were shorter and taken mostly in their own words. Laptop users, however, usually type down word by word what the lecturer said in a “mindless” way. They found that students with laptops always try to take more notes, so they usually write down information without processing its meaning while pen users know that they cannot possibly record every word in a lecture. Instead, they listen, think and focus on understanding the content of the lecture. Besides brain activities, there is another reason that laptops are not so useful in class. According to Scientific American, when college students use laptops in class, they spend on average 40 percent of class time doing things such as visiting social media sites or shopping, which obviously harms their school performance. Indeed, technology is making our lives easier and doing things more efficiently. But learning may not be one of those things. As Scientific American put it: “When it comes to taking notes, students need fewer gigs and more brain power.”,result,phenomenon,suggestions,reasons,If you were allowed to bring a laptop to class, would you prefer to take notes by tying or with a pen and paper? Most people would probably prefer a laptop. And the reason is obvious: you can write much more quickly using a keyboard and therefore take down more information.,topic / phenomenon(para1),Most people would probably prefer to take notes with a laptop because it is much quicker.,But the truth is that faster isnt always better. A new study - done by Princeton University and University of California, - found that students who took handwritten notes actually learned more than those who used laptops, reported The Atlantic.In the study , Muller and Oppenheimer had 65 college students watch a video of a lecture and take notes either with pens or laptops. Students were then asked to complete different tests based on how well they remembered and understood the lecture. Results shows that pen users performed better than those who took notes with their laptops.,pay attention to some signal words !,Study showed that students who took handwritten notes actually learned more and performed better than those who took notes with their laptops,Curious about the results, Muller and Oppenheimer compared the notes of the two groups and immediately saw the difference -pen users notes were shorter and taken mostly in their own words. Laptop users, however, usually type down word -by- word what the lecturer said in a “mindless” way. They found that students with laptops always try to take more notes, so they usually write down information without processing its meaning while pen users, know that they cannot possibly record every word in a lecture. Instead, they listen, think and focus on understanding the content of the lecture. Besides brain activities, there is another reason that laptops are not so useful in class. According to Scientific American, when college students use laptops in class, they spend on average 40 percent of class time doing things such as visiting social media sites or shopping, which obviously harms their school performance.,Compared with laptops, using pens to take notes can contribute to more brain activities while laptop users spend time doing other things in class, like visiting social sites.,pay attention to the linking word!,Indeed, technology is making our lives easier and doing things more efficiently. But learning may not be one of those things. As Scientific American put it: “when it comes to taking notes, students need fewer gigs (电脑性能)and more brain power.”,Always consider the authors writing purpose!,Students should use pens to take notes rather than laptops.,若将上述的所有要点连句成文,形成一段概要: Most people would probably prefer a laptop to take notes and the reason is that you can write much more quickly. (Point 1) But a new study found that students who took handwritten notes actually learned more than those who used laptops and performed better than those who took notes with their laptops. (Point 2)Besides bra
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