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中文摘要随着目前我国医疗体制改革的深入,医院这一过去纯福利性事业单位,使其置身于复杂的经济、社会、政治、科技、法律乃至伦理问题的市场之中。在市场经济条件下,医院的生存和发展,也应运用发展战略的思想来经营管理医院。然而很多医院现实问题研究表明,我国医院长期缺乏市场观念,对发展战略重视不够或根本没有发展战略思想。本文选择了在医疗体制改革中具有代表性的一所非营利性传染病专科医院安阳第五人民医院,作为医院发展战略管理研究对象,以探索我国市级传染病专科医院如何在复杂多变的市场环境中得到持续发展等问题,这无疑具有重要现实意义。 本文以安阳第五人民医院为例,运用SWOT等分析方法,对医院所面临的外部环境、内部现状进行了较为深入的分析,研究了医疗机构如何实施发展战略管理的问题。全文共分五部分:首先,根据行业背景和安阳市第五人民医院具体情况,简要介绍了该院面临的社会、政策、技术、文化等外部环境,接着详细分析了安阳市医疗行业的现状,引入了波特五种力量分析模型,对该院的外部环境进行了规范化分析。其次,对该院内部环境,包括人力资源、信息管理、科技创新、企业文化、组织结构等进行了具体分析,得出的结论是:医院的专科品牌认知度、技术水平、医疗设备、医院文化等能为医院提供持续竞争优势;而科研能力、管理成本、人力资源等管理方面,存在不足,会限制发展。医院必须从战略管理的高度,认识其优势、培育其核心竞争力、利用一切机遇,迎接新的市场挑战,使其保持可持续的长期发展。本文重点是在以上分析的基础上,运用SWOT矩阵分析模式,对医院的机会、威胁、优势、劣势进行战略分析,并结合实际,找到适合本院发展的核心战略。最后,通过研究制定出有利于安阳市第五人民医院发展的切实可行的战略方案。其中包括依法管理传染病救治、提出呼吁对传染病治疗实行归口管理、明确传染病医院公共卫生属性并加大政府投入以及医院自身突出专科特色、走大专科小综合的发展思路、培育核心竞争力包括途径和措施、加强信息化建设、打造医院文化、加大高精尖技术和设备人才引进等核心战略规划与实施,为我国医疗体制下医院发展特别是传染病专科医院改革发展提供较有益的借鉴和经验。关键词:医院、SWOT战略分析方法、战略管理、核心竞争力AbstractAlong with the deepening of reform of the medical system, hospital - the last pure welfare institutions, have been gradually introduced to the market its exposure to complex and ever-changing economic, social, political, scientific, technological, legal and even ethical issues of market environment being. Hospital in order to survive and develop, it is necessary to its own strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges have a clear understanding of the comprehensive, must use the idea of development strategies to the operation and management of hospital. However, many practical problems and research data show that medical institutions in our country a long time failed to market the concept, have not placed enough emphasis on development strategies, or simply do not have the development of strategic management thinking. This article in the medical system reform has chosen a representative in a non-profit specialty hospital - Anyang Fifth Peoples Hospital, as hospital management of development strategy, which is on the current Chinas medical service agencies to explore how complex and changeable market environment issues such as sustainable development is undoubtedly an important practical significance. In this paper, the Fifth Peoples Hospital, Anyang, for example, the use of SWOT analysis method, the hospital facing the external environment, the internal status of a more thorough analysis to study the development of medical institutions how to implement strategic management questions.The passage is divided into eight parts: First, according to industry background and Anyang City Fifth Peoples Hospital of the specific circumstances facing the hospital briefly introduce the social, policy, technical, cultural and other external environment, followed by a detailed analysis of the medical profession in Anyang City of the status quo, Porter introduced the five forces analysis model, the external environment of the hospital conducted a standardized analysis. Secondly, within the hospital environment, including human resources, information management, scientific and technological innovation, corporate culture, organizational structure and concluded that: the specialist hospital brand awareness, technical, medical equipment, hospital culture for hospital to provide sustainable competitive advantage; and research capability, management costs, human resources management, there is lack of restrictions on development.This article focuses on the use of the above basic SWOT analysis matrix model of hospital opportunities, threats, strengths, weaknesses for strategic analysis, and connection with reality, and find a suitable core of our development strategy.Finally, by studying the work out in favor of the Fifth Peoples Hospital in Anyang City of practical strategies to develop programs, including the management of infectious diseases in accordance with the law for medical treatment, the treatment of communicable diseases call for the implementation of centralized management, a clear public health infectious disease hospital and increase property Government has put in, as well as to highlight their own specialist hospital characteristics, and take great specialist in small integrated development, cultivating core competitiveness, including the ways and measures to strengthen the construction of information, to build hospital culture, technology and equipment to increase high-tech talent to introduce the core strategic planning and implementation of health care system for our country under the hospital development, especially infectious diseases specialist hospital reform and development to provide a more useful lessons and experiences.Key words: Hospital、SWOT strategic analysis、Strategic management、core competitive power安阳市第五人民医院发展战略管理研究目 录谢词I版权和参考资料的引用声明II中文摘要IIIAbstractIV目 录VI图 目 录IX表 目 录X第一章 绪论11.1 研究背景11.1.1安阳市第五人民医院简介11.1.2 研究的必要性11.2研究的目的及现实意义21.2.1 研
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