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Unit 2 Going somewhere,lesson12,认识新朋友,图书馆,library,clothes,衣服,supermarket,snack,超市,小吃,快餐,vegetables,fruit,蔬菜,水果,cinema,post office,电影院,邮局,near,beside,在附近,在旁边,by, beside, near和next to,1. by和beside均表示“在旁边”,常可换用 。,桌子边上有一把椅子。,There is a chair by the table.,2. near表示“在附近”,表示的距离比by和beside稍远些,也时常换用,There is a theatre near his home.,他家附近有一家剧院。,理发店隔壁是一家咖啡馆。,3. next to表示“紧靠的旁边”,There is a cafe next to the barbers.,where,where,where,1.where用作疑问副词, 在(往、从)哪里, 在什么地方:,Where are you?,你在哪儿?,2.where用于引申意义:,Where the money is, theres the power.,有钱就有势。,跟我读,*The supermarket is beside the cinema.,*Tom is hungry.,*He wants to buy some snacks, but he cannot find a supermarket .,*Is there a supermarket near here?,*Yes, there is. Go straight and turn left at the first coner.,*-How do you go to school?,*-Is there a school near here?,*-Where do you live?,*-Where do you buy food?,-In the supermarket.,-I walk to school.,-I live near my school.,-Yes,there is.,练一练,你会选吗?,( )1.Where do you buy _ (蔬菜)? A. Vegetables B. fruit C. clothes,( )2.She buy some food. A. wants B. wants to C. want,B,A,6.The post office is beside the (电影院) .,1.Where do you buy _(蔬菜)?,2. We buy fruit in the _(超市).,3. I am _(饥饿).,4. She cannot (寻找)a bus stop.,5.Is there a school (在附近)here?,vegetables,supermarket,hungry,find,near,cinema,你知道吗? Do you know?,Snacks,Snacks,Snacks,Snacks,Snacks,油炸干、豆腐脑、五香回卤干、五香茶叶蛋、乌龟子、酥烧饼、小笼包饺、千层油糕、华飞四季旺酸辣粉、多种浇头的各式汤面等品种,价廉物美,尤以配套装笼的什色点心最受消费者欢迎。 代表有小笼包子、拉面、薄饼、葱油饼、豆腐涝、汤面饺、菜包、酥油烧饼、甜豆沙包、鸡面干丝、春卷、烧饼、牛肉汤、小笼包饺、压面、蟹黄面、长鱼面、牛肉锅贴、回卤干、卤茶鸡蛋、糖粥藕等。,夫子庙小吃,Thank you! Goodbye!,
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