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Unit 2They were young.,四、判断下列单词是( T )否( F )同类。 ( T )1.oldyoungbeautiful ( F )2.wasitwere ( F )3.shorttwolong ( T )4.dirtytallthin ( F )5.cutecatso 五、用句中画线单词的反义词填空。 1.This girl is tall,but that girl is short. 2.The desk is clean.It isnt dirty. 3.They were young then.Now they are old. 4.My bag isnt new.Its old. 5.This is a thin dog.That is a fat dog.,六、给下列问句选择合适的答语。 ( C )1.Who is that woman?A.Yes,I am. ( E )2.Was it fat?B.No,they werent. ( A )3.Are you clever?C.Shes my mother. ( B )4.Were they young?D.Hes in Shanghai. ( D )5.Where is he?E.Yes,it was.,读一读,写一写 so short long clean dirty,八、单项选择。 ( B )1.She was fat then.Now she thin. A.was B.is C.am ( B )2.They are my . A.grandparent B.grandparents C.grandpa ( C )3.She was cute,but she was very naughty,. A.also B.two C.too,( B )4.Her hair long then. A.is B.was C.are ( C )5. are they?They are my brothers. A.What B.How C.Who,九、情景交际。 ( B )1.奶奶看相册时回忆自己多年前的样子,她说: A.Im young now. B.I was young then. ( B )2.小芳想表达“她那时是长头发”,应该说: A.My hair is long now. B.My hair was long then. ( B )3.妈妈拿着童童两岁时的照片对他说: A.Youre two now. B.You were two then. ( B )4.进进养的小猫咪过去很瘦,现在胖胖的,他说: A.It wasnt thin then. B.It was thin then.Now it is fat.,
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