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Module 3 English Food She had eggs and sausages,New Words,汉堡包 英式的 早餐 午餐 三明治 炸鱼加炸薯条,传统的 食品,菜肴 很,非常 给(过去式) 今晚,今夜 喝(过去式) 吃(过去式),hamburger English breakfast lunch sandwich fish and chips,traditional dish very much gave tonight drank ate,Daming has got from Lingling. It is about .,The email says that yeaterday Lingling had . She had .,an email,English food,an English breakfast,eggs and sausages,She had . And she had . for dinner.,Its a English dish. She likes it . She says English food is .,sandwiches for lunch,fish and chips,very much,delicious,traditional,Lets talk!,I had a lot of food yesterday. I had for breakfast. I had lunch at . I had . They were very delicious. I had for dinner. They were very nice. I like food.,milk, eggs, and an apple,home/ school,fish, noodles and vegetables,bread,juice and chichen,Chinese,Lets play a game,More practice,1.Sam吃了六个汉堡包。 2.她非常喜欢三明治。 3.我们把鸡蛋给了我们的妈妈。 4.今天晚上我准备喝一杯牛奶。 5.妈妈准备给我们做中餐,因为我们不喜欢汉堡包。,Sam had six hamburgers.,She likes sandwiches very much.,We give the eggs to our mother.,Im going to have a cup of milk this evening.,My mother is going to cook Chinese food for us. Because we dont like hamburgers.,火眼金睛,1.Ive got a email from Lingling. 2.What do it say? 3.Yesterday she have an English breakfast. 4.What did she had for breakfast? 5.She had sandwichs. 6.Do Lingling like English food? 7.She say its delicious.,(an),(does),(have),(sandwiches),(Does),(says),(had),语 法,What did you have for breakfast. She had eggs and sausages. What did she have for dinner? She had fish and chips.,Homework 1.短语听写一遍。 2.用一般过去式介绍一下你昨 天一日三餐的情况。 3.下次上课时间四月十五号。,See you!,
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