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Unit 2 We have Art in the art room.,Section B,Listen, read and write.,Zhang Jia writes an email to her friend in the US. She tells her friend about her school in China.,We usually study Chinese and English in our classroom.,We go to the school library to read on Fridays.,We have Science in the science lab.,We have IT in the computer room.,We have Art in the art room.,We have Music in the music room.,We run and play football on the sports field.,We play basketball on Saturdays.,Answer the questions,Zhang Jia is writing an email. Where is she? _ 2. Zhang Jia is in the art room. What is she doing? _ When is Zhang Jia Usually in the library? _,She is in the computer room.,She is having Art.,On Fridays.,Pair work,This is the art room. We have Art in the art room.,Pair work,This is the music room. We have Music in the music room.,Pair work,This is our classroom. We usually study Chinese and English in our classroom.,Pair work,This is the school library. We go to the school library to read on Fridays.,Pair work,This is the science lab. We have Science in the science lab.,Pair work,This is the computer room. We have IT in the computer room.,Pair work,This is the sports field. We run and play football on the sports field.,Thank you,
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