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Unit 5,You must come to school on time.,一个关于淘气虫李晓的故事,A story about a naughty boy LI Xiao,5-4-3,理解词句,听懂故事 (五个单词),rule,late,yesterday,before,early,规则,在之前,早的,昨天,迟的,晚的,检测一,rule,late,yesterday,before,early,规则,在之前,早的,昨天,迟的,晚的,理解词句,听懂故事 (四个短语),do your homework,be late for school,listen to the teacher,be on time,做家庭作业,上课听讲,上学迟到,准时(上学),检测二,do your homework,be late for school,listen to the teacher,be on time,做家庭作业,上课听讲,上学迟到,准时(上学),理解词句,听懂故事 (三个句子),You must not be late for school.,You must come to school on time.,You must do your homework.,你不能上学迟到。,你必须准时来学校。,你必须做家庭作。,检测三 (连线题),You must not be late for school.,You must come to school on time.,You must do your mework.,你不能上学迟到。,你必须准时来学校。,你必须做家庭作。,下面是关于淘气鬼李晓的故事!,Li Xiao, you must come to school on time,李晓,你必须准时来学校,Sorry, Ms Li. I was late for school yesterday.,对不起李老师, 我昨天迟到了。,Yes, on Thursday, And on Tuesday and Wednesday.,是的,周四、周二和周三你都迟到了!,I am very sorry, Ms Li.,非常抱歉,李老师。,You must go to bed before 9:00 and get up early to get ready for school.,你必须九点前上床睡觉,并且早上早起去上学,Yes, Ms Li.,好的李老师。,You must do your homework.,你必须做家庭作业。,Yes, Ms Li. I did my English homework.,李老师,我做 好了英语作业。,Yes, but you didnt do your Maths and Chinese homework.,是的,但是你的数学和语文作业没有写。,I am sorry, Ms Li.,对不起李老师。,关上书本,看看视频中的淘气鬼是不是这样子的?,李晓是个这么淘气的同学,我们放学回家后怎么做才能不像他一样呢?,Homework,单词、短语各抄写十遍 句子抄写五遍。,Byebye,
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