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万科虹溪诺雅新品发布会 回到虹溪诺雅 生命境界,Apirl 26th 2009 由century sakura倾情打造的 万科“虹溪诺雅新品发布会” 于东莞松山湖凯悦酒店正式开启-,THE WORLD YOU HAVE LOST,经过精心策划与全程努力,世纪樱花成功营造了“虹溪诺雅 生命境界”的主题意境,现场布置宛如山谷里的花朵,鲜艳欲滴,风姿船饰,奇葩异景,留下这珍贵影像 Decorated boat charm, wonderful work varies King, leaving this precious image,白色三叶草,凸显虹溪诺雅品牌理念 Reflect the value of the concept of clover,THE WORLD YOU HAVE LOST,强大星光阵容,引得各路媒体“长枪短炮”严阵以待 Stars powerful lineup, attracted various media,熊黛林出现,引得各路媒体争相捕捉采访镜头 Stars powerful lineup, attracted various media,陈嘉容一袭蓝裙拽地,颇具地中海风情,仪态从容 Moderator first appearance,湖畔垂钓,在山水中韬光养晦清晨; 第一缕阳光里起身,呼吸虹溪诺雅的清新空气。 Morning ,Fishing in the lake ; Get up breathing of fresh air,百年品牌媲美百年建筑,爱马仕丝巾华丽登场 Comparable to those a hundred years hundred years building the brand,熊黛林分享近期事业与心情,表达对虹溪诺雅的欣赏 Share recent career and feelings, expressing appreciation of the project,在晶片与三宅一生青草味香水弥漫中,时尚盛典,完美落幕 In the chip and the taste in perfume, fashion ceremony, the perfect end,THANKS!,
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