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最新人教PEP版小学英语精品试卷设计人教版小学英语三年级下册期中测试卷2带答案听力部分(70分,共六大题)一、 听录音,给下列图片标上序号。8分(听两遍) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、 听录音,判断录音内容是否与图意相符,相符的用J表示,不相符的用L表示。16分(听两遍)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 三、 听录音,连线。10分(听两遍)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. b. c. d. e. 四、 听录音,选出所听到的内容。16分(听两遍)( ) 1. A. grandmother B. grandfather C. great( ) 2. A. in the basket B. in the box C. in the pencil box( ) 3. A. a dining room B. a sitting-room C. a bathroom ( ) 4. A. Can I have a look? B. Can I have a book? C. Can I have a copybook?( ) 5. A. Im twelve. B. Its twelve. C. Im twenty.( ) 6. A. I cant find the cake. B. I cant find the rice. C. I cant find the juice.( ) 7. A. Miss Li is hungry. B. Mrs Li is hungry. C. Mr Li is hungry.( ) 8. A. Is this a telephone? B. Is that a telephone? C. Is that an elephant?五、 听录音,选出合适的应答句。10分(听两遍)( ) 1. A. Im Mike. B. She is Helen. C. He is Mike.( ) 2. A. Its a pencil. B. Its on the desk. C. Its one oclock.( ) 3. A. Its 15. B. Its 12. C. Its 14.( ) 4. A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he isnt.( ) 5. A. Its a radio. B. No, it isnt. C. Its on the chair.六、 听录音,判断下列录音内容与情境是否符合,符合的用“”表示,不符合的用“”表示。10分(听两遍)1.当你想进入老师的办公室时,你说:( )2.你看到南希的书包很漂亮,你会说:( )3.现在是下午五点钟,妈妈对你说:( )4.你饿了,你对爸爸说:( )5.你不知道桌上的那个东西是什么时,你问:( )笔试部分(30分,共四大题)一 、给下列单词分类,将序号写在横线上。8分1. a storybook 2. oranges 3. a computer 4. watermelons5. aunt 6. uncle 7. camera 8. peaches9. knife 10. a TV 11. a school bag 12. son13. daughter 14. a radio 15. apples 16. a copybook1.文具类 2.电器类 3.人物称呼类 4.水果类 二、根据图片提示,认真写出下列单词。10分馅饼 三 、单项选择。6分( ) 1. A: Whats that English? B: Its a bookcase. A. on B. in C. to( ) 2. A: Is this Helen? B: .A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, he is.( ) 3. A: Whats thirteen two? B: Its . A. plus, twelve B. minus, ten C. minus, eleven( ) 4. A: , wheres your father? B: Hes in the kitchen. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. OK( ) 5. A. watch TV? B. All right. A. Lets B. Let is C. Shall we( ) 6. A: Im hungry. B: What about ? A. a carton of milk B. soft drinks C. some rice四、给下列句子选出合适的答句。6分( ) 1. Whats that on the desk?A. Its in the sitting-room.( ) 2. May I come in?B. Yes, he is.( ) 3. Whats the time?C. No, she isnt.( ) 4. Wheres the dog?D. Yes, come in, please.( ) 5. Is that your friend?E. Its one oclock.( ) 6. She is your sister, I think.F. Its a camera.听力材料一 、听录音,给下列图片标上序号。(听两遍)1. my uncle, 2. Whats that? Its a toy train. 3. What a nice camera! 4. Its my computer.5. my grandfather, 6. a nice stapler, 7. The sofa is in the sitting-room. 8. Whats this? Its a knife.二、听录音,判断录音内容是否与图意相符,相符的用J表示,不相符的用L表示。(听两遍)1. Whats seven plus thirteen?2. Whats that on the fridge? Its a pencil-box.3. Whats in the bag? Its a toy train.4. Wheres Bobby? Hes in the bedroom.5. Some bread, please.6. Id like some juice.7. Look, this is my family photo. What a nice photo!8. Whats the time? Its six oclock.三、听录音,连线。(听两遍)1. A: Yang Ling, what would you like? B: Id like a sandwich.2. This is my grandmothers bedroom.3. A: Wheres the chocolate? B: Its in the kitchen.4. A: Whats that in English, Gao Shan? B: Its a pen.5. A: Have some soft drinks, Helen. B: OK. Thank you.四、听录音,选出所听到的内容。(听两遍) 1. grandfather, 2. in the box, 3. a dining room, 4. Can I have a look? 5. Im twelve. 6. I cant find the cake. 7. Mr Li is hungry. 8. Is that a telephone?五、听录音,选出合适的应答句。(听两遍)1. Whats your name? 2. Whats this in English? 3. Whats fifteen minus three? 4. Is she your mother? 5. Wheres the apple?六、听录音,判断下列录音内容与情境是否符合,符合的用表示,不符合的用表示。(听两遍)1. May I come in?2. What a nice school bag!3. Time to have lunch.4. Im thirsty, dad.5. Whats that on the desk? 答案听力:一、56748312二、1.J 2.L 3.L 4.J 5.J 6.L 7.J 8.L三、1b, 2d, 3c, 4a, 5e.四、BBAAA ACB五AABAC六笔试:一 、文具类1,9,11,16。电器类3,7,10,14。人物称呼类5,6,12,13。水果类2,4,8,15。二、略。三、BACB CC5最新人教PEP版小学英语精品试卷设计
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