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摘要中国银行卢森堡分行是新中国成立以来中国银行在海外开办的第一家分行,也是中国改革开放后在欧洲设立的第一家金融机构。经过多年的精心经营,该行在业务拓展、管理经验和人才培养等方面都有了丰厚积累,走出了一条符合自身生存和发展的道路,成功地在卢森堡乃至欧洲金融界确立了它的信誉、知名度和竞争力。在过去的20多年里,该行已经上缴利润和各种费用8648万欧元,累计交纳的各类税款4517万欧元,不仅为中国银行创造了丰厚的利润回报,还为当地金融市场的繁荣做出了积极贡献。但是2001年以来,中国银行卢森堡分行也与当地同业一样遭遇了种种困难。具体表现是:当地金融政策的调整和利息税的即将开征、世界范围内持续的经济低迷、欧元和美元的利率连续下调以及美元的持续贬值。卢森堡银行业面临整体创利下滑的不利形势,数十家银行因为经营效益不佳而选择了退出。在这种形势下,如何根据经营环境的变化,因地制宜地制定新的经营与发展战略,不断在观念和产品上推陈出新,成为保证中国银行卢森堡分行持续发展的一个决定性因素。本文以中国银行卢森堡分行的经营战略为研究对象,从外部环境的变化着手,重新审视该分行的竞争力和竞争对手,运用相关理论为其选择适合其生存和发展的经营战略,并提出了一系列的保证战略实施的具体措施,对研究中国的银行业在跨国经营中如何应对经营环境的变化有一定的现实意义。本文首先通过研究该行的历史和经营概况,对其设立的目的和当时的条件有一个基本的了解;其次从分析国际国内经济大势和金融业经营环境入手,试图把该行放置在一个立体而充满变化的空间中去,明确了环境因素在企业战略选择中的重要性以及卢森堡分行应对环境变化而进行经营战略选择的必要性,特别地还对国际反洗钱的背景和措施进行了介绍;接着利用翔实的数据采用SWOT分析方法进一步研究该行和它的竞争对手,确定它在竞争中所拥有的优势、劣势,面对的机遇和挑战;随后在分析战略选择背景的基础上,综合运用波特的“竞争优势”理论、基于资源的战略观和基于动态能力的战略观等理论,从业务发展、营销和风险控制三方面为中国银行卢森堡分行找到适合自身发展的差异化战略;最后,重点从人力资源管理、组织结构设计及企业文化建设等软件条件方面阐述为了保证差异化战略的实施所采取的具体措施。关键词跨国银行 卢森堡 经营战略ABSTRACKBANK OF CHINA Luxembourg Branch is the first branch that BANK OF CHINA set up abroad after 1949,it is also the first branch that BANK OF CHINA set up in Europe after 1978.Owing to his more than 20 years painstaking effort, it not only gets rich accumulations in field of business development, management experience and qualified personnel development, but also finds a suitable way for his existence and development. Now it has been famous for his prestige, celebration and competitive abilities. Till the end of 2002,BANK OF CHINA Luxembourg had contributed 86.5 million Euro to BANK OF CHINA Head Office and had been levied 45.2 million Euro by the relative tax authorities.But since 2001,BANK OF CHINA Luxembourg Branch had to face to many difficulties as other financial institutions in Luxembourg. For example, it is always puzzled by the possible adjustment of policy or law, the coming levy of withholding tax on non-resident interest income, the constant downcast global economy, the incessant decline of interest rates of Euro and USD and the devalue of USD against Euro. Actually since 1997, there are more than 50 financial institutions in Luxembourg have quitted from this market, especially in the recent three years, the average speed of quitting almost reach 10 banks per year. Undoubtedly, it is a burning issue of the moment to find a suitable business strategy for Bank of China Luxembourg Branch on the basis of the fast-changing situation, its also a crucial factor for Bank of China Luxembourg Branchs continued development. The writer takes BANK OF CHINA Luxembourg as the object of study, puts his emphasis on analysing the changes of global and local economic environment and climate of financial industries, on analysing the powers and abilities of BANK OF CHINA Luxembourg Branch in his competing with other financial institutions. Then the present article aims to work out a suitable strategy of BANK OF CHINA Luxembourg Branch and a set of operable measures to realize the strategy. The research of this article, in a certain sense, finds a way for the Chinese financial industry when they have to react against the varied environment in their multinational business activities. At the beginning of the paper, the writer firstly introduces the history and achievement of BANK OF CHINA Luxembourg Branch in summary. Then the analysis and forecast of global and local economic environment, the analysis and forecast of global and local financial institution development are given in the second part. The writer tries to put BANK OF CHINA Luxembourg Branch into a three-dimensional and varied space to analyze it so that we can know clearly the importance of the environment factors and the necessaries of Bank of China Luxembourg Branch choosing a strategy for the varied environment. In this chapter, the writer also introduces the background and implements of international anti-money laundering. In the third part of this paper, the writer tries to find advantages and disadvantages of BANK OF CHINA Luxembourg Branch during comparison with other financial institutions located in Luxembourg as well as opportunities and challenges of BANK OF CHINA Luxembourg Branch in process of competition. When doing analysis, the method of SWOT was used. How to choose a business strategy for BANK OF CHINA Luxembourg Branch is stated in the fourth part of the paper. After researching the background of the strategy choosing, the writer gives the business strategy of BANK OF CHINA Luxembourg Branch from three respects i.e. business development, marketing and risk control draw support from the relative theories concerned with strategy choosing such as Resource-Based View, Dramatic Abilities-Based View and Competition Advantage theory etc.At the end of the article, the writer sets forth the measures to ensure the implementation of the strategy, including improving the level of personal resource management, shortening the chain of organization and establishing a more c
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