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1.用create/invent/make/produce/discover的适当形式填空。 It was Edison who the electric light lamp. A hundred pence _ one pound. Female sheep _ one or two lambs at a time. Shakespeare _ many comic characters. Who first _ America?,invented,makes,produce,created,discovered,discover invent create produce make,“发现” ,发现可以是偶然的,也可以有一个过程,发现的对象原来就存在,只是一直未被认识。 “发明” ,发明的东西原来是不存在的。 “创造、产生” ,它指创造独特性的东西。 通过劳动加工而生产产品,尤指工农业产品。 制作,制造;建造;构成,等于,Columbus _America in 1492. Can you tell me who _the telephone? Lenin stressed that it is the people who _people. We may _more food for ourselves and import less.,discovered,invented,create,produce,1.We must an excuse for our absence. 2.Marx the law human history. 3. Shakespeare interesting characters in his novels. 4. Attempt should be made to _ a safer and more comfortable environment for students to study and live in. A. make B. produce C. create D. invent,invent,discovered,created,C,2. 给出划线部分的汉语意思。 I bought a radio to pick up English programs. Please pick up all these pieces of paper in the room. Where did you pick up this lovely vase at such a low price?,我买了收音机收听英语节目。,请把房间里的纸张捡起来。,你在哪里以这么低的价格买到这个漂亮花瓶的?, My son picked up some French while he was staying in Paris. At the second corner the bus stopped to pick up three people. To our joy, our business is gradually picking up.,我儿子在巴黎时学会了一些法语。,公交车在第二个转弯口停下来搭载了三个乘客。,令我们高兴的是,我们的生意正在渐渐好转。,拾起 ,拿起,无意地(偶然)买到,得到,染上,结识,(偶然)学会, 学到,中途搭人,收听到,听到,(身体)逐渐恢复,(情绪)好转,拓展:(关于pick 的短语总结),pick out pick on pick over,pick up,挑选,辨认出,挑选某人(挑选去做不愉快的事情),检查并从中挑选,精挑细选,1.He _ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris. A. made out B. picked up C. gave up D. took in 2.I can _ up the programme _ my radio. A. pick; in B. pick; on C. take; from D. make; in 3. Under good treatment, Linda is beginning to _ and will soon recover. A. pick up B. wake up C. grow up D. show up,B,B,A,2. 给出划线部分的汉语意思。, Poor food contributes to her illness. How much did you contribute to the Red Cross? The Song Dynasty contributed three great inventions to the world civilization. This professor has contributed many articles to magazines and newspapers.,糟糕的食物导致了她的疾病。,你为红十字会捐了多少?,宋代为世界文明贡献了三大发明。,这位教授为报刊杂志投了很多稿件。,contribute 1. 捐献, 捐助, 贡献出 2. 撰稿, 投稿 3. 起促成作用,lead to =cause =result in =give rise to = account for,导致,因而导致,lie in =result from, The crisis led to the downfall of the government. =The downfall of the government _the crisis.,vt.,vi.,vt.,contribute to,contribute an article to,contribute to,拓展:,resulted from,Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A.attribute to B.attend toC.contribute to D.devote to Exercise contributes to better health.,C,锻炼能促进更强健的体魄。,4. 用adopt,adapt的适当形式填空。 1.Many people want to _ homeless children from Sichuan. 2. She had to _ herself to local conditions. 3.This play has been well _ from the original. 4.After careful discussion, they finally _ my suggestion.,adopt,adapt,adapted,adopted,adopt sb.s methods of teaching/adopt an idea/adopt a report/adopt a child,adopt,adapt,adapt from adapt oneself to,根据.改写改编,使自己适应或习惯于某事,采纳;收养,改编;(使)适应,(使)适合,n.,adoption,adj.,adoptive/adopted,n.,adaptation,2020/7/21,When you go to a forigen country, you must_ yourself to new manners and customs. A. adaptB. adeptC. adoptD. accept No children of their own they decided to _ an orphan. A. adeptB. adopt C. adoptedD. adapt After much consideration, the manager decided to_ her suggestion. A. adapt B. appealC. adoptD. apply,A,B,C,2020/7/21,5. 用replace的适当形式填空。 The old white-black TV has been _ with the new color TV in the last ten years. When you have finished the book, please _ it on the shelf. We need a _ for the secretary who left.,replaced,replace,replacement,2020/7/21,replace,replace sb./sth = take the place of sb./sth. =take ones place,n.,replacement,vt. 替换,代替,取代;把.放回原处,替换某人/某物,in place of=in ones place,用.替换,replace . with .,代替、取代(介词短语),拓展:,近义词,substitute,2020/7/21, What do you think of store shopping in the future? Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but _. A. will never replace B. would never replace C. will never be replaced D. would never be replaced While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news,it is unlikely that television_ the newspaper completely. A will replace Bhave replaced C replace D replaaced,C,A,2020/7/21,任务型阅读微技能训练 To burn or not burn is not really the question. We should use both recycling and waste-to-energy as alternatives to landfilling. Whether to burn or not to burn, we should _ landfilling with both recycling and waste-to-energy to deal with garbage.,replace,2020/7/21,6. 用raise, rise的适当形式填空。 He _ and left the room. Its difficult to _ a family with a small income. The price of oil has been _ . There will be a _ in une
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