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食用香精的安全应用Safety Application of Food Flavorings,高彦祥 Prof. Yanxiang Gao 中国农业大学 China Agricultural University February 23, 2012,食用香精引发的安全事件 Food safety incidents by food flavorings 食用香精存在的安全问题 Safety risks presented in food flavorings 我国食用香精香料的法规和管理 Legislation of food flavorings in China,报告的主要内容 Key Elements of Presentation,食用香精引发的安全事件 Food Safety Incidents by Food Flavorings,2006年7月,中央电视台曝光湖北武汉等地的“人造蜂蜜”事件。假蜂蜜:增稠剂、甜味剂、防腐剂、香精和色素等化学物质。 2010年7月,“五常香米”大部分由香精熏出,在原产地黑龙江五常市,多数大米加工厂用别的品种混搭之后,再添加香精,加工“五常香米”,甚至稻农就已经在掺假。 2011年9月,北京查封多家 “蒸功夫” 包子铺,其中绝大部分都是假“蒸功夫”。媒体报道在包子中非法使用香精, 根据GB2760-2011,包子馅可以添加食用香精。 Many food safety incidents related with flavorings which were used to cover the fake commodities, such as fake honeys, rice,etc. July, 2006: Artificial Honey July, 2007: Rice Extraordinary September, 2011: “ Steam Kung fu” Steamed Stuffed Bun,2011年5月,台湾出现起云剂中加入塑化剂(DEHP)事件。 多家食品企业产品,如运动饮料及果汁、发酵饮品遭受污染。 起云剂是一种有助食品乳化效果的合法添加剂,多用于果汁等饮料中,提高产品的视觉效果,令产品更均匀、更真实。 DEHP属于环境荷尔蒙,会危害男性生殖能力,促使女性性早熟,台湾已列为第四类毒性化学物质,不得添加在食品里。 May, 2011: Plasticizer Event. Toxic plasticizers contamination of many sport drink, fruit juice, fermented drink, etc. Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), a softener used to increase the flexibility of polymers, has produced a range of adverse effects in laboratory animals after long exposure. Based on the evidence, the male fetus, male neonate, and peripubertal male would appear to be high-risk groups. DEHP as a toxic chemical, not permitted in food in Taiwan.,塑化剂事件Toxic Plasticizer Events,台湾塑化剂事件发生后,卫生部联合工商总局、质检总局和食药监局等有关部门在28个省(市、区)的内地生产企业、批发市场等地,对食品添加剂、饮料、调味料等15类产品6100个样品进行了抽样检测。 检查结果显示: 在广州市美益香料有限公司生产的番石榴香精, 广东省江门市高迪食品有限公司生产的绿茶粉、液态酥油和蛋牛奶香油, 江门市展望食品有限公司生产的面包酵素改良剂, 杭州溢香源生物科技有限公司生产的桂花香精、绿茶香精、杏仁香精中检出邻苯二甲酸酯类物质。 DEHP also detected in some domestic flavorings after random checks of Ministry of Health, P.R China. Phthalic acid ester material was detected in: Guava essence produced by Guangzhou Meiyi Flavor Co., LTD Green tea powder、Liquid ghee、 Egg milk sesame oil produced by Guangzhou Gaodi Food Co., LTD , Osmanthus fragrance、 Green tea essence、Almond essence produced by Huangzhou Yixiangyuan Biological Technology Co., LTD,7,中国大陆的假冒伪劣食用香精过去几年总是被提及,相关的报道指出假的食用香精采用化学合成原料 甚至是禁用原料加工而成。 Incidents of fake flavouring on the Mainland have repeatedly been reported in recent years.The relevant reports have pointed out that a number of food additives which are extensively used on the market are chemically synthesised products with unknown composition, and some of them even contain chemicals banned by the State.,假冒伪劣食用香精Fake Flavorings Incidents,8,“一滴香”香精多用于汤料及火锅底料中,在小餐馆特别流行。 经卫生部联合工商部门、食药监局的调查证明是由食品原料、食品辅料和食品添加剂组成的属于咸味香精的一种添加剂。 香港卫生总署也对市场的火锅底料进行了类似的调查分析,结果表明,火锅底料对消费者没有影响。 One drop of incence is very popular in small restaurants, and mainly used in soups and hotpot bases. In view of the public concern over the food safety of hotpot soup products, the center for food safety (CFS) of Hongkong conducted a Survey on Popular Food Items with hotpot soup bases as the theme earlier of 2011. In the survey, 67 hotpot soup base samples were collected from the local market for chemical tests, covering tests of metallic contamination, coloring matters, preservatives, antioxidants, etc in order to assess the food safety of hotpot soup bases.Apart from one sample which was found unsatisfactory in respect of coloring matters, the remaining 66 samples were all found satisfactory.,食用香精香料存在的安全问题 Safety Risks in Food Flavorings,在国内使用的食用香精安全吗? Are Food Flavorings Safe in China ? 食用香精行业所存在的潜在危机有哪些? What are the Potential Risks in the Industry of Food Flavorings?,原材料的安全性问题 Raw Materials 加工工艺的安全性问题 Processing Technology 储藏过程中的安全性问题 Storage 应用过程中的安全性问题 Application,食用香精存在的安全问题Safety Issues in Food Flavorings,食用香精的原材料是其安全性的最主要因素之一 The raw materials of food flavorings are one of the dominated factors 食用香精的生产绝不可使用未经许可的品种,更不能使用化工原料的香料单体来替代食品级香料,以降低成本或提高产品的留香效果 Fragrance chemicals are not permitted in food flavorings,原材料的安全性问题Safety Issues Related to Raw Materials,柠檬腈具有强烈的柠檬、古龙样香气。 A fragrance with intense, lemon and cologne characteristic aroma note. 多用于柠檬、马鞭草和白柠檬类香精配方,能产生新鲜和持久的效果,更具有天然感。Lemonile is used in lemon, verbena and lime compositions where it imparts freshness and diffusion. It is more natural and lasting.,Case study,柠檬腈 Lemonile 3,7-Dimethyl-2(3),6-nonadienonitrile CAS: 61792-11-8,We had detected lemonile from one lime flavor for carbonated beverages.,推荐用于美容用品、香皂、洗护用品和家居用品中。 It is used in fragrances for beauty care, soap, laundry care and households commodities.,根据台湾卫生署的规定,香豆素不得添加于任何食品中。当饮料中因使用天然香料而导致天然香料本身所含香豆素残留时,其含量应在2mg/kg以下。 Coumarins were not permitted to add in foods, the residue of coumarins from natural food flavorings should be less than 2mg/kg in beverages,二氢香豆素、八氢香豆素、6-甲基香豆素是GB2760-2011允许使用的三种食用香料。,Food Chem Toxicol,1999,http:/www.tcfa.org.tw,香豆素类 Coumarins,15,黄樟素是八角精油中的天然成分,有足够的证据表明其具有致癌性。 Safrole is a natural component in anise star oil. Safrole is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen based on sufficient evidenc
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