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what do you suggest we should do to creat a smoke-free working environment,2020/7/21,2020/7/21,why do we should creat a somking-free environment,As we all know that smoking is harmful to peoples healthy,its a fatal cause of lung cancer,and other types of cancer are also associated with them. 众所周知吸烟有害健康,它不仅是肺癌的致命原因,其他癌症也多少与吸烟相关。 Smoking is dangerous not only to the smoker themselvers but also to the nonsmokers around them. 吸烟不仅对吸烟者本人有危害,还对那些他们周围不吸烟的人造成危害,2020/7/21,Smoke contains more than 4000 kinds of chemical substances, including nicotine, nitrogen dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, acrolein, arsenic, lead, mercury and other 40 kinds of carcinogens. No smoking restaurant is more serious than the completely non-smoking restaurant pollution more than 3 times, but none completely non-smoking office office than the serious pollution of 7 times. 1 cigarettes can make air quality down in 5 minutes 90%. 烟雾中含有4000多种化学物质,其中有烟碱、二氧化氮、氢氰酸、丙烯醛、砷、铅、汞等40多种致癌物。不禁烟的餐厅比完全禁烟的餐厅污染严重3倍以上,而不禁烟的办公室比完全禁烟的办公室污染严重7倍。1支烟可以在5分钟内让空气质量下降90%。,2020/7/21,A smoke-free area for nonsmokers should be created in all public places.,Smoking should be banned in TV dramas and films,2020/7/21,2020/7/21,some suggestions,Posted no smoking signs in the public environment 在公共场所贴上禁烟标志 Set up a special smoking room 设立专门的吸烟室 Find sb to smoke, carry on the fine 发现有人吸烟时,对其进行罚款 Put some more anti smoking propaganda film 多放一些禁烟宣传片,2020/7/21,in china,谢谢观赏,WPS Office,Make Presentation much more fun,WPS官方微博 kingsoftwps,谢谢观看! 2020,
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