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Recycle 2,一、请选出每组中不同类的一项。 ( )1.A.sendBdrwCemil ( )2.A.flower Bon Cin ( )3.A.behind Btble Cdesk ( )4.A.tree Bply Criver ( )5.A.duck Bmouse Cplnt,C,A,A,B,C,二、请选出画线部分发音不同的一项。 ( )1.A.food Bbook Cgood ( )2.A.river Bhill Ctired ( )3.A.clock Bphoto Cproblem ( )4.A.house Bround Cfvourite ( )5.A.fresh Bforest Cbetween,A,C,B,C,A,四、选择正确的答案。 ( )1.I cn ply _ pip. A Bthe C/ ( )2.The plnts re _ the door. Abehind Bon Cin ( )3.There re _ books in the librry! Aso much Bso mny Cmuch,B,A,B,( )4.There is one student between Amy _ Tom. And Bor Cwith ( )5.Lets _ the forest! Ago Bto Cgo to,A,C,五、选择正确的答语。 ( )1.Cn you cook noodles?AThere is TV nd sof. ( )2.Whts in your bedroom? BIts in your bg. ( )3.Are there ny nimls in the zoo? CNo,I cnt. ( )4.Is there lke in the prk? DYes,there re. ( )5.Where is my book? ENo,there isnt.,C,A,D,E,B,六、连词成句。 1bigTherebedis There is big bed 2cnspeknotEnglishHe He cn not spek English 3inIsroomtherebikethe Is there bike in the room?,4bgyourisnewWhere Where is your new bg? 5doprtyWhtyouthecnfor Wht cn you do for the prty?,七、阅读短文,回答下列问题。 Im Lucy.My fvourite dy is Fridy.I hve music on Fridys.My music techer is very funny.She cn dnce very well.I m shy girl.But Im helpful t home.I cn cook.I cn wsh my clothes.There re so mny flowers in my room. 1Is Lucy shy girl? Yes,she is.,2Wht cn Lucy do t home? She cn cook nd wsh her clothes (t home) 3Wht is Lucys fvourite dy? Fridy./Her fvourite dy is Fridy. 4Are there ny flowers in Lucys room? Yes,there re. 5Wht cn Lucys music techer do? She cn dnce very well.,
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