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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。TED英语演讲:你要等到什么时候做回真实的自己社会越复杂,我们的表演属性就越强;当下的你与真实的自己有多远?本期演说者将从自身出发,富含感情地告诉大家掩藏真实的自己生活到底多危险。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:你要等到什么时候做回真实的自己,欢迎借鉴参考。你要等到什么时候做回真实的自己Is there a real you? This might seem to you like a very odd question. Because, you might ask, how do we find the real you, how do you know what the real you is? And so forth.真实的你存在吗? 也许对你来说这是一个 奇怪的问题。 因为你可能会问, 我们怎么寻找真实的自己, 而你又如何知道什么才是 真实的自己呢? 诸如此类。But the idea that there must be a real you, surely thats obvious. If theres anything real in the world, its you. Well, Im not quite sure. At least we have to understand a bit better what that means. Now certainly, I think there are lots of things in our culture around us which sort of reinforce the idea that for each one of us, we have a kind of a core, an essence. There is something about what it means to be you which defines you, and its kind of permanent and unchanging. The most kind of crude way in which we have it, are things like horoscopes. You know, people are very wedded to these, actually.People put them on their Facebook profile as though they are meaningul, you even know your Chinese horoscope as well. There are also more scientific versions of this, all sorts of ways of profiling personality type, such as the Myers-Briggs tests, for example. I dont know if youve done those. A lot of companies use these for recruitment. You answer a lot of questions, and this is supposed to reveal something about your core personality. And of course, the popular fascination with this is enormous. In magazines like this, youll see, in the bottom left corner, theyll advertise in virtually every issue some kind of personality thing. And if you pick up one of those magazines, its hard to resist, isnt it? Doing the test to find what is your learning style, what is your loving style, or what is your working style? Are you this kind of person or that?不过一定存在一个真实的你, 这个想法显然是成立的。如果这个世界存在什么真实的事物,那就是你。不过,我其实没那么确定。 至少我们要对这个问题 理解的深入一些。 当然,我认为 我们周围的文化中有很多东西 或多或少都强化了这样一种想法, 那就是我们当中的每一个人 都具备一个核心,一种本质。 存在一些能够定义你的东西, 使你成为你自己,它是永恒不变的。 其中有一些很不精确的方式, 比如星座,等等。 事实上人们对这些相当痴迷。 把它们放在脸书资料里, 就好像这些东西很有意义似的, 你甚至还知道自己的生肖属相。 还有更多具有科学性的版本, 各种各样定义人格类型的方法, 比如像麦尔斯-布里格斯性格分类测试。 不知道你们有没有做过这个。 很多公司把这种测试用在招聘中。 你要回答很多问题, 以此来揭示你的某些核心人格。当然,这些测试是相当流行的。 在这类的杂志中,你可以看到 几乎在每一刊的左下角, 都有这类性格测试的广告。 一旦你拿起这种杂志, 就很难抗拒,不是么? 用这些测试来找出你的学习模式, 你的恋爱模式, 还有你的工作模式。 比如你是哪种类型的人?So I think that we have a common-sense idea that there is a kind of core or essence of ourselves to be discovered. And that this is kind of a permanent truth about ourselves, something thats the same throughout life. Well, thats the idea I want to challenge. And I have to say now, Ill say it a bit later, but Im not challenging this just because Im weird, the challenge actually has a very, very long and distinguished history. Heres the common-sense idea. There is you. You are the individuals you are,and you have this kind of core. Now in your life, what happens is that you, of course, accumulate different experiences and so forth. So you have memories, and these memories help to create what you are.You have desires, maybe for a cookie, maybe for something that we dont want to talk about at 11 oclock in the morning in a school. You will have beliefs. This is a number plate from someone in America. I dont know whether this number plate, which says “messiah 1,” indicates that the driver believes in the messiah, or that they are the messiah. Either way, they have beliefs about messiahs. We have knowledge. We have sensations and experiences as well. Its not just intellectual things. So this is kind of the common-sense model, I think, of what a person is. There is a person who has all the things that make up our life experiences.我想我们有一个共识, 就是都认为自己有一种 有待发掘的核心特质。 有一种关乎我们自身的永恒真相,一生都不会改变。然而这正是我要挑战的认知。我现在就得说,一会还会再讲,我要挑战这种认知并不是因为我这人很怪,事实上这个挑战已经有一段 悠久显赫的历史了。最普遍的想法是,这是你。你是你这个个体,并且有这类的核心特征。而在你的一生中,当然你会积累不同的经历等等。于是你有了记忆, 这些记忆帮助你塑造了自己。你有欲望,也许只是想要一块饼干,也许是一些早晨十一点在学校 我们不想去讨论的东西你还会有信仰, 这是一个美国人的车牌。我不知道这个车牌显示的“弥赛亚 1” 是否表示这个司机相信救世主,或者他们自己就是救世主。 不管怎样,他们信仰弥赛亚。我们有知识。 也有直觉和经历。并不只有智力方面的东西。我想这就是一个有关“你是什么”的 常识性模型。你是这么一个人,拥有这些构成你人生经历的事物。But the suggestion I want to put to you today is that theres something fundamentally wrong with this model. And I can show you whats wrong with one click. Which is there isnt actually a “you” at the heart of all these experiences. Strange thought? Well, maybe not. What is there, then? Well, clearly there are memories, desires, intentions, sensations, and so forth. But what happens is these things exist, and theyre kind of all integrated, theyre overlapped, theyre connected in various different ways.Theyre connecting partly, and perhaps even mainly, because they all belong to one body and one brain. But theres also a narrative, a story we tell about ourselves, the experiences we have when we remember past things. We do things because of other things. So what we desire is partly a result of what we believe, and wh
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