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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。谅解备忘录(中英对照)本谅解备忘录由以下双方于?_年_月_日签订: ?插入甲方名称是一家根据 国家法律成立及存续的 公司其法定地址为 地址(下称“甲方”) 及 ?插入乙方名称是一家根据 国家法律成立及存续的 公司其法定地址为 地址(下称“乙方”)。 鉴于 A. 甲乙双方经多次协商后就关于 ?简略描述合资其它合作项目(“项目”)的合作原则达成协议: B. ?列出协议的原则 例如在合资公司的情况下列出双方各自的出资合资公司的业务范围期限董事及高级管理层利润分配等。 1. 保密资料 每一方应对另一方于项目谈判期间向其透露的资料负责绝对保密。除为了继续有关谈判的目的外收取方不得在未经透露方事先作出书面同意下,使用刊登透露或散播上述资料。收取方亦应促使其董事雇员及代理遵守本第2条的条款及在透露方要求下应促使有关董事雇员及代理签署以透露方为受益人的独立保密协议。在有关项目的谈判终止后收取方应立即将所有该等资料(连同副本)归还透露方惟须以不损害该方对该等资料保密的义务为原则而有关保密义务应于有关终止后一直继续。 2. 公布 除非取得另一方的书面同意否则任何一方均不得公开宣布本谅解备忘录的存在或刊登或发出有关项目及与其有关的谈判的资料。 3. 不可转让 任何一方在未经另一方事先作出书面同意下,均无权转让或让与其在本谅解备忘录项下的任何权利或义务。 Memorandum of Understanding THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERST ANDING is executed on ?_ / _ / _ (dd/mm/yyyy) by the following: ?Name of First Party, a company established and existing under the laws of country with its legal address at address (hereafter referred to as “Party A”); and ?Name of Second Party, a company established and existing under the laws of country with its legal address at address (hereafter referred to as “Party B”). Whereas: A. Following various consultations between Party A and Party B, the following principles relating to ?Brief Description of Joint Venture /Other Co-operative Project (“the Project”) have been agreed: B. ?List the agreed principles for instance, in the case of a joint venture, the respective capital contributions of the Parties, scope of the joint ventures business, its duration, directors and senior management, sharing of profits etc. 1. Confidential Information Each Party shall maintain the strictest confidentiality in respect of information disclosed to it by the other Party during the course of negotiations regarding the Project. Save for the purpose of continuing such negotiations the receiving Party shall not use, publish, disclose or disseminate the aforementioned information without the prior written consent of the disclosing Party. The receiving Party shall also cause its directors, employees and agents to comply with the terms of this Clause 2 and, if so required by the disclosing Party, shall cause such directors, employees and agents to execute separate confidentiality agreements of which the disclosing Party shall be a beneficiary. Upon the termination of negotiations relating to the Project, the receiving Party shall forthwith return all such information (together with copies) to the disclosing Party, but without prejudice to its duty of confidentiality in respect thereof which shall continue at all times after such termination. 2. Announcements Unless the written consent of the other Party is obtained, neither Party shall publicly announce the existence of this Memorandum of Understanding or publish or issue any information relating to the Project or the negotiations relating thereto. 3. Non-Assignability Neither Party shall be entitled to assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Memorandum of Understanding without the prior written consent of the other Party. 4. Execution of Formal Contract The Parties shall use their best endeavours to execute a formal legally-binding contract ?and articles of association (“the Formal Documentation”) not later than ?Date in respect of the Project which shall reflect, inter alia, the agreed principles stated in Clause 1. 5. Working Group The Parties shall establish a working group to conduct detailed negotiations regarding the Project and the Formal Documentation. Party A shall designate ?_ as its chief representative for the working group; Party B shall designate ?_ as its chief representative for the working group. 5
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