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全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选外研版初三上册 教案设计Module 9 Unit2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.一、教案背景1,面向学生: 中学 2、学科:英语 3、课题:外研版初三上册 Module 9 Unit2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.2,课时:13,学生课前准备:一、对词汇做到读前译二、课代表课前领读单词 二、教学课题教养方面:1、正确使用本单元所学习的单词词汇;学习省略关系代词的定语从句并掌握其在具体语境中的运用。 2、能够用定语从句描写卡通作品,完成对同学所喜爱的卡通类型和喜爱程度的调查;通过卡通故事了解不同国家的文化。教育方面:可以通过卡通故事了解不同国家的文化。通过了解卡通人物的故事,了解他们遇到的困难,从而培养他们体谅、关爱以及移情的态度。发展方面:利用小组学习,培养同学们团结协作的能力。培养学生用英语编写卡通故事的能力。三、教材分析本模块以卡通人物为话题,介绍了几个著名的卡通形象,包括尼莫、史瑞克、史努比、丁丁以及中国的孙悟空。这些形象为学生所熟知,喜爱。借助这一话题开展听、说、读、写活动可以激发学生的学习热情,有助于教学活动的设计。四、教学方法情景教学法和任务型教学及小组合作 课堂教学过程:Step 1:导入新课师生互动:师问:I have many hobbies, such as watching TV, watching cartoons. Do you like watching cartoons?生答:Yes/No? 让学生说出几个卡通人物:。Step 2: 观看有关丁丁的影片然后展示卡通图片(激发学生学习本课的兴趣)(丁丁历险记网址) 优酷视频http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzEwOTk0NTY0.htmlIntroduce the cartoon characters:(边看课件上的图片边提问)1、What country do they come from?2、Are they recent cartoons or old cartoons?Step 3:多层阅读A. 快速默读文章,回答下面的问题。1. How many cartoon characters are there in the passage?2. What are they?B. Read the passage silently. Match the paragraphs with the main ideas.(默读文章后,段落大意连线)Paragraph 1: a sweet dog that lives in his own private dream world. . Paragraph 2: a popular cartoon hero that is reporter.Paragraph 3: an old cartoon hero that is famous for Havoc in heaven.Paragraph 4-5: two cartoon heroes which are popular all over the world.C. 精读第一、二段,回答下述问题。1. Read Paragraph 1 carefully, think about:What does “win the hearts of” mean?A. People love them. B. People dont love them.2、优酷视频(孙悟空大闹天宫) (目的是让学生更好的了解大闹天宫的含义)http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzM3NTQwMjg0.htmlRead Paragraph 2 carefully, find the answers to:What does the story Havoc in Heavantell?_ What has become a common expression used by people when they see a mess?D:Read Paragraph 3 carefully, finish the information form about Tintin.阅读第三段,完成表格:What does Tintin do ?CartoonistNationality of the cartoonist(国籍)When was it invented?When was it published in China?E:Read Paragraph 4.5 carefully, find the answers :阅读第四、五段,回答问题:1、Who lives in his own private dream world ?_2、Who can understand snoopy stories better?_3、Who created Snoopy?_Step 4:Writing.Report: My favourite cartoon _ Key sentences:My favourite cartoon is It / He / She is from ( comes from ) It is a recent cartoon / an old I like it because it It makes me understand Step 5 HomeworkDraw a cartoon character and describe it.Find out the cartoon heroes around you.Think about what you have learned from the cartoons?教学反思:这节课我已经用于教学实践,较为成功,特别是在展示丁丁历险记影片时,引起了全班同学的感情共鸣,同学们都表示要学习丁丁的冒险精神,并且敢于同恶势力做斗争,不畏权贵,不畏困苦,排除万难,勇于拼搏的情感目标得到了很好实现。在课文复述方面,定语从句的用法用的较好,个别同学还是不太会用,需要个别辅导。水平较高的同学写的作文较为成功。但水平差的同学写得很差,我觉得应该对不同层次的同学提出不同的写作要求。比如差的同学只要写出几个句子就应该表扬。小组合作学习时,小组长没有起到很大的帮助作用。在设计环节上还要有这一环节的体现才行。五、教师个人介绍省份:山东省潍坊青州 学校:青州市黄楼初级中学 姓名:孙瑞霞 职称:中学一级教师 电话:13145361540 电子邮件:1312905652qq.com通讯地址:山东省青州市黄楼初级中学 邮编:262518个人介绍:本人自一九九九年参加工作以来,一直从事初中英语的教学工作。在教学方面经过十几年的磨练有一定的收获,但仍有很大不足,需要再学习,再努力从各个方面来不断充实自己。
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