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新浪网电子商务实践e-Business Practice of S,周 树 华Zhou Shuhua -GM of Business Division Enterprise Product Sina Corp-,国内电子商务状况 e-Business in China,Sinamall- 打造 T 型电子商务平台 builds T-style e-Business platform,加入 WTO 后的机遇和挑战 The challenges and opportunities after Chinas WTO entry,新浪网电子商务实践 e-Business Practice of S,3,国内电子商务状况 e-Business in China,虽然Nasdaq遭受重挫,中国的电子商务仍保持持续增长 e-Business still keeps continuous growth despite Nasdaq crash IDC预测:2004年中国电子商务交易将达到260亿美金,位居亚洲电子商务市场第三 IDC predicted the e-Business deal was to reach U$ 26 billion in 2004, ranking the 3rd in Asia IDC prognosticate,(单位:亿元,CCID提供),4,B2C交易金额 (亿元),国内电子商务状况 China e-Business Overview,数据来源:CCID,6,SINAmall 打造 T 型电子商务平台 SINAmall-builds T style e-business platform,基础平台Fundamental Platform 行业支柱:专业B2C网站和传统企业 Industry Backbone: specialized B2C website and traditional enterprises 涉及IT.电子产品.音像.图书.票务.鲜花礼品.休闲旅游.体育等十几个行业领域 Involved in the fields of IT, electronic products,audio-video,book, tickets,flowers,present,traveling,sports etc.,Service,Business Opportunity Information/Database Technology Payment/Logistics Promotion Overseas Resources,7,SINAmall 打造 T 型电子商务平台 SINAmall-builds T-style e-Business platform,部分行业合作伙伴 Key business partners,8,SINAmall 打造 T 型电子商务平台,帮助专业网站发展成为本行业的EC门户 Help specialized websites to become EC gateways of their own industries,建立平台的目的:Platform objectives,为传统企业提供 专业化、特色化、渐进式电子商务服务 Provide professional, featured,step-by-step EC services for traditional enterprises 定向信息发布和宣传平台 A platform for information dissemination and propaganda 维系老客户、挖掘潜在新客户,建立客户营销数据库 Keeping long-term customers,prospecting potential new customers and setting up marketing database 促成网上交易,扩大收入来源 Enhancing on-line business and increase revenue 整合传统业务流程,提高效率、降低成本 Restructure traditional workflow to increase efficiency and lower the cost,9,SINAmall 打造 T 型电子商务平台,合作网站和商家数量(家) Cooperated website and quantity of the enterprise,10,SINAmall 打造 T 型电子商务平台,综合商品数量(个) Integrated merchandise quantity,11,SINAmall 打造 T 型电子商务平台,行业商品数量分布(2001/6) Industry merchandise quantity distribution,12,SINAmall 打造 T 型电子商务平台,SINAMALL注册用户增长情况(个) registered SINAmall users,13,图书商城 音像商城,体育商城,卓越网 当当网 奥林 票网 莎啦啦 . . . .,成功案例一: 专业网站战略合作 Case study 1:strategic cooperation of the specialized website,14,成功案例 二: 网上 洗衣连锁 Case study 2: On-line laundry,SinaMall,网上洗衣 订单 处理中心,订单分配,市内加盟连锁店 Laundry chain shops,ONLINE OFFLINE,15,积极应对加入WTO后的挑战 Facing Challenges after Chinas WTO entry,行业龙头和政府共同促进统一的电子商务平台的建设,实现电子商务技术、信息、服务标准化 Standardization of EC technology, information and services through construction of unified EC platform jointly promoted by industry leader and the Government,政府出台相关政策,引导、鼓励国内企业积极参与电子商务 Policies initiated by the Government to guide and encourage domestic enterprises to engage in EC,电子商务企业注重商誉和诚信,以服务为本 EC enterprises shall emphasize reputation and credit, and serve the customers.,EC企业要着眼国内实际情况,加强国际交流和合作,包括与国内传统行业以及国外先进EC企业的合作 EC enterprises shall enhance exchange and cooperation with both local traditional industries and advance foreign EC players.,一、行业总体应对策略 Reciprocal industry strategies,16,积极应对加入WTO后的挑战 Facing Challenges after Chinas WTO Entry,加强客户关系管理,和合作伙伴共同完善对最终用户的管理和服务;Strengthen customer relationship management, cooperate with partners to jointly improve management and services for end-users.,与政府、行业主管、协会、行业网站结成战略同盟,共同建设信息、交易平台,为企业提供可延伸的信息化服务; Strategic alliance with the Government, industrial organizations and websites to jointly build information and trade platform for expandable information services.,发挥新浪跨区域平台的优势,协助国内企业拓展商业空间,实现与全球生意伙伴的合作互动。 Facilitate local enterprises to expand business and fulfill interactive cooperation with global business partners.,二、新时期 新浪网电子商务发展策略 Development strategy of S EC in a new era,
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