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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。医疗保健(双语)医疗保健 Medical care 1.A surgery conformed to standard practice is not medical malpractice. 遵守标准惯例的手术不能算作医疗事故。 2.Thought it is not malpractice,you still have recourse under the law. 尽管这不算医疗事故,你仍然可以依法得到救济。 3.The arrangement you make with a plastic surgeon should be deemed as a contract. 你与整洁外科医生的协议应被视为是合同。 4.Legally,a doctor commits medical malpractice when he departs from standard practice. 从法律角度上讲,医生背离标准惯例则构成医疗失职。 5.Your pregnancy is not the result of the doctors malpractice. 你的怀孕不能归咎于医生的失职。 6.Should an injury result from nonstandard practice, a malpractice claim for damages could be made. 如果伤害是因非标准治疗引起,你可以提起医疗事故之索赔主张。 7.The doctor negligent of his duty may face not only a malpractice suit but also a criminal indictment. 玩忽职守的医生人仅会遭受失职之诉,而且还可能受到刑事指控。 8.Misdiagnosis may be malpractice. 误诊可能是一种失职行为。 9.A doctor is responsible for the actions of his staff. 医生应当对他的助手的行为负责。 10.The death of the patient because of her doctors choice of C-section was not medical malpractice in and of itself. 该病人因其医生选择剖腹产而死亡一事其本身并非医疗失职行为。2
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