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Unit 3 Is this your skirt?,(人教PEP)四年级英语下册课件,第五课时,说颜色,blue,green,yellow,red,white,Lets chant,My shirt is red. My jacket is blue. My dress is old. My sweater is new.,My socks are white. My shoes are too. My pants are old. My shorts are new.,My shorts are brown. They are old.,2. _my shoes? They are on the bed.,1._my shirt? Its on the floor.,Where is,Where are,They are jeans.,They are shorts.,What is it?,This is a blue dress.,That is a yellow skirt.,this,that,What are they?,These are shoes.,Those are socks.,these,those,These are jeans.,Those are pants.,neighbours,Johns house,Toms house,See you!,
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