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摘 要洋口港位于江苏省南通市如东县海域。自上世纪80年代初发现具备建港条件以来,经过近20年的前期工作,被确认是江苏唯一可建1020万吨级深水大港的理想港址,充分利用洋口港这一不可多得的深水资源,在漫长的苏北海岸线上开辟一条内联外引、通江达海的新通道,对于加快江苏海洋经济、外向型经济的跨越式发展,提升江苏综合经济实力、推动长江三角洲特别是苏中、苏北区域经济的快速发展具有十分重要的战略意义。随着我国加入WTO,沿海港口将融入全球经济的第一线,在对外高度开放的发展环境中的窗口作用更加明显。江苏是全国的一个重要海洋省份,而长期以来,沿海资源包括沿海港口长期未得到充分开发,江苏要发展及江苏沿海的发展,都要积极走发展海洋经济之路,以完成经济增长方式的改变,实现产业结构的调整与升级,更大程度上、更广泛地参与国际分工,将区域经济纳入全球化。江苏目前没有深水海港,这与对外开放的江苏经济极不相应,江苏省沿江港口,由于水深不足、净空有限,发展上存在着诸多制约因素,加之布点密集、结构雷同,不具国际竞争优势。江苏港口业面临来自两个方面的挑战:一是外部的国际枢纽港的竞争和外国港口航运业在中国的扩张;二是国内港口运输市场竞争和本省港口局部落后现状与现代化发展要求的矛盾。在江苏港口业中,没有深水海港支撑,港口经济也无从谈起,海洋经济无以立足,要想让江苏经济始终处于强省地位,没有强大的港口经济支撑,这是不可能的。江苏必须有自己的出海大通道,江苏应该要有一个深水海港。江苏港口经济的整合势在必行,这为洋口港的开发带来了机遇。洋口港作为中国沿海中部唯一没有开发利用的深水建港资源,其坐落在联结江海的黄金接点,洋口港的开发建设将使长江“黄金水道”向沿海“黄金海岸”延伸,形成江苏最大的出海入陆通道,为江苏新一轮海洋经济的发展提供坚实的基础。洋口港的开发建设,同时也是江苏沿江经济的延伸和提升,通过江海联动,发展沿江沿海两个产业带,加速苏东经济融入世界经济体系、参与国际分工的步伐,使苏东地区成为江苏经济重要的增长极,并带动整个苏中、苏北乃至全省经济总量的有效放大,进而跨江融合,推动南北共进、整体发展,确保江苏在全国的强势地位。长江三角洲地区港口布局的要求与市场需求量的快速发展将为洋口港的开发建设提供巨大空间。洋口港在江海联系方面的优势,极有可能成为长江港口调整整合的关键。通过洋口港的开发,将深水海港资源与长江黄金水道资源结合起来,以政府力量推动和市场力量拉动,组建江港和海港的协作体,大规模开展江海联运。这样,在统一规划运作的前提下,既发挥海洋深水港可停靠大型船舶的优势,弥补江港水深不足的缺陷,同时也发挥长江天然航道沟通范围广大、深入内陆的优势,满足海港腹地范围扩大的需求。在这样的互补中,各长江港口可发挥各自的相对优势,进行合理的分工,在江海联运中承担不同的任务和角色,实现资源的合理利用与结构的调整。洋口港也可得到长江港口的支持,在江海联运中实现市场扩大的目标,并带动、促进长江港口的分工合作。这将是江苏省开发长江的良好态势。洋口港的开发有利于江苏一翼的港口发展壮大,参与长三角地区各港口的竞争与合作,参与上海国际航运中心的建设。洋口港所具有的相对优势,不仅为自身的发展创造了空间,而且也可以在江苏港口的整合资源的基础上,为其他港口的发展带来机遇,带动江苏港口群的发展壮大。长江三角洲地区在国际集装箱港口市场上的不利地位也迫切要求加快开发深水大港资源,构建组合港格局,参与国际港口市场竞争。以洋口港为龙头的江苏港口与洋山港和宁波港组成功能、优势互补的“一中心两翼”的组合港格局有利于上海国际航运中心参与国际港口市场竞争。洋口港具备建设深水大港的基础条件。洋口港所处的烂沙洋天然水深-17米至-30米,水道顺直,两侧有天然沙洲掩护,无需疏浚,即可通航10万吨级船舶,稍加疏浚,则可以满足20万吨级海轮的航行要求,沿岸大面积的滩涂可供围垦开发建设各种中转设施和临海工业区等工业开发项目。洋口港除具备建设深水大港的基本自然条件外还具有几个独特的优势:一是洋口港居长江三角洲北翼,距长江口55海里,距上海100余公里。濒江而临海,兼有河港与海港两者的优点,这也是我国沿海港口中不可多得的河口资源。二是洋口港处于我国沿海“黄金海岸”和沿江“黄金水道”“T”型经济带交汇处,位于上海经济圈辐射范围之内。三是洋口港物流集散网络已初步具备,洋口港不仅可以实行水铁联运、水陆联运,更可实行江海联运。区位优势和快捷的集疏运网络为洋口港建成江苏的国际性枢纽港的开发打下了坚实基础。洋口深水海港的开发建设将遵照“尊重科学,统一规划,政府推动、市场运作、企业经营”的原则,按照“高点规划、分步实施,项目启动、整体推进”的总体思路来进行。在管理体制和投资方式方面可以分别不同的项目选择不同的模式。在运作过程中把人力资本作为最大的资源,并对项目投资者将给予更多的优惠政策,最终使港口开发取得长远的经济和社会效益。综上所述,洋口港的开发有利于苏北、苏中的海洋经济发展,有利于长江资源的整合与结构调整,有利于江苏区域经济共同发展战略的实施,也有利于江苏参与上海国际航运中心的建设,在技术上是可行的,在经济上是合理的,市场是需求的,具有可开发性。关键词:港口开发可行性 研究AbstractLocated in the maritime domain of Rudong County, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, Yangkou Port, since the watercourse here was diacovered in the early 1980s, has been regarded as the only ideal port site, where a mega-port of 100200 thousand tons could be built by nearly 20 years preparation work. With the precious deepwater resource, the channel could play an important role to link up the Yangtze River and the Yellow Sea. It is an all-important strategy to speed up the ocean economics of Jiangsu, to develop the foreign-oriented economics at a great pace, and to promote the economic development in the area of Yangtze Delta, especially in the central parts of Jiangsu and North Jiangsu. With Chinas entering into WTO, coastal port will merge into the front line of the global economy, and perform an important function of the showcase to open to the outside world. Jiangsu is the leading province of maritime economic. For quite a long time, and the coastal resource, including coastal port has not been fully-developed. To develop the Jiangsu economy, what we should do is to develop ocean economy, at that time we can complete the transformation in the mode of economic growth, and realize the adjustment and upgrade of the economic structure, participate in the international division of labor to a great extent and merge the area economic into globalization. At present, there is no deepwater seaport in Jiangsu, which doesnt come into line with its status of opening to the outside world. There are lots factors restricting the costal port development in Jiangsu, such as the water depth insufficient for transport and limited headroom as well as density stationing and similar port structure. The port industry now faces two challenges: Firstly, meeting cut-throat competition from external international terminal port and the expansion of the foreign port & shipping industry, and secondly, facing market competition from internal port traffic in addition to the port development in certain area of our province cant meet the requirements of modernized development. Without the support of deepwater port in Jiangsu, it is impossible for Jiangsu to list as outstanding province. Jiangsu should construct its own launching-out mage path, and its own deepwater port. The conformity of Jiangsu port economy is imperative under the situation, which offers the opportunity for development of Yangkou port. As the only deepwater resource, which have not yet been developed, in central part of the coast in China. The development and construction of Yangkou Port makes the “Golden Channel” of the Yangtze River extend to the “Golden Coast” with its connection point of linking up the River and the Sea. The longest launching-out and landing passage will thus come into bein
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