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Unit 7,Days of the Week,Lesson 1,Lets learn new words,星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,Look at the form and answer the questions.,Tuesday,Look at the form and answer the questions.,Wednesday,Guess game :,Tuesday is before.?,What day comes after Wednesday.?,Wednesday,Thursday,Look at the form and answer the questions.,Mon.,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,Enjoy the story,A: Hello. Can we play today? B: Sorry, Monkey. We cant. A: Why not? What day is it today? B: Today is Monday. We go to school on Monday.,A: Oh! What do you do on Tuesday? B: We go to school on Tuesday, too. A: Do you go to school every day? B: No, we dont.,B: We dont go to school on Saturday and Sunday. A: Can we play on Saturday? B: Yes. We can go to the park on Saturday.,A: Hi, lets go the park! B: No, Mocky. Today is Friday. C: This is a diary, Mocky. Look! We go to school on Friday, too.,A:I cant remember all the days! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday B: There are seven days in a week, Mocky. We can play on Saturday and Sunday.,B: Come back tomorrow, Mocky. C: We can play with you.,Can Mocky remember the days of the week?,Yes, he can,I like _. I have _ _ _ _ and _. My partner likes _ . He has _ _ _ and _.,Thank you!,
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