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,Russias central bank will step in to help companies refinance their foreign debts, in Moscows latest promise of state resources to avert a deepening,g of its economic crisis. 按照俄罗斯政府动用政府资源避免经济危机加剧的承诺,俄罗斯央行将出手帮助企业,就其背负的国外债务开展再融资。 Uncertainty over the fate of $120bn in payments due on Russian externa,l debt next year has weighed on the economy amid a tumble in the value of the rouble and sanctions that make it hard to refinance with western lenders,. 在卢布汇率暴跌以及制裁导致企业很难从西方银行获得再融资的背景下,明年到期的1200亿美元俄罗斯外债带来的不确定性加大了俄罗斯经济的压力。 In a statement published on Wednesday, the Bank of Russia said it would lend do,llars and euros to banks putting up foreign currency loans to big exporters as collateral. 在周三发布的一份声明中,俄罗斯央行(Bank of Russia)表示,会向为俄大型出口商提供外汇贷款的银行出借美元和,欧元,作为贷款的抵押。 The move, it said, would help banks “manage their own currency liquidity and also refinance Russian exporters external foreign currency d,ebts payable in the near future, in conditions of limited access to international capital markets”. 该行表示,此举将帮助银行“管理自身外汇流动性,并帮助俄罗斯出口商在难以从国际资本市场融资的情况下,就,即将到期的外部外汇债务实行再融资”。 It comes after Standard Poors, the credit rating agency, on Tuesday evening warned it could cut Russias sovereign credit ra,ting to junk due to the “rapid deterioration of Russias monetary flexibility and the impact of the weakening economy on its financial system”. 俄罗斯央行出,台这一举措之前,信誉评级机构标普(SP)曾在周二晚上警告说,由于“俄罗斯正快速丧失货币灵活性,以及疲软的经济对其金融体系的影响”,该机构可能会将俄罗斯主权信用评级降至垃圾级。 Moodys, another rating agency, slashed its forecasts for,Russian GDP growth to a 5.5 per cent contraction in 2015 and a 3 per cent contraction in 2016. 另一家评级机构穆迪(Moodys)则大幅下调了对俄罗斯国内生产总值(GDP)增幅的预期,降至2015年收缩5,.5%,2016年收缩3%。 The Russian government and central bank have in the past week stepped in with measures to support the rouble and the financial system,including forcing state exporters to sell foreign currency, loosening capital requirements on banks, and the promise of a Rbs1tn recapitalisation of t,he banking sector. 过去一周里,俄罗斯政府和俄罗斯央行曾连连出台干预措施,支持卢布汇率及俄罗斯金融体系。其中包括迫使国有出口商抛售外汇,放宽对银行的资本要求,以及承诺对银行业开展规模为1万亿卢布的资金重组。 In response, the rouble has rallied m,ore than 30 per cent from last Tuesdays record low and on Wednesday was trading marginally stronger on the day at Rbs54.61 to the dollar. 在这些措施影响下,卢布,已从上周二的创纪录低点回升了逾30%。周三,卢布兑美元汇率小幅上涨,达到1美元兑54.61卢布。 Russian companies have $120bn in repayments and interest due on external debt next year, according to,the central bank, which estimates that about $70bn of that debt will not be able to be refinanced. 根据俄罗斯央行的数据,明年俄罗斯企业到期应还款和利息规模为1200亿美元,该行估计这些债务中大约70,0亿美元将无法再融资。 Much of Russias corporate non-bank external debt is owed by Rosneft and Gazprom, the state oil and gas groups. Rosneft, which became heav,ily indebted when it paid $55bn to buy TNK-BP last year, said on Monday it had paid off $7bn of those debts, but another $7bn payment was due in Febru,ary. 在俄罗斯企业的非银行外债中,多数是俄罗斯国有石油天然气集团俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)及俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)欠下的。去年,俄罗斯石油公司在斥资550亿美元收购秋明BP(TNK-BP)时背上了沉重的债务。该公司周一表示,这些债务中已偿付70亿美元,还有70亿美元将于,明年2月到期。 A large Rosneft rouble bond deal earlier this month was criticised by some in Moscow as having helped to precipitate the roubles collapse las,杰森英语,杰森英语官网,杰森英语怎么样 编辑:yingyu,
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