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供应商网络的治理研究摘 要随着经济全球化和技术信息化的迅速蔓延,世界各地的企业被纷繁复杂的关系与纽带紧密的联系在一起,形成一个有机整体。已经形成在不擅长的领域借助于外部社会资源,将有限的资源和力量集中在自身核心业务的生产经营管理上这种理念。这种管理战略的变化是以良好的供应商网络环境为基础,由此,供应商网络管理的建立与维护成为企业关注的焦点。但是,由于种种原因,国内企业在供应商网络的建立与维护方面与知名跨国公司仍存在较大的差断,长此以往,势必在全球化的竞争中处于不利的境地。因此,针对国内企业的实际问题迫切需要对供应商网络的建立与维护问题进行深入的研究和探索。本文首先对供应商网络管理的相关理论进行梳理,明确供应向网络管理的定义和演变,深入探讨了建立与维护供应商网络管理的内在价值,从理论层面和实践层而进行分析和评述,然后对供应商网络管理的建立与维护做了系统化研究,具体主要工作包括:1、对供应商及供应商网络相应领域国内外的研究情况进行综述介绍,分析其中存在的主要问题,提出本文研究核心;2、通过供应商网络的基础理论框架,分析发展阶段以及相互关系,总结了供应商网络中的地位作用以及重要性;3、通过供应商选择中综合评价指标体系,从对核心企业利润的贡献和风险性两个维度考虑,进行采购组合分析,引出相应的供应商在核心企业中的不同定位和关系处理战略,并结合实际运作的特点归纳出供应商的开发与选择流程,然后依据指标建立的原则,搭建了供应链上核心企业在供应商选择中的综合评价指标体系,然后综述了供应商选择评价方法;4、介绍供应商网络管理机制。针对企业边界清晰稳定性、动态开放性和模糊渗透性分别制定了供应商网络的沟通信息管理机制、协调机制和风险管理机制。并将这些管理机制中应用到的系统工具进行集成,创建了供应商网络基础运行平台,这为供应商网络的管理提供具体的实施方法。5、以A公司作为研究背景进行实证应用分析,首先介绍A集团的大致情况,考虑A公司在实际运作中对供应商网络管理的一些问题,运用定性与定量相结合的方法,使评价中的指标简化并符合企业的策略定位以及实际业务运作中的需求,然后介绍了A公司对供应商网络管理相关机制的使用;6、对全文进行总结,提出进一步研究方向以及供应商网络新的研究内容与未来发展方向。关键词:供应商;评估;供应商网络;供应商管理AbstractWith economic globalization and the rapid spread of information technology around the world are diverse and complex business relationships and close ties link together to form an organic whole. Has been formed without the help of the external areas of expertise of social resources, limited resources and concentrate on its core business of production and operation management of the ideas. This change in management strategy is a good supplier of network-based environment, thus, the establishment of supplier network management and maintenance of an enterprise focus. However, for various reasons, domestic enterprises in supplier networks and the establishment and maintenance of well-known multinational companies are still worse off the larger, long run, bound in the global competition at a disadvantage. Therefore, the practical problems for domestic firms the urgent need to establish networks of suppliers and maintenance of in-depth study and exploration. This article first vendor network management to sort out the relevant theory, a clear definition of the supply to the network management and evolution, attempting to build and maintain vendor network management intrinsic value, from the theoretical and practical level and to analyze and comment, and then supplier network management and maintenance of the establishment to do a systematic study of the specific tasks include: 1, on suppliers and supplier networks and outside the field of research relevant to summarize the situation, analyzes the existing problems and put forward the core of this paper; 2, through supplier networks based theoretical framework to analyze the relationship between stages of development, and summarizes the status of supplier networks in the role and importance; 3, supplier selection by comprehensive evaluation index system, from the contribution of the core business profits and risks of the two dimensions to consider, for Purchasing portfolio analysis, leads to the appropriate suppliers in the core businesses to locate and deal with the relationship of different strategies, combined with the characteristics of the actual operation of the provider summarized the development and selection process, then according to indicators established principles, set up the core of the supply chain enterprises in supplier selection in the comprehensive evaluation index system, then review the method of selecting suppliers; 4, introducing supplier network management. Clear boundaries for business stability and the dynamic openness and permeability of each fuzzy set of communication provider network information management system, coordination mechanisms and risk management mechanism. And the management mechanisms applied to the system tools to integrate supplier of network infrastructure to create a running platform, network management for suppliers to provide specific implementation. 5 , A company as a research background to the empirical application analysis, first introduced the general situation of the Group A, consider the actual operation of the company A supplier of network management on a number of issues, the use of qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the Indicators to simplify and meet strategic business positioning, and the actual business operation needs, and then introduced the A provider network management company related to the use of mechanisms; 6, a summary of the paper, further research directions and new research supplier network content and future direction. Keywords: Supplier; assessment; supplier networks; Supply Chain Management目 录第一章 绪论第一节 研究背景自20世纪80年代以来,企业的经营环境发生了巨大的变化,经济全球化和市场国际化的形成、信息技术的飞速发展、消费者需求的高度多样化和不确定性、产品使用寿命的不断缩短,使企业承受这巨大的外部压力。面对严峻的市场环境,企业日益认识到单靠自身的能力和资源很难在激烈的竞争中满足顾客的多样性需求,无法保持自身的竞争优势,这就要求企业摆脱传统企业组织边界的思想束缚,重新审视与其供应商等合作伙伴之间的关系,从供应链的角度去经营企业。在20世纪80年代末的西方国家,服装与食品配送业的供应链都在运作模式上共谋合作。例如快速反应和客户有效响应完全改造了运送品质和响应能力。今天,就像与客户之间的伙伴关
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