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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。青岛海底世界导游词篇一:青岛海底世界英语导游词 青岛海底世界英语导游词 The distinctive Qingdao Underwater World offers a breath-taking view of a marine world. Lying to the northeast of famous Luxun Park and to the west of Number One Bathing Beach, it is situated on Huiquan Bay in Qingdao, Shandong Province. By means of modern techniques and advantageous geological location, it combines the advantage of the Qingdao Aquarium, Qingdao Specimen Hall and Qingdao Freshwater Fish Center, becoming a hot spot for marine ecotourism. The underwater world consists of several interesting underwater landscapes, including the inter-tidal zones, underwater tunnel, performance hall and exhibition areas. The inter-tidal zones are teeming with many special species, forming a particular ecosystem. Various algae, echinoderms, marine mollusks, arthropods and small amounts of fish are living here. Common marine life like starfish, sea urchins, sea turtles, octopus, crabs and small sharks can be seen; some bright-colored or odd-shaped varieties will bring you a unique and spectacular view! The underwater tunnel breeds thousands of kinds of halo bios which are from all over the world, among them are some rare species. Sauntering in the tunnel, you can see the sharks cruising leisurely in the water, shoals of fishes pulling on the reefs, and still some species staying quietly in the seabed. Wonderful items, like the dances between human and sharks, sea-maiden exhibitions and underwater ballets are performed in the performance hall. If a new couple is willing to experience an underwater wedding here, they will undoubtedly have an unforgettable memory of this solemn and happy moment. In the large cylindrical exhibition chamber, the colorful corals, various beautiful seaflowers and gorgeous tropical pet fish will fully occupy your eyes. In addition, there are exhibition areas for sea horses, nautilus, lobsters, jellyfish and other marine life. Qingdao Aquarium was the first aquarium of China. The magnificent main building followed the Chinese traditional fortress, and was reputed as one of the ten most imposing buildings of Qingdao City. Sea beasts like harbor seals, South American sea lions, Humboldt penguins are also kept in the Qingdao Underwater World and they will always present lively and artful performances to the tourists. Specimen Hall of Marine Life has the most abundant specimens in the world, displaying over 20,000 specimens of more than 1,950 rare marine lives of China and the world. As the only specimen hall featuring the marine life in China, it also keeps many specimens of endangered species. The Freshwater Fish Center is a simulation of a tropical rainforest ecological environment. It exhibits many rare and endangered species and some tropical fish, including South American arapaima, precious angelfish, Chinese sturgeons, Yangtze alligators and giant salamanders. In addition, there is a special exhibition area for the jellyfish. Thousands of various gorgeous jellyfish swim in the water, resembling blooming flowers in the garden and bring you to an unforgettable dream world. Travelers Voices on Underwater World Let Me Say aboutUnderwater World篇二:海底世界导游词 海底世界 各位游客大家好,欢迎大家来到2008奥运伙伴城市青岛,我是大家这次旅程的导游张冉冉,提前预祝各位旅途愉快。青岛作为我国第一批优秀旅游城市,有许多各具特色的著名的旅游景点,比如说:见证青岛百年历史的栈桥、精巧别致的鲁迅公园、设施齐全的第一海水浴场、充满异域风情的八大关、海上第一名山崂山等著名景点都汇集在这里。 在这众多的旅游景点之中,最著名的就是青岛海底世界了。青岛海底世界位于青岛汇泉湾畔,紧邻青岛著名风景区鲁迅公园和第一海水浴场。它整合了青岛水族馆、标本馆、淡水鱼馆等原有旅游资源,与依山傍海的自然美景相融合,形成山中有海的奇景。独特的地理位置,现代化的展示手段,使其成为全国独具特色的海洋生态大观园。 同时,青岛海底世界还被评为“山东省最受市民欢迎的十大旅游景区(点)”、“山东省最具潜力的旅游景区(点)第一名”、“青岛市民最喜爱的十大去处”第一名、“山东十大魅力景点”等荣誉。没看过海底世界,别说您到过青岛!下面就让我们一起走进青岛海底世界,开始神奇的蓝色海洋之旅吧! 进入青岛海底世界后第一个展区就是潮间带景区了,由造浪池、4个海水展池和瀑布池共6个展池组成的。所谓潮间带是指大潮高潮线到大潮低潮线之间的区域,也就是海水涨落之间的区域,同时也是由陆地向海洋过渡的中间地带。 因为潮间带有潮水涨落的变化,同时受降雨、光照、气温等影响很大,因此这里生活着很多具有特殊生活习性的物种,形成了独有的生态系统。它们都有短时离开海水也能成活的本领。四个海水展池中饲养有多种海星、海胆、章鱼、鲎、海龟、蟹类等无脊椎动物,以及鰕虎鱼、还有皱唇鲨、黑鳍鲨等小型鲨鱼。造浪池和瀑布池这两个展池中放养着河魟与河鲀。河魟是淡水软骨鱼类,原产自南美洲的亚马逊河流域,身体背面有美丽的斑点,好象珍珠一样。尾巴上有带有倒刺的毒针,如果人被它们蛰到会很麻烦。河鲀外形奇特,遇到敌害身体能迅速膨胀。河鲀自古以来就以肉质鲜美闻名于天下,但是皮肤、内脏、和血液等有剧毒,处理不当食后会有危险。 从潮间带出来,我们大家就将进入青岛海底世界的海底隧道了。也就从陆地完全转入了海洋深处。这条隧道全长82.4米,是由进口的高科技材料亚克力玻璃粘结制成的。这种材料最大的优点是透光性好、抗压性强,所以被广泛的用于水族业。青岛海底世界在国内率先采用了180度常规视窗、254度大视窗、360度圆柱视窗以及平面视窗等多种形式相结合的隧道结构造型。隧道地面由自动步行梯和人行道两部分组成,大家如果想拍照的话可以到人行道上来拍摄。海底隧道所在的大水体共3000余吨海水,饲养由来自世界各地的上千种数万尾活体海洋生物,其中有很多珍稀的种类。 在隧道中,大家可以看到数种鲨鱼自由的在海中游动;也有一些魟类生物,大家看这种,它形态奇特,平时静卧海底,游动的时候象鸟儿在空中飞翔;这些成群结队的在礁石间穿行的鱼都是一些洄游性的鱼类;快看,那边游来了一只胖胖的大海龟,要拍照的话可要抓好时机啊! 我们大家继续向前走,在隧道的末端,游客们可以看到一艘海盗船静静的卧在水底,里面蕴藏着无数的奇珍异宝,同时也成为了海洋生物栖息的乐园,也是潜水爱好者最感兴趣的地方! 再往前走大家会来到一段长约30米的地下通道。整个通道若明若暗,墙壁全部模仿海盗船的甲板样式,整个通道的地面处理非常有创意,地面的前半段叫做“如履薄冰”,通过玻璃地板、珊瑚沙以及灯光照射等手段,营造出船沉海底的效果。而到了后半段则利用全钢架悬挂木板结构,使人经过时产生在甲板上晃动的感觉。现在游客们来到的是青岛海底世界最大的一个展厅,右侧是海底世界最大的平面展窗,长14.4米,高3.8米,在这里,大家可以欣赏到“人鲨共舞”的惊险场面,“美人鱼”的水中芭蕾表演。如果将行婚礼的新人有兴趣,也可以在此举行别开生面的水下婚礼.现在,海洋剧场处正在上演游客们最为期待欣赏的“人鲨共舞”的惊险刺激的表演。潜水员身着先进的潜水设备,手持鱼食,吸引了各种鱼类来到他们身边。最先来到的是各种小型的集群洄游性鱼类,它们吃的是碎的鱿鱼颗粒。鲨鱼闻到了食物的气息也游过来了。它们凶猛无比、体躯庞大,但是经过潜水员的驯化后,变得十分温顺听话,跟随着我们的潜水员做出腾挪转身等各种动作。它们的良好的表现自
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