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Chapter SixTerms of Payment,国际商品(货物)的结算主要包括两方面内容:1.国际贸易结算的信用工具credit instruments 2.国际贸易结算的方式modes,Part 1 Information related,The Parties of Bill of Exchange,Bill of Exchange 汇票,Drawer,Drawee /Payer,Payee,受款人,出票人,受票人/付款人,2) Content of Bill of Exchange,Exchange-表明“汇票”字样,Unconditional Order in Writing -无条件支付命令,No. -汇票编号 - 商业发票的号码,Tenor -付款期限,汇票:,Drawn Under,L/C NO.,Date,Exchange for,At,Sight of this first of exchange,Pay to the order of,The sum of,To,Shanghai,China,Bill of exchange,NO.,Three basic modes of payment,Remittance 汇付 Collection 托收 Letter of credit 信用证,Remittance,Remittance includes Mail Transfer (M/T), Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) and Demand Draft (D/D). Remittance is often used in payment in advance(预付货款) cash with order (随订单付现)CWO cash on delivery (交货付现) COD open account trade(记账交易),remitter (importer),remitting bank (importers bank),payee (exporter),paying bank (exporters bank),(1)签约,(2) 申请、付款,(3)委托,(4)通知,付款,Procedure of remittance,remittance,Collection,Collection can be divided into Clean Collection and Documentary Collection. Documentary Collection : Documents against Payment (D/P) or Documents against Acceptance (D/A). D/P at sight D/P D/P after sight,principal (exporter),Remitting bank (exporter bank),payer (importer),Collecting bank (importers bank),(1)签约,(2) 委托 申请,(3)托收委托书,(4) 提示,Procedure of collection,(5) 付 款,(6) 交 单,(7) 转账,(8) 交付货款,collection D/P at sight,principal (exporter),Remitting bank (exporter bank),payer (importer),Collecting bank (importers bank),(1)签约,(2) 委托 申请,(3)托收委托书,(4) 提 示,Procedure of collection,(5) 承 兑,(6) 提 示,(9) 转账,(10) 交付货款,collection D/P after sight,(7) 付 款,(8) 交单,principal (exporter),Remitting bank (exporter bank),payer (importer),Collecting bank (importers bank),(1)签约,(2) 委托 申请,(3)托收委托书,(4) 提 示,Procedure of collection,(5) 承 兑,(6) 交 单,(9) 转账,(10) 交付货款,collection D/A,(7) 提示,(8) 付款,Letter of credit (L/C),L/C is a reliable and safe method of payment and facilitating trade with unknown buyers and gives protection to both sellers and buyers. The parties concerned in L/C: applicant, beneficiary, opening/issuing bank, advising bank, negotiating bank,Procedure of sight L/C,applicant (importer),beneficiary (exporter),Issuing bank Paying bank,(1),(2),Advising bank Negotiating bank,(4),(5),(3),(6),(9),签约,3. 开立信用证,2. 开证申请,4. 通知,5. 装运,交单议付,6. 索偿,7. 偿付,(7),(8),8. 通知付款,9. 付款赎单,Part 2 Sample letters,Letter One asking for payment by.,1. refer to 参考,参看,提交 With reference to 参考 Eg. 参考你方1月3日报盘,我们想指出是价格应为每个24美元而不是26美元。 With reference to your offer of Jan.3, we wish to point out that the price is $24 each instead of $26.,Letter One (p187),Language Points,2.amount n. 金额,数额 vi.(金额)合计,达到,in the amount of 金额计 to the amount of 金额计 for the amount of 金额计 to amount to 金额达到 to come to an amount of 金额达到,eg. 我们很高兴随函寄去我方发票,金额为1000美元。,We have pleasure in sending you herewith our invoice in the amount of USD1,000.,3.agree v. 同意 P201 用法: agree with 同意某人或某人的意见 agree to +n. ( plan, suggestion) =accept do sth. agree on/upon 表示双方经过协商达成一致。 eg. We agree on the price. 我们就价格达成一致。,agreement n. 协议(书) be in agreement with 与一致 =be in conformity with reach/come to an agreement 达成协议,Eg. 本协议有效期为一年。,The duration of this agreement is one year.,as before 像以前一样,如以前,4.cash n. 现金Cash against Documents 凭单付款Cash against delivery 货到付款Cash on delivery(COD) 交货付现 Cash with order (CWO)随订单付现 cash market 现货市场 on terms/basis 按(支付)方式,5.accommodate v.照顾,通融,容纳,提供, accommodation n. 通融,照顾 accommodating adj. 通融的;照顾的 unaccommodating adj. 不肯通融的;不肯照顾的,eg.,We hope you will accommodate us by allowing 5% commission.,2)望你方能照顾(一下)给我方百分之五的佣金。,作为一项特殊照顾,我们接受三十天的远期信用证。,As a special accommodation/an exceptional case, we will accept time L/C at 30 days.,6. exception n. 例外,make an exception 破例 exceptional adj. 例外的, 特殊的 as an exceptional case 破例地,例外的 exceptionally adv. 例外地, 破例地,eg. 根据你方要求,我们破例同意以即期付款交单的方式交货。,In compliance with your request , we will accept delivery against D/P at sight as an exception .,Analyzing the Letter,段一: 提及涉及的合同,提出对支付方式的要求,并阐明 原因 段二: 期望 (支付方式) 段三: 盼早复,Letter Two (p194),1. pay v. 付(款,费用);付款,to pay in advance 预付 to pay by installments 分期付款 to pay on delivery 货到付款 to pay in cash 现金支付 to pay by 30 days L/C to pay by time L/C at 30 days,Letter Two (p194),Language Points,The price of goods is payable by installments.,货款可以分期支付。,我们相信你方在见到我们的汇票时即照付。,We trust you will pay our draft on presentation.,eg.,payable adj. 应付的;可付的,bills payable 应付票据 amount payable 应付金额 account payable 应付帐款 a check payable at sight 见票即付的支票,payment n. (不可数)支付; (可数)支付的款项,payment terms 支付条件;付款条件 terms of payment 支付条件;付款条件 payment in advance 预付货款 deferred payment 延期付款 cash payment 现金付款 payment on deferred terms 迟期付款 monthly payments of US$3,000 每月付款3000美元 in payment of 付某种费用的款,如发票、费用、佣金等 in payment for 付某种具体实物的款,如广告、商品、样品等,eg.,随函附上3000美元支票一张,以支付你方的佣金。,We enclose a check for US$3,000 in payment of your co
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