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P30 U2Passage AAll Great Journeys Start with a Dream伟大的旅程皆始于梦想We all have dreams. Usually, while were asleep.我们大家都会做梦, 往往是在我们睡着的时候。Such dreams could be more hurtful than helpful.做这样的梦可能弊大于利。For example, imagine dreaming youre eatingshredded wheat, only to wake up and find half themattressgone!例如,设想一下你梦见自己在吃麦粒,结果醒来却发现半张床垫没了!Well, Im not talking about that type of dream.不过,我要说的并不是这种梦境。Rather, Im thinking about onesvision, aspiration, orferventhope for the future.确切地说,我所想的是人的愿景、抱负或对未来的炽烈希望。Our dream is the song of our soul.我们的梦想是我们的灵魂之歌。Life without one is reduced to ahollowexistence.没有灵魂的生命就只是仅有躯壳的形体存在。But life with a dream is filled with meaning and purpose.有了梦想,生命才会富有意义和目标。Besides being the drummer and chieflyricistforthe rock band “Rush”1,Neil Peartis also an author and philosopher.尼尔皮尔特既是Rush摇滚乐队的鼓手和主要词作者,也是一位作家和哲人。Look at how beautifully he expresses the relationship between life and a dream:请看他是何等优美地表述了生活和梦想之间的关系:“Life is just a candle and a dream must give it flame.”“生命就像一支蜡烛,而由梦想将其点燃。”Richard M. DeVos, the founder of Amway Corp., also writes about the flame of hope:安利公司的创始人理查德M德沃斯也谈及希望之火:“No life is moretragic than that of theindividualwho nurses a dream, anambition, always wishing and hoping, but never giving it a chance to happen. “一个人心怀梦想和大志,时时刻刻地在渴望和希望,却没有尝试将这一切付诸现实, 还有比这种人的生命更富悲剧性的吗?He nurses theflickering dream, but never lets it break out into flame.”他的梦想只能发出摇曳的微弱光亮,却永远不能迸发出火焰。”Most of us have a dream, or hearts desire. 我们大多数人都有自己的梦想、抱负或者说是心之欲望。 But the trouble is most of us have the on/off switch of our dream set to OFF. 但问题在于我们大多数人都将梦想的开关置于“关闭”位置。Whenever we say, “I cant,” we set the switch to OFF. 不管什么时候,只要我们说“我不能,”我们就切断了开关。Whenever we believe we can, we set the switch to ON. 无论何时,只要我们相信我们能做,我们就开启了按钮。Simple, isnt it? 就是这么简单,不是吗?Just because I believe I can do something doesnt mean there wont be any problems. 仅仅因为相信自己有能力做某事,并不意味就不会有任何问题。But once I believe I can do it, I will seek solutions for every problem I stumble on. 但是一旦我相信我能去做,我就会去为我遇到的每一个问题寻求破解的办法。And since it is a law of life that we find what we look for, if I look for solutions, I will find them.生活的法则就是如此惟有所求,方有所得,我欲寻求破解之法,则我必会成功。Any worthy dream is a dream worthy ofaccomplishing.任何有价值的梦想都值得去奋斗实现。Once I realize I can do it, the next step is to make a commitment.一旦我认识到我可以去实施这一梦想,下一步就是承诺一定完成。As soon as we make a commitment, great power isreleased.一旦做出承诺,就会迸发出巨大的力量。Whatseeminglywereinsurmountablehurdles are now reduced toobstacles of laughable insignificance.原本看似不可逾越的屏障顷刻之间就会化为招人嬉笑的无足轻重的小小障碍而已。Our dreams dont have to be grand to be great.梦想不必宏大方显伟大。We dont have to become the worlds greatest pianist, an Olympic medal winner, or an internationallyacclaimed superstar.我们不必要求成为世上最伟大的钢琴家、奥运奖牌得主,抑或是国际知名的超级巨星。An aunt of mine sold gloves in a department store for most of her life.我的一个婶婶平生大部分时间在一家百货公司卖手套。Her dream was to be the friendliest and most helpful salesperson around.她的梦想就是成为周围最为和气和最为有求必应的售货员。Year after year, the same customers would return anddeliberatelyseek her out.年复一年,回头客总会频繁惠顾,特来寻她购物。Shebrightened everyones day and touched the lives of thousands.她让每个人购物的这一天快乐高兴,感动着成千上万的生命。Was her dream any less significant than that of aprominentperson?她的梦想比之于要人显贵之宏愿,其意义会稍逊一筹吗?Of course not,决然不会。but we all have the power to follow a dream that will make a difference to us and those we meet.我们都有能力去追寻一个会对我们自己和我们周遭的产 生影响的梦想。Before our dreams can come true, dont we have to dream?在我们的梦想能够现实之前,难道我们不应该怀拥梦想吗?Isnt there a good reason for dreaming?难道我们怀拥梦想的理由还不够充分吗?After all, how can we travel any further than our dream?归根结底,我们如何能走得比我们的梦想更远?How can we become any greater than our dream?我们又如何能比我们的梦想更显伟大?Author ofAs a Man Thinketh2, James Allen expressed the same idea,沉思集作者詹姆斯艾伦曾经抒发过同样的想法,“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. “去怀拥崇高的梦想吧。怀有梦想,你就会美梦成真。Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day youre youridealis theprophecyof what you shall at last unveil.”你的愿景是你有朝一日必将如斯成长的承诺,你的理想是你要将自己的抱负最终展示于世的预言。”P32 Language Focus语言要点Read and complete读课文填空4 Fill the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.用下面所给单词的适当形式填空。1.The best way to (accomplish) whats on the list is to give each task a specific time slot. 完成单子上的各项任务的最好方法是给每项工作留出一个专门的时间。2. (Ambition) is the desire for personal achievement.雄心是对个人成就的渴望。 It provides the motivation and determination necessary to achieve a particular end or condition.它为实现特定的结果或特定条件提供了必要的动力和决心。3. Women today have the chance to pursue their own careers, but still have to overcome many (obstacles) to gain real equality. 今天的妇女有机会追求自己的事业,但是要获得真正的平等仍然要克服许多阻碍。4. That school (dominates) in baseball.那个学校仍然在棒球方面占主导地位。 This has been the third time they have won the National Youth Championship in the 21st century.这是他们在21世纪第三次赢得全国青年锦标赛。5. There is (seemingly) nothing we can do to stop the plans from going ahead.表面上看来,要阻止这一计划的进行我们无可作为. But we can at least prevent the situation
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