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Body parts 身体部位,Do you know about other body parts?,eye,foot feet,nose,leg,knee,hair,ear,mouth,stomach,hand,throat,tooth teeth,head,arm,back,Act it out,Close / open your eyes Touch your left knee Clap your hands Touch your right ear Bring your right knee up Touch your nose Bend your knees Touch your stomach Stomp your feet ,Unit 12,The doctor and the patient,Whats wrong (the matter /the problem) with?,ache,earache,backache,headache,toothache,stomachache,Other problems,have a fever fi:v,have a cough kf,have a cold have a running nose 流鼻涕,have a sore throat 嗓子疼,Whats wrong with you?,I have a bad cold.,doctor,patient,Pair work,I have a headache. 我头疼。 (stomachache, toothache, earache, backache)(肚子疼,牙疼,耳朵疼) (sore throat, sore leg, sore eyes)(嗓子疼,腿疼,眼睛疼),have a running nose 流鼻涕 have a bad cough 咳嗽得厉害 have a bad cold 感冒得厉害 have a high fever 发高烧,Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter with you? Whats the problem with you?,Pair work,Whats wrong (the matter) with ? He /She has a/an,earache,backache,headache,toothache,stomachache,has a fever,has a cough,has a cold has a running nose,has a sore throat,Health problems,John,Ben,Mary,Tom,Ken,Alice,Roy,Bob,Justin,-How are you? How do you feel today? To talk about health -I feel good/ great/ terrific/ fantastic. bad/ sick/ awful/ terrible.,-whats wrong? whats the matter? When we think there is a problem -I have a headache/ backache/ toothache/ stomachache/ an earache. a cold/ a fever/ a cough/ a running nose. a sore throat/ sore eyes/ sore legs.,have + n.,feel + adj.,Pair work,For example: A: How do you feel today? B: I feel good. Thanks. How about you? A: I feel terrible. I have a stomachache. B: I am sorry to hear that.,Expressions: Thats good. Im glad to hear that. Thats too bad. Im sorry to hear that.,Whats wrong (the matter /the problem) with him/ her? He /she has a/an,earache,backache,headache,toothache,stomachache,has a fever,has a cough,has a cold has a running nose,has a sore throat,Make a dialogue,How to do with health problems?,Watch the video,Receptionist: Mr. Lewis? Mr. Lewis: Yes. Receptionist: The doctor will see you now. Doctor: Come in. Mr. Lewis. How are you? Mr. Lewis: Fine. Thanks. Doctor: Whats the problem today? Mr. Lewis: Its my ear. I have an earache . Doctor: Well, lets have a look. Please sit down over here. Is it the right one or the left? Mr. Lewis: Its the right one. Doctor: Ok now. Lets see. Mmm. Yes Yep. Do you swim ? Mr. Lewis? Mr. Lewis: Yes, I do. I swim every morning. Doctor: Well, Im going to give you these drops and some pills . Mr. Lewis: Thanks, doctor.,Practice the conversation,Think of two or more pieces of advice for each problem: I have a cold 2.I have sore eyes 3.I have a terrible headache,Take some cold pills; Drink hot water; Stay in bed;,Use some eye drops; Dont play too much computer;,Have a good rest; Take some aspirin;,head,arms,legs,hands,teeth,nose,eyes,feet,horns,tail,stomach,Can you describe Mike?,Whats wrong (the matter) with ? He /She has a/an,earache,backache,headache,toothache,stomachache,has a fever,has a cough,has a cold has a running nose,has a sore throat,Health problems,John,Ben,Mary,Tom,Ken,Alice,Roy,Bob,Justin,-How are you? How do you feel today? To talk about health -I feel good/ great/ terrific/ fantastic. bad/ sick/ awful/ terrible.,-whats wrong? whats the matter? When we think there is a problem -I have a headache/ backache/ toothache/ stomachache/ an earache. a cold/ a fever/ a cough/ a running nose. a sore throat/ sore eyes/ sore legs.,have + n.,feel + adj.,Pair work,For example: A: How do you feel today? B: I feel good. Thanks. How about you? A: I feel terrible. I have a stomachache. B: I am sorry to hear that.,Expressions: Thats good. Im glad to hear that. Thats too bad. Im sorry to hear that.,Receptionist: Mr. Lewis? Mr. Lewis: Yes. Receptionist: The doctor will see you now. Doctor: Come in. Mr. Lewis. How are you? Mr. Lewis: Fine. Thanks. Doctor: Whats the problem today? Mr. Lewis: Its my ear. I have an earache . Doctor: Well, lets have a look. Please sit down over here. Is it the right ear or the left? Mr. Lewis: Its the right one. Doctor: Ok now. Lets see. Mmm. Yes Yep. Do you swim ? Mr. Lewis? Mr. Lewis: Yes, I do. I swim every morning. Doctor: Well, Im going to give you these drops and some pills . Mr. Lewis: Thanks, doctor.,Practice the conversation,
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