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商业企业人事数据库管理系统设计I中文摘要当前,世界范围内的信息技术革命发展迅速。数据库技术的发展使数据库管理上了新的台阶,几乎所有的信息管理系统都以数据库为核心,数据库系统在计算机领域的应用越来越广泛,数据库系统本身也越来越完善。随着计算机应用的发展,数据库系统也在不断更新、发展和完善。数据库与应用彼此独立、以一定的组织方式存储在一起、彼此互相关联、具有较少冗余、能被多个用户共享的数据集合。在市场经济的大环境中,越来越多的认识逐渐认识到用计算机数据技术进行名类管理、交流的便捷。其中最实际的应用是商业企业的人事计算机档案管理。随着网络技术的普及和发展,如何利用计算机技术整合企业信息系统数据资料,提高数据资源的管理水平和效率迫在眉睫。数据库资源的整合、统一已经成为发展的必然趋势。数据库系统的应用,可以使管理工作的效率的得到很大的提高,特别是人员管理、工资管理、报表统计等方面。企业可以通过数据库从不同的角度对数据进行日常更新、维护,极大提高了数据更新的及时性和准确性。 本人通过对商业企业人事数据库系统流程的全面剖析,从工作安排的基础上分析,可对企业设定的职位进行全面的管理和调整:建立员工档案库,录入人员数据,记录所有员工的基本信息,并可输出跟人资料,建立全面的信息资料卡,减少重复录入,便于查询检索:可查看员工在企业工作期间的所有信息。跟踪所有员工从进入企业到离职全过程的历史记录,包括薪资变动、职位变动、奖惩情况等;为能快速方便的从众多数据中定位某一个员工,提供灵活便捷的定位查询功能;统计每位员工的月出勤结果并提供给薪资系统进行结算;制定评估计划,对员工进行周期性考核、评估,选择评估对象与评估规则;记录员工在生产中的业绩评估情况,分析员工的业绩改善情况。关键词:数据库开发;信息管理;数据查询;触发器;SQLIIIAbstractCurrently, the worldwide information technology revolution is developing rapidly. The development of database technology, database management on a new level, almost all of the information management systems are the core of the database, the database system in the computer field has been widely applied, the database system itself is also more sophisticated. With the development of computer applications, database systems are constantly updated, developed and refined. Database and application independent of each other to be stored together in a certain tissue, associated with each other, with less redundancy, and can be shared by multiple users data set. In a market economy environment, more and more come to realize that understanding the data using computer technology to name class management, communication convenience. One of the most practical application is a commercial enterprise personnel computer file management. With the popularization and development of network technology, how to use computer technology to integrate enterprise information system data, improve data resource management level and efficiency imminent. Database resource integration, unification has become an inevitable trend of development. Database system applications that can make the management of efficiency has been greatly improved, especially in personnel management, payroll management, reports, statistics and so on. Enterprises can use the database to the data from different perspectives daily updates, maintenance, greatly improving the timeliness of data updates and accuracy. I passed the personnel database system for commercial enterprises a comprehensive analysis of the process from analysis on the basis of the organization of work, you can set the position of the enterprise to conduct a comprehensive management and adjustment: Create archives staff, data entry staff to record basic information about all employees , and output information with people, to establish a comprehensive information card, reduce duplication of entry, ease of retrieval queries: employees in the enterprise can view all of the information during the work. Track all employees from entering businesses to leave the whole process of historical records, including payroll changes, job changes, incentives, etc.; was able to quickly and easily locate the data from a certain number of employees, providing flexible and convenient location query function; statistics each results of monthly attendance of employees and provided to the payroll system for settlement; develop evaluation plan for staff cyclical assessment, evaluation, selection, evaluation and assessment of the object rules; records of employee performance appraisal in the production, analysis of employee performance improvement.Key words: Database development; Information Management; data query; trigger;SQLIV目录中文摘要IIABSTRACTIII第一章 绪论3 1.1 课题研究背景3 1.2 研究领域的现状3 1.3 研究领域目前存在的问题5 1.4 研究领域技术发展或趋势6 1.5 主要研究内容8第二章 系统需求分析92.1 数据库系统分析步骤92.2 用户用例分析102.2.1 功能层次划分102.2.2 功能结构划分11 2.3 相关模块功能需求122.3.1 职能管理122.3.2 出勤管理122.3.3 薪资管理122.3.4 绩效管理132.3.5 自助服务132.4 数据流程图142.5 性能需求18 2.5.1 灵活性18 2.5.2 正确性19 2.5.3 安全性19 2.5.4 健壮性19 2.5.5 适应性19 2.5.6 适用性19第三章 系统设计20 3.1 开发环境203.1.1 后台开发工具203.1.2 前台开发工具23 3.1.3 开发语言263.1.4 数据库系统访问技术26 3.1.5 数据库管理系统开发方法27 3.2 系统功能描述28 3.3 系统结构方案303.3.1 C/S模式和B/S模式比较313.3.2 应用模式确定32 3.4 数据库设计理论依据333.4.1 信息实体的概念333.4.2 信息实体的联系34 3.5 主要数据库表35 3.6 E-R模型分析37 3.6.1 实体及属性37 3.6.2 实体间关系39 3.6.3 E-R模型40 3.7 数据库关键问题40 3.7.1 数据库冗余控制40 3.7.2 用触发器强制执行业务规则42 3.7.3 数据库备份和恢复44 3.7.4 数据完整性、有效性约束46第四章 系统数据库的建立494.1 数据库和数据表49 4.1.1 建立数据库49 4.1.2 建立数据表49 4.2 前台的功能504.2.1 数据浏览504.2.2 数据添加、删除、修改514.2.3 前台模块建立53第五章 测试及应用效果分析555.1 测试规划55 5.1.1 测试方法分析55 5.1.2 测试方案选择565.2 运行结果56 5.2.1 员工信息模块测试57 5.2
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